Chen Yu was already very popular because of the Big Stomach Competition, and after this concert, it became even more popular on the Internet.

No one can imagine that they can eat and sing so well.

Although Chen Yu didn't sing a few songs, every song he sang became a classic.

Many undecided stars decided to join Dark Dragon Entertainment.

After the concert, three stars conveyed to Qin Yao their intention to join Dark Dragon Entertainment.

And make an appointment with Qin Yao for an interview tomorrow.

Chen Yu was very happy, this was the effect he wanted.

Because the number of fans of He Wenyu and Ji Peier doubled, reaching more than 6000 million fans.

Chen Yu was rewarded with 200 million fans from the system.

The number of Zhu Wenqian's fans exceeded 3000 million, and Chen Yu received another 300 million fans.

Chen Yu now has 970 billion fans.

The next day, Chen Yu entrusted Yan Wuhui and Qin Yao with discussing signing contracts with celebrities, and discussed with Zhu Wenqian about the concert tour.

Previously, Zhu Wenqian wanted to hold a concert tour in her own name, but this time Chen Yu planned to have He Wenyu and Ji Peier join in the company's name.

Zhu Wenqian readily accepted Chen Yu's suggestion. She felt that the current singing skills of He Wenyu and Ji Pei'er would not detract from her concert points, but would add points to her concert.

Seeing that Zhu Wenqian agreed, Chen Yu simply called He Wenyu and Ji Peier over, and discussed together which city to go to for the next concert, and decided on the specific location and itinerary.

Chen Yu plans to spend a lot of money to promote the concert, so that more fans can watch it live.

On the other side, Yang Yongkang came to Dugu's house.

Dugu Xu didn't want to see Yang Yongkang at first, his two sons died and the other was abolished, which made him not in the mood to care about the outside world.

Now Dugu Xu only wants to break through the realm, step into the first stage of Wu Zong, and avenge his son.

Originally, it was impossible for Dugu Xu to break through the ninth level of martial arts and step into the first level of martial arts in his life.

But he was eager for revenge, and his fighting spirit was rekindled, and he was determined to die.

The Dugu family has a secret method that allows Dugu Xu to break through to Wuzong in a short period of time, but it will cost him his life.

However, this secret method requires taking a special pill from Dugu's family to stimulate the potential in Dugu Xu's body.

Dugu Xu still needs to take it for seven days before he can try to break through the first level of Wu Zong's realm, and then he can avenge Dugu Chen and Dugu Yao.

Hearing that Yang Yongkang came to kill Chen Yu, Dugu Xu was willing to see Yang Yongkang.

In a bamboo house of more than 20 square meters, Dugu Xu sat on the main seat, poured a cup of tea and took a sip, and said expressionlessly:
"What's the matter with you, just tell me!"

Dugu Xu didn't pay attention to Yang Yongkang, didn't even let Yang Yongkang sit down, and didn't ask anyone to pour tea for Yang Yongkang.

Yang Yongkang stood in front of Dugu Xu, feeling the strong aura of Dugu Xu, he was very uncomfortable, and said straight to the point:

"Senior Dugu, I just said it directly.

You want to kill Chen Yu, so do I, the Mei family and the Wang family also think, why don't we join forces? "

"How to join forces?" Dugu Xu stared at Yang Yongkang and said coldly.

In fact, he also wants to join forces with the Mei family, but the seven ancient martial arts masters have precautions against each other. If he takes the initiative to come to the door, it will hurt the face of the Dugu family, and the Mei family may not agree.

"With Chen Yu's current strength, it would be difficult for any one of them to deal with. Only by joining forces can we easily take down Chen Yu.

I can cooperate with the Dugu family, Mei family and Wang family to publicize Chen Yu as heinous, and let you get rid of Chen Yu in a fair and just manner! "

Yang Yongkang took out the speech he had prepared.

As for discrediting Chen Yu, it was entirely Yang Yongkang's own idea.

The Yang family has no money now, and they have no ability to kill Chen Yu. In order to show off, Yang Yongkang came up with his own idea.

He also planned to leave a good impression on Mei Zhenghao, Dugu Xu and others. At that time, their Yang family could not only turn over, but also go to a higher level.

But Dugu Xu didn't like this kind of pediatric trick at all. Dugu Xu said with a smile:
"Hahaha, what reason do you need to kill someone? You tell Mei Zhenghao that there is no problem on my side, only one. After seven days, I will take revenge!"

After seven days, Dugu Xu was just able to break through to the first stage of Wu Zong. No matter what happened to the Mei family and the Wang family, Dugu Xu planned to take Chen Yu's head as a sacrifice to Dugu Chen.

If the Mei family and the Wang family are willing to make a move, it will be even better for Dugu Xu.

Through the Dugu family's secret method to break through to the first stage of Wuzong, Dugu Xu's lifespan is only seven days, he didn't want to waste all the time, so he limited the time.

"Okay, Senior Dugu, please wait for my good news!" Yang Yongkang nodded, turned and left Dugu's house.

Then Yang Yongkang came to Wang's house again.

Wang Jingtao has already returned from the Mengshan Wang family, and Wang Litao is also returning with him.

Wang Litao will be in charge of the Wang family from now on, and Wang Jingtao can only learn from the sidelines.

Wang Litao came down this time not for revenge, but mainly to protect the interests of the Mengshan Wang family.

He brought Wang Jingtao back to Wang's house in a low-key manner, and he didn't take the initiative to provoke Chen Yu.

For Chen Yu, the Wang family of Mengshan hated it deeply, but it was not Wang Litao who wanted to deal with Chen Yu.

The Mengshan Wang Clan also has a set of formations, the Nine-Nine Alchemy Yang Formation, which requires nine martial artists of the Ninth Layer to practice together.

The power is not under the Tianyin formation, and they can work together to strangle Wu Zong below the fifth level.

However, the nine nine-level martial artists who practiced the nine-nine yang refining formation have been retreating all the time.

When Yang Yongkang came to Wang's house, Wang Jingtao was very happy and even a little excited when he learned of Yang Yongkang's intentions.

Not only did Wang Jingtao want revenge, but he was also afraid that Chen Yu would not die and he would not be able to sleep well.

Wang Jingtao took Yang Yongkang to the living room and asked the servants of the Wang family to make the best Longjing tea for Yang Yongkang before he went to the backyard to inform Wang Litao.

Wang Litao was playing Zhengyang Fist, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't hit him for a day.

His realm is not very high, the fifth level of a martial artist.

Wang Litao also wanted to avenge his elder brother Wang Liyan, but he knew he was no match for Chen Yu, so he didn't plan to provoke Chen Yu.

Listening to Wang Jingtao talking about Yang Yongkang's reason for coming, Wang Litao couldn't help the hatred in his heart, so he stopped practicing boxing, turned around and went to the living room with Wang Jingtao.

Yang Yongkang didn't give up, and conveyed the meaning of Mei Zhenghao and Duguxu to Wang Litao.

Wang Litao felt that this was a good opportunity. The three families joined forces to kill Chen Yu. Even if they sent Wu Zong, the other four families would not be able to say anything.

Immediately, Wang Litao asked Yang Yongkang to go back and wait for news, and he would tell the Mengshan Wang family about this matter.

If it goes well, the Mengshan Wang family will send Wu Zong down to join forces with Mei Zhenghao and Dugu Xu to kill Chen Yu.

Yang Yongkang left Wang's house, turned around and drove to Mei's house.

Tell Mei Zhenghao the news.

Mei Zhenghao was very happy, as long as the Dugu family and the Wang family were willing to take action, he was 100% sure of killing Chen Yu.

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