Desert Island Survival: My island can be upgraded

Chapter 65 The Increase of Magical Creatures

It is speculated that the advanced trees are magical trees, which is more conducive to the growth of creatures on the island. After all, Yoyo has already advanced before, and seabirds also like to stay on advanced trees, especially like to stay in deserts that have manifested On the tree of Lost City Advancement, if there is no connection between them, he doesn't believe it.

Maybe when the seabirds on the island will also advance, this is a lot of survival points, he is looking forward to it.

Judging from the various phenomena on the island, the island will develop into a magical island in the future. In addition to the existence of magicians, Li Zhiwei can almost be sure that someone can become a magician. It is very important to restrain talents. Multiple people are definitely better than him alone. .

After careful statistics, a total of [-] trees have been advanced this time, and the number is a bit small. I don't know what kind of conditions the trees can be advanced.

"Viagra, there is a tree here that is different and special." Ye Zixuan, who did not count the statistics, also found something unusual about the tree, and directly reported it to him.

Li Zhiwei looked at the map and found that there happened to be an advanced palm tree near Ye Zixuan, so he explained: "That is a magic tree that has been upgraded from an ordinary tree on the island. You can study it and see if you find anything new. ?"

Ye Zixuan might become a magician, so it should be a good match for her to study magic.

"Okay, Viagra."


In the concave bay, a muscular woman is fighting a shark with a bone knife. The water droplets on the tip of her hair can't tell whether it's sweat or sea water. This powerful woman is Zhang Qing.

And Zhang Qing was fighting with a magic shark. The shark was trapped in the shallow beach for some reason. Under Zhang Qing's constant attack, the shark rushed left and right. Before Zhang Qing, he obviously became a trapped beast.

The water does not affect Zhang Qing's moving speed at all. Sometimes she can even step on the water surface and turn over. Her posture is as agile as if the water is her home field. Under constant attacks, the body of the magic shark has deep bone-deep knife marks. .

The battle lasted for a long time, the shark's blood stained the entire concave bay, and she had already chopped off one fin. The shark moved more and more slowly, and already had the intention of going back to the deep sea, but Zhang Qing kept fighting. Beside, with a thorn from time to time, the shark was forced to fight.


Zhang Qing washed the bone knife with the blood groove with sea water.

These two knives were tailor-made for her by Li Zhiwei. They can also be called large daggers. They are about half a meter long. The handle is requested by Li Zhiwei. The finished bone knife handle fits perfectly in the grip and is very easy to use.

The strength of the magic bone is very high. The I-shaped blood groove increases the firmness of the knife. When you stroke the blade with your fingers, the skin of your fingers seems to be scraped off. The sharpness is no less than that of a steel knife. The knife was traded At that time, she couldn't put it down, and named it "Yanling".

When dealing with sharks, she slashed left and right, and there were two wounds in an instant.

Looking at her own attributes, she is very satisfied. With the blessing of magic items, and her constant exercise, these days her endurance, agility, and both have reached more than 15 points, but her strength is slightly insufficient.

The arrival of Yanling has doubled her island upgrade speed. Coupled with her fighting skills, it is no problem to single out large animals.

The workbench was forgotten by her in a corner, and she could forget about making anything. After two days of making tools, she felt that fighting was still suitable for her.

The upgrade of weapons made her realize how lucky she and Li Zhiwei are in the same channel.

After trading the materials, Zhang Qing asked. "How about it, are you satisfied with the magic materials traded this time? Now these materials should be said to be the only one."

Li Zhiwei categorized all the magic materials that Zhang Qing had traded, including the spine of a magic shark, feathers of a flamingo, atomized crystals...

These magic materials were all sent after they had been identified. Many of them were the first time he had seen them, and they hadn't figured out their uses.

The materials are stacked in the open yard, which looks very messy, and the storage room is already full of various products, and there is not enough space for too many things.

"I'm so satisfied, worthy of being a Valkyrie, my good brother." Li Zhiwei praised Zhang Qing.Li Zhiwei thinks the deal with Zhang Qing is the most cost-effective, and he is worthy of his full support. The upgrade speed of Zhang Qing Island is ranked second, and the property output is extremely rich. With the strong alliance, his efficiency in making tools It has improved a lot.

In the past two days, the number of magical creatures in the sea began to increase for some unknown reason, which caused him to receive more strange things.

The trading system is very active, especially combat-type talents and materials have been greatly enriched, alleviating the pressure of food shortage.

Zhang Qing's island has reached level 10, and he has the authority to pull other people's islands. He is a little curious: "Who are you going to pull over?"

"First check to see if there are any acquaintances after the channel merger, and then make plans if there are no acquaintances."

In fact, Li Zhiwei is also looking forward to this merger of channels, but he doesn't have too many expectations for the probability of meeting acquaintances.

I browsed Zhang Qing's posts not long ago, one was about fighting skills, and the other was about survival skills.

The things taught in the two posts are very practical. A beautiful woman with such a high force value and very skilled skills naturally attracts the admiration of many people. It is much more active than the reply in his post below. Everyone wants to be favored by Zhang Qing .

Although his post was opened a few days earlier and had a leading advantage, it was obviously unable to stand up to the Valkyrie's personality and the practicality of the post, and the actual replies were much more than his.

Some people even confessed directly below the post.

It's really off the charts.

He also went to Zhang Qing's post to reply a few words, rubbing off the popularity and cheering, and received a lot of likes from people.


Li Zhiwei chopped off a lot of branches of magic trees, and went back to prepare to test whether they can withstand burning or not, and the temperature generated by burning. Later, he plans to fire ceramics, and there is no high-grade fuel, so he plans to use the branches of magic trees to try first. .

The island can be upgraded tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you can save enough survival points to pull the island. Li Zhiwei notified Xu Mengqiu in advance: "If there are no accidents, you can come over the day after tomorrow."

Xu Mengqiu sent a message back: "I still have a lot of resources here. You can look at the ones that are most needed. I will make preparations in advance."

"The land in the mountain spring is the most needed. Get all the other things there and bring them together." The mountain spring is an important resource for Xu Mengqiu's survival. With mountain spring water, he does not need a condenser. Continuous mountain spring water is more conducive to the development of his island.

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