Desert Island Survival: My island can be upgraded

Chapter 39 The Physical Seduction Plan

Entering the attack range of the scary whale, put down the tool and wait for the attack of the scary whale. After a while, the water jet of the scary whale attacked. When he saw the water jet attack of the scary whale, Li Zhiwei immediately put down his waterproof umbrella and fled. The water jet attacked On top of the tool, although the tool vibrated violently, it still defended against the attack of the scary whale.

What puzzled him was that several water jets hit the umbrella surface, and the water splashed around him was extremely cold, so he didn't pay attention.

After several trials, the waterproof umbrella was able to defend well, so Li Zhiwei was relieved. Considering that the closer the distance to the scary whale, the stronger the attacking ability of the water column, he reinforced the waterproof umbrella.

A total of ten such waterproof umbrellas have been made. The purpose of making so many waterproof umbrellas is to use these tools as a shelter, and place a waterproof umbrella at a certain distance so that he can move forward continuously and seduce him repeatedly.

If these scary whales are smart and find that they can't hurt Li Zhiwei by attacking him all the time, and they may return to the sea when the tide ebbs, then he needs to be close enough to give these magical creatures enough attraction to make them Indecision, when the time comes it may stay.

Anyway, he is gambling on luck, he can make a lot of money if he can ground a scary whale, but if he can't, he has nothing to do, he will do his best.

After preparing everything planned, Li Zhiwei looked at the chat records while eating lunch.

Many people sent messages for help in the chat room, among which he also saw some people in Aite.

"Help, I've encountered a shark staring at me outside my island?"

"You are afraid of a shark. Anyway, it can't come up. Try to kill it. Wouldn't it be your ration?"

"You're a boss, and sharks are ignored, but I can't, I can't kill it! I found that its teeth are extremely sharp, its movements are very fast, and it's a little clever."

Someone later reminded: "Brothers, the creature this time is a little bit stronger than the previous mutated animal. When I caught the tuna just now, I was injured. Everyone, be careful."

"Me too. The fish that were easy to kill in the past seem to be much stronger now. The speed is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, there are only shadows left."


Li Zhiwei silently flipped through the chat information in the group chat, secretly estimated the strength of these people, and then looked at the total number. The total number showed a downward trend, and opened the death record. There are many ways to die.

After analyzing the pictures sent by these people, Li Zhiwei found that these people treated magical creatures as ordinary mutant creatures.

In addition to him being able to check the level of creatures, the low-level islands of other people have not yet paid for survival points to look up creatures. If they mistakenly treat magical creatures as mutant creatures, something will happen. In the final analysis, it is caused by unequal information.

Sure enough, information is life!The forum can only be opened on a tenth-level island. Now it is easy to wipe out a message. Not many people have time to read the chat history carefully every day.

"Have you encountered any particularly strong creatures? Is there anything special about it?" Li Zhiwei sent a message to Zhang Qing.

"I met a particularly powerful sea turtle. Its shell was a little white and its defense was so high that even a javelin couldn't break it."

"That could be a magical creature."

"What are magical creatures?"

Zhang Qing asked back.

Li Zhiwei organized his language: "Magic creatures are detected by the system. It's a name. Li Zhiwei sent the screenshots of Yoyo's attribute template and the mutated sea snake's attribute template." He explained, "I guess it surpasses the mutant creature. A creature, a bit more advanced than mutant creatures, with multiple skills."

"After the island is upgraded, there is also the function of looking up creatures. Unfortunately, I have enough survival points, so I can't upgrade now. It seems that the turtle I killed is a magical creature. Can you make materials for magical creatures?"

Li Zhiwei was not as full as he said: "This needs to be studied, and if there are any special materials, please remember to collect them, and then announce the matter of magical creatures. Many people died due to information asymmetry."

"Okay, I'll check the information with them again, I'm very envious of your magic cat."

"That's my cat."


In the afternoon, Li Zhiwei saw Zhang Qing posting some precautions in the group, which aroused extensive discussions.

"Magic creatures appear? What kind of world is this?"

"I just want to ask, can people practice?"

"The world is starting to go crazy."

"I have problems eating and drinking now. You told me there are magical creatures, but luckily I didn't encounter them."

"It turned out that higher-level creatures appeared. I said, the number of people in the group has dropped so much."

"Isn't there an island owner attribute on the system panel? There is a high probability that people can become superhumans."

Someone speculated: "It is estimated that people's attributes reach a certain level before they can practice. I don't know if the big guys on the leaderboard have started to practice. They are the first movers."

"It makes sense." @Li Zhiwei@Zhang Qing@Yang Yushi, "Boss, are you ready to practice? Get to the bottom of it."

Yang Yushi: "Currently no cultivation methods have been discovered, but only strengthening physical fitness exercises."

Li Zhiwei: "Me too."

Zhang Qing: "We are exploring, and we will post in the group to notify you if there is any news."

"Thank you for letting me know."

"Is there any problem with your lake and island?" Li Zhiwei was concerned about the safety of his younger brother Feng Yi.

"Fortunately, it was upgraded. The former lake and islands have been submerged. If I hadn't upgraded, I would have died. Many large fishes have swam directly into the former lake. I am currently on the island where I upgraded and caught, and my safety is no problem. "

After asking all the people who have a good relationship with me, there is no problem.

Li Zhiwei thought, why do these marine magical creatures destroy the vegetation on the island?After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure out why.

Put the made waterproof umbrella on the predetermined position. The nearest waterproof umbrella is 150 meters away from the scary whale. At such a close distance, the scary whale really became violent.

The attacks were very swift and violent, the water jets followed one after the other, and there was a scary whale, the water jets sprayed were extremely cold, affecting his actions.

The strengthened waterproof umbrella also swayed from side to side under the attack of the water column. As a last resort, he took it out and reinforced it. The weight was five times that of ordinary waterproof umbrellas. It was difficult to move around with such a waterproof umbrella, which cost him a lot. It took a lot of effort to put it in the predetermined position.

In the evening, the tide began to recede, but the sky was dark, which undoubtedly made it more difficult for him to lure the scary whale.

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