He had only heard before that in some places the trees were lush, and the intertwined roots merged with the earth. The hurricane was equivalent to fighting against the entire earth, and it would not have much impact at all. His island now has few trees. Can't reach this point.

When the time comes, the sea water will directly rush to the island under the action of the hurricane?Will there be other unknown creatures?A series of questions circled in my mind, and I watched the channel indecision.

"Brothers, it hasn't rained on my island for a long time, and now fresh water is a problem, can anyone help? Thank you very much."

"Same, it's been so hot these days, and I can't see any signs of subsidence. I'm saving water."

"I really envy people who have mountain springs on the island, and there is no shortage of water."

"It's hot, the water from the mountain spring is only enough for me to drink alone, don't be envious."

"You don't have the awareness of being prepared for danger in times of peace, and you don't store food and water in advance."

"Who knew the weather could be so unpredictable!"

"Is there more sand on the island?"

"If you say that, it is indeed a normal phenomenon that there will be more sand due to the hot weather and the absence of vegetation."


After reading the group news for a while, I found that many people are facing the same problem as him, the desertification of the island, obviously he has arranged for people to give an early warning in the channel, but now there are still many people who ignore it, this is typical. The type of not listening, listening and not doing.

He felt so deeply that the desert landform on his island had already accounted for more than half of the area of ​​his island. He could observe the specific situation of the island more intuitively and feel the harm it brought. The protective forest must be built.

It wasn't until evening that Li Zhiwei finished dealing with the scary whale.

At the same time, he discovered another use for the crystal coffin.

Under the irradiation of the sun, the rising water vapor meets the cold air of the crystal coffin and condenses into water droplets, which attach to the streamer of the crystal coffin and drip down. It is much stronger than his water trap, and its efficiency is the highest of the water trap. More than a hundred times.

This is a natural fresh water generator.

It seems a little uneconomical to just put the coffin in the cave and turn it into a refrigerator.

He decided to put it in the cave for cooling at night, and pull it under the sun or to a place with strong evaporation on the island during the day to condense fresh water.

"It should be fine for Bingqi to bask in the sun."

By the way, I took a look at the protective forest on the island. With the support of the survival point, it has improved. The weather is very hot, but the protective forest is not as sick as before.

That's right!If the trees blessed with survival points can't grow, he can't think of anything else that can make these trees thrive and become his green sand-proof wall.

Tomorrow, the ice coffin will be lifted out and placed on the edge of the shelter forest, and the condensed fresh water can be poured as much as it can.

He took a look at the traps he had set, and sure enough, he caught two rabbits, and the two rabbits were still alive. When he passed by, the big eyes of the two rabbits finally showed fear, and they looked a little pitiful.

There must be something hateful about the poor rabbit.

Soft-heartedness does not exist, knock two rabbits unconscious with two sticks, and eat braised rabbit heads tonight.

Seeing his total survival points increase by another 400 points, Li Zhiwei suddenly understood something.

The island needs farming and development instead of blind killing, just like he killed snakes before, the number is getting smaller and smaller.

There is not a perfect ecological system on the island that can resist natural disasters, and disasters continue to appear. If they are allowed to flow without guidance, eventually the island will not grow, and they will have nowhere to live.

As long as the island is large enough and there are enough species, and the number of animals killed by reasonable planning, there will be a steady stream of survival points credited to the account, forming a positive cycle is the right way.

If the island owner of each island wants to survive, he must plan his own island reasonably, protect the fragile ecological environment on the island, and follow the path of sustainable development.

"Brother, my lake is about to disappear?" Feng Yi said.

"what happened?"

"When I upgraded before, an island came and hit my lake, forming the shape of a lollipop. Later, when I upgraded, I was unlucky, and a desert landform came over. In addition, the vegetation on the island was eaten by marine life. The weather is rare and hot, and the islands are now becoming desertified, and the small lakes are now shrunk by the wind blowing sand into them.”

Li Zhiwei did not expect that his subordinates would have such a problem: "Didn't I tell you to pay attention to the trend of desertification on the island before? Now I have to take precautions, but I still can't prevent it?"

"Brother, I have been planting the Haloxylon tree according to your requirements, but the Haloxylon tree does not grow well after planting, I am really forced to do nothing!"

Li Zhiwei stared at the screen, his brows slightly frowned. Originally, accepting the younger brother was to make things less for him, but now it seems to be developing in the opposite direction. The desertification of the land is fierce. From the day before Feng Yi rushed to the disaster to upgrade the island, The development of his island slowed down in the early days. Originally, Tianhu was forced to play like this at the beginning, and his luck later became bad.

The number of transactions per day is limited, and it is impossible for him to trade a large amount of water to Feng Yi and affect the development of others.

"Mengqiu, how is the production of mountain spring water on your side? Feng Yi's serious island desertification in the past two days may require your support."

She and Xu Mengqiu are blue-faced confidants, no matter what, they can be regarded as acquaintances in the real world, and they have different feelings. When they send messages, they usually use the last two words to commensurate.

After reading the message from Li Zhiwei and learning about Feng Yi's situation, Xu Mengqiu pondered for a while.

She didn't have to think about supporting Ding Xiaowen, but she still complained about Feng Yi, because Feng Yi took more than contributed, and she didn't see any value from Feng Yi that could be invested.

But in the current situation, Li Zhiwei is equivalent to the big boss of the company. Since the big boss has decided to support Feng Yi, she must not be able to refute, and she has known Li Zhiwei before, and her evaluation of Li Zhiwei is too emotional. A weakness but that's what she wants too.

At that time, Li Zhiwei's ability to work was very strong. The director of the company wanted to marry his beautiful daughter to Li Zhiwei, and also promised Li Zhiwei other benefits. Unexpectedly, Li Zhiwei did not agree. Instead, he repeatedly explained that he had a girlfriend and it was impossible to give up his ex-girlfriend. I almost resigned.

At that time, she and other colleagues were shocked when they heard the news. After the shock, she felt a little pity. It's a pity that such an outstanding person is not hers.But what she wants has always been won by herself, not by others.

Because the melon is very sweet, if you want to force it, you will have the drama of becoming a blue-faced confidant with Li Zhiwei, but what she didn't expect was that Li Zhiwei took her directly to meet his girlfriend Zheng Ketian. She gave up... cruel enough!But she prefers it.

Now that Li Zhiwei wanted to support Feng Yi, she did not hide her dissatisfaction with Feng Yi at all, and sent a message without any fear: "We can support. If it doesn't work in a short time, I suggest giving up."

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