My super god talent fan system

Chapter 237 Become a puppet

Chen Yu's face was cold, and his whole body was full of murderous intent.

He will not let anyone who dares to come to Ming's house today, and don't even think about going back when they come.

Wang Chongsu jumped out of the car and went straight to the back garden of the Ming family, ignoring the other nine martial artists of the nine realms of the Wang family.

In Wang Chongsu's view, it is enough for him to come alone, and it is unnecessary to send these martial artists.

Wang Chongsu ran over from a distance, extremely fast, and before he arrived, he yelled:

"Dugu Xu, you are so dishonest!
Get out of the way!

Chen Yu is my prey! "

Wang Chongsu rushed in front of Chen Yu and hit Chen Yu head-on.

Wang Chongsu's punch was very heavy, with a strength of more than 30 jin. It is obvious that Wang Chongsu is in the second level of Wu Zong, stronger than Dugu Xu.

Chen Yu didn't take Wang Chongsu's punch hard, but avoided it by stepping on Xingluo chess.

Chen Yu saw that Wang Chongsu's whole body was covered with Gang Qi, and the Gang Qi on his two fists condensed into substance. The Gang Qi on his fists actually formed scales like fish scales, and there was even a piece of scale armor on the scales. Dense barbs.

As long as Wang Zhongsu's fist brushes past him, he will be able to carry a large piece of flesh and blood with him.

Just as Chen Yu dodged Wang Chongsu's fist, Dugu Xu's sword stabbed towards him.

Dugu Xu was very calm, he didn't care about Wang Chongsu's words at all, he just wanted to seize the opportunity and assassinated Chen Yu with a sword.

Dugu Xu's sword was fast and tricky, blocking all of Chen Yu's escape routes, forcing Chen Yu to either face his sword or be punched by Wang Chongsu.

Although Chen Yu noticed Dugu Xu's movements with his divine right eye, he had no choice but to kick up the sword that Dugu Xu stabbed with his right foot.

Chen Yu kicked Dugu Xu and his sword away with one kick.

At the same time, Wang Zhongsu's fist hit him.

Chen Yu didn't have time to hide, he was punched and flew more than ten meters away.

When he fell heavily on the ground, Chen Yu felt his blood rolling, and a mouthful of blood poured into his throat.

Gritting his teeth to endure the pain, Chen Yu got up.

The powerful immortal body allowed Chen Yu's body to recover quickly.

It would be difficult for anyone else to get up.

Wang Chongsu looked at Chen Yu in surprise, and said with a smile:
"Hahaha, great job!

It's fun to fight! "

As he spoke, Wang Chongsu punched Chen Yu again.

Chen Yu was not afraid of close combat, and he was also familiar with Zhengyang boxing routines. When Wang Chongsu punched in front of him, he kicked Wang Chongsu in the abdomen.

Chen Yu Leishen's right foot was stronger and faster, and he kicked Wang Chongsu away with one kick.

Wang Chongsu fell to the ground and looked at Chen Yu in astonishment.

"What the hell, little bastard, how did you cultivate your strength? It's actually stronger than mine!" Wang Zhongsu asked angrily, wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Chen Yu grinned badly, he liked Wang Chongsu's style of play, although Wang Chongsu's realm was higher, but the threat to him was not as great as Dugu Xu.

Dugu Xu's moves are insidious and cunning, and he is desperate, like a poisonous snake hiding in a hole, seizing the opportunity to kill people.

But Wang Zhongsu's punches are hot, and he likes to head-to-head.

Chen Yu was not afraid at all, and said confrontationally: "Old man, you want to kill me, you haven't practiced well yet!"

Wang Chongsu was immediately enraged by Chen Yu, and scolded: "Little bastard, you are courting death!"

Wang Chongsu got up and punched Chen Yu in the heart.

At the same time, Dugu Xu also rushed over, stabbing the back of Chen Yu's head with his sword.

And the other nine nine-level martial masters from the Wang family also rushed over, surrounded Chen Yu, and formed a nine-nine yang refining formation.

In order to avoid hurting their own people, the nine Ninth Level Martial Artists were on the outermost edge, and they threw their fists at Chen Yu from a distance of more than two meters.

The ordinary boxer Chen Yu was not afraid.

However, the fists and auras blasted by the nine people were connected, and the invisible aura became fiery red, like a burning meteorite.

The nine people blasted nine fists into one fiery red fist, and punched Chen Yu head-on.

Chen Yu didn't expect the Wang family to have such a powerful formation. Sure enough, the seven masters of ancient martial arts have profound backgrounds.

Facing the fatal three-party attack, Chen Yu evolved the left eye of the devil to a four-star god-level talent.

Wang Chongsu's fist, Duguxu's sword and nine martial artists from the Ninth Level combined to attack. Chen Yu had no choice but to use the left eye of the devil to control Wang Chongsu.

The left eye of a three-star god-level talent demon can invade a person's spiritual consciousness, causing confusion, madness, and scaring himself to death.

And the left eye of the four-star god-level talent demon can not only invade people's spiritual consciousness, but also rewrite people's memory and control people's consciousness and thoughts.

Although Wang Chongsu of the Wuzong Realm is more powerful than ordinary people, he still cannot resist the invasion of the left eye of the devil.

Wang Chongsu only felt that his mind was involuntarily attracted by Chen Yu's left eye, and then punched Chen Yu's fist, and then involuntarily punched Dugu Xu.

Chen Yu took the opportunity to kick at the fiery fists that the nine nine-level martial artists of the Wang family fought through the Nine-Nine Yang Alchemy Formation.

Chen Yu kicked a flaming fist the size of a football into pieces.

At the same time, Chen Yu was also shocked back a few steps by the huge force.

Chen Yu didn't expect that the power of the Nine-Nine Sun Alchemy Formation would be so great, reaching a million catties. Not only did it perfectly gather the power of nine nine-level martial masters, but it could also absorb the power of the scorching sun.

At this time, it was just past ten o'clock in the morning, and the most powerful time of the Nine-Nine Alchemy Yang Formation was at noon, when the scorching sun was in the sky.

At the same time, Wang Chongsu, who was controlled by Chen Yu with the left eye of the devil, punched Duguxu's sword.

Dugu Xu was knocked back three steps by Wang Chongsu's huge strength, stared at Wang Chongxu angrily, and cursed:

"Fucking old thing, you're crazy!"

Wang Chongsu was yelled at by Dugu Xu, and his brain seemed to be a little clearer. He didn't know why he was like this, but he didn't bother to explain, and scolded:

"I only see that you are unhappy!"

"Old man, after killing Chen Yu, you can beat him however you want!" Dugu Xu cursed angrily.

Normally Dugu Xu couldn't help but fight Wang Chongsu, but now he is eager for revenge and doesn't want to argue with Wang Chongsu.

Wang Chongsu was wronged in the first place, but seeing what Dugu Xu said, he was embarrassed to trouble Dugu Xu again, and turned his head to look at Chen Yu suspiciously.

Chen Yu gave Wang Chongsu a strange feeling, which made him instinctively alert and wanted to stay away from Chen Yu.

After Chen Yu shattered his fist, he also looked at Wang Chongsu.

The corners of his mouth could not help but rise, Chen Yu grinned wickedly, and he had a plan in mind.

Seeing Chen Yu laughing, Wang Chongsu thought Chen Yu was laughing at him, and immediately roared angrily:

"Little bastard, who do you look down on?
The old man is going to kill you now! "

Wang Chongsu cursed, and punched Chen Yu's temple.

Chen Yu's left eye of the devil continued to intrude into Wang Chongsu's spiritual consciousness. For an ordinary person, the left eye of the devil could be controlled instantly.

But for Wu Zong with strong mental strength like Wang Chongsu, it needs multiple intrusions, a little control, and finally transform Wang Chongsu into an obedient puppet.

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