My super god talent fan system

Chapter 251 Mech Production Base

The ingredients used are all brought in by air, and the fish are all deep-sea fish, which are frozen in the freezer.

The taste was very good. Chen Yu picked up the chopsticks and started to eat quickly.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed, and Chen Yu ate continuously for two days.

Everyone was stunned!

Dr. Lin Haimei came over several times, fearing that Chen Yu might be sick!

But Chen Yu refused him to check. The guards at the border could not watch outside entertainment programs. Lin Haimei and the others had no idea that Chen Yu had won the title of Big Eater King.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Chen Yu ate the last piece of meat.

After being digested by the gluttonous stomach, Chen Yu successfully stepped into the second level of martial arts, and his body became stronger.

Then Chen Yu took his equipment, walked through the primeval forest, and sneaked into the Sirius Kingdom.

The area of ​​Sirius Kingdom is not as big as a county of Shenglong Kingdom.

The wolf city is not very far from the border, and at Chen Yu's supersonic speed, it took more than an hour to arrive there.

If Wu Yue and the others used their mechas to advance at full speed, they would reach Wolf Capital in less than three hours.

Of course, there are other ways to enter Wolf City.

But Chen Yu felt that it was too strenuous, and he was not as fast as himself.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Chen Yu came to the suburbs of the Wolf Capital of the Sirius Kingdom.

Chen Yu stayed on the side of a high-speed road, covered the entire wolf city with the right eye of God, and began to search for the mecha factory.

After more than half an hour, Chen Yu found a factory that manufactures and develops mechs in a mountain in the southwest corner of Wolf City.

This mountain is called Wolf Mountain in the Sirius Kingdom, and the entire interior has been hollowed out.

It was built into a huge factory by the Sirians.

There are five floors in the factory, the deepest is the fifth floor underground, more than 200 meters above the ground, which is a special research and development laboratory.

In order to see more clearly, Chen Yu almost ran to the outskirts of Wolf Mountain, but did not go deep into it.

Because 500 meters away from Wolf Mountain, there are layers of secret whistles, and there are even drones patrolling in the air from time to time.

Chen Yu used the right eye of God to see through the interior of the mountain and carefully inspect the laboratory on the fifth floor.

There are many scientists in the laboratory, busy. What caught Chen Yu's attention the most was that there were five special-looking people whose auricles were larger than ordinary people's, erect like the ears of wolves.

The five people were lying in a closed nutrition room, seemingly unconscious and motionless, and there were two doctors nearby monitoring the data on the equipment all the time!

Could this be aliens?

Chen Yu wondered, doesn't this look the same as Mercury people?It's just that the ears are a little special, and the fingers are more slender.

Chen Yu monitored the surroundings of Wolf Mountain for more than three hours, thoroughly familiarized himself with the surrounding environment, and after finding out the guard situation of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom, he turned and left the Wolf City.

Back at the border command camp, before dawn, Chen Yu lay on the bed and slept for a while.

At noon, Chen Yu notified Wu Yue to leave on time at [-] pm, and then came to the cafeteria to eat again.

It is necessary to eat before acting.

At the same time, Chen Yu asked Lin Haimei for some emergency medicines, which were not for himself, but mainly for Wu Yue and others.

Under normal circumstances, Wu Yue and the others would bring first-aid medicines, but not many. The most important thing was to bring various equipment, and even reduce the weight of first-aid medicines and food in order to bring enough equipment.

It was enough for Chen Yu to bring only two laser guns, so that Wu Yue and the others could bring enough explosives. Chen Yu wanted to completely blow up the inside of Wolf Mountain and destroy the factory that produced mechs.

05:30 Wu Yue and others packed their equipment and prepared to set off with Chen Yu.

Chen Yu glanced at Wu Yue, Xiong Liren and the others. These ten people are all elites of the Dark Dragon Team, so there should be no accidents.

Although they were all wearing mechas, Chen Yu could tell who was who just by his voice.

"Wu Yue, check your equipment, be sure to prepare enough bombs!"

"It's the boss!"

Wu Yue came out, checked everyone's backpacks, and found that except for the necessary weapons, which were bombs, they all followed Chen Yu to carry out the mission with the determination to die.

While Wu Yue checked, Chen Yu also checked everyone's status with the right eye of God, found no problem, and then set off on time at six o'clock.

It just started to get dark at six o'clock, but in the bushes of the primeval forest, it was already difficult to see the way forward with the naked eye.

There is no need to worry about Chen Yu's divine right eye. Wu Yue and the others are wearing mechas with high-speed camera equipment. Even in the dark, they can see as clearly as during the day.

Wu Yue and the others followed Chen Yu all the way forward, while Xiong Liren, with his tall stature, walked at the back and was vigilant about his surroundings.

No one spoke, they all believed in Chen Yu.

Chen Yu had already planned the route. The primeval forest leads directly to the border of the Sirius Kingdom, and one can enter the territory of the Sirius Kingdom through the primitive deep forest.

Then go straight along the green belt of the expressway and you will reach Langshan.

In the dark night, no one would pay attention to the green belts on both sides of the expressway, and the routes Chen Yu chose were relatively remote, so it was difficult to see a single person during the day, and even less so at night.

In less than three hours, Chen Yu brought Wu Yue and others to Langshan.

Chen Yu stopped, watched a pair of trained guards pass by with his right eye, and then led Wu Yue and others to sneak into Langshan.

Chen Yu had figured out the defense situation before, and when he encountered a place that was really difficult to pass, he used the left eye of the devil to control it.

There are no more than 30 people in each team for training, and no more than ten guards behind the surveillance equipment.

These people are actually just pretending, they don't believe at all, who would have the guts to go to Wolf Mountain to wreak havoc, this is the hinterland of Sirius Kingdom.

Chen Yu didn't want to make a big commotion at the beginning, so that when they evacuated, they would be frantically blocked by the Sirius Kingdom.

Chen Yu himself was not afraid, but he was worried that Wu Yue and others would not be able to escape.

Chen Yu used the left eye of the devil to control a small captain of the Langshan guards and let him lecture in the monitoring room.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of operation is not allowed. Someone must watch the monitor all the time, but when the team leader spoke, others dared not listen.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Yu sneaked into the factory with Wu Yue and others.

The entire factory is semi-automated, and there are not many workers, but there are trained guards checking the workshop from time to time.

Moreover, these people are all wearing mechs, and each team of ten people will patrol a circle in half an hour.

Chen Yu discovered that there were ten workshops in the factory on the first floor, and each workshop was patrolled by a team of 100 people in total.

The factory on the second floor has only six workshops, but the patrol team has doubled, with two teams patrolling each workshop.

By analogy, the lower the factory is, the more important it is, and the more patrol teams.

Every patrolling soldier has an emergency button in his hand, once pressed, it will directly alarm the top of the Sirius country.

Chen Yu's devil's left eye cannot control everyone at the same time, so it is more troublesome for Wu Yue and others to plant the bomb.

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