As the saying goes, if you have food in your hand, don't panic in your heart, Li Zhiwei is a little bit looking forward to the rising sea water.

After thinking about the situation that the rising sea water needs to encounter, I made some tools to prevent unexpected things from happening.

He has enough survival points, go to the center of the island first, and then upgrade to one level of island. This time, he thought about upgrading the island and then selected the entire island to upgrade.

Click to exchange, the overall terrain of his green island has increased, and the overall area has increased by about 4000 square meters, which is a little less than the capture upgrade.

I didn't feel that the island has grown just now on the island. This is probably just because I am on this island, but from my map of the small island, it can be seen that the area of ​​the island has indeed increased.

At this time, a prompt came from the system: "The island has been exchanged."

The system explained very thoughtfully: "Affected by the plate in the endless sea area, the small island is affected by force, and the terrain rises. Please explore the island owner for details."

"Congratulations to Li Zhiwei's Green Island for upgrading to level six, hereby announce."


According to the old rules, after observing the entire island, Li Zhiwei found that there were no other special places except the rise of the terrain. Is this gone?So what is the point of such an upgrade?Li Zhiwei comforted himself with some doubts, maybe he couldn't see anything after an upgrade.

Since the wind is quite strong today, Li Zhiwei plans to set down the fishing net, only catch one fish, and then return to the shelter for indoor work and making tools.

The most important thing is that the great cause of raising birds cannot be interrupted.

The place where he set the fishing net was not very deep, about 100 meters away from his small island.

He came to the place where the fishing nets were lowered. He had come to this place dozens of times. It was a place he carefully selected. He was also very skilled at placing fishing nets and traps. He didn't care if he caught as much as he could.

The weather was bad, and the waves on the sea were blown one after another by the wind. His walking in the shallow water area was also slightly affected. The fishing net was placed a little crookedly, so he took down the fishing net and tied it again.

When he was concentrating on tying the fishing net, a swordfish behind a small reef rushed towards Li Zhiwei at lightning speed.

Li Zhiwei, who was tying the fishing net, suddenly felt something was wrong, and a crisis hit his heart.

This feeling is like the feeling of someone staring at you from behind when you were in school, but the feeling is more obvious now. Is this the sixth sense of men?

There are unknown dangers, men should trust their intuition, Li Zhiwei knew he was in an emergency,

The fishing net was not far from the shore in the shallow water area, so he immediately stopped his work, untied the fishing net, and ran quickly to the shore.

Tomorrow was a critical moment, he didn't want to be injured at this time, so after running a few steps, he looked behind and saw a slender swordfish.

Its body is prismatic, with dark white surface, dark brown back, smooth body surface, long and pointed upper jaw, the swordfish has a total length of about 1.5 meters, the upper jaw alone is half a meter long, and its speed is much faster than him.

Swordfish can pierce the deck of a boat, and a single sting can kill or cripple them.

It was obvious that he was the target of the swordfish, and the swordfish was getting closer and closer to him, and his legs had already felt the abnormal current of the swordfish rushing.

At this moment, Li Zhiwei's adrenaline was secreted, and his heart was beating wildly. Although he was in the water, his speed also accelerated a lot under the dangerous stimulation. The sea water was splashed half a meter high by his running, and the sea breeze Shaved his hair back and combed him back.

He ran against the wind towards the shore, and the swordfish didn't care what the state of the human in front of him was, no matter how fast it was, it was still not as fast as it.

Pointing the sharp jaw at Li Zhiwei's calf is a puncture.

In the nick of time.

"I flash."

Li Zhiwei dodged, but didn't dodge.

Although he tried to dodge, the fish's jaws pierced the skin of his lower leg.

Dodging or not, a burning pain came from the calf, making Li Zhiwei curse angrily: "RNM, hurt me?"

The swordfish that pierced the skin of Li Zhiwei's calf continued to swim forward because it was too fast. Li Zhiwei could see that the swordfish wanted to slow down, but it did not slow down so quickly due to inertia.

I also want to continue to come back and repeat the old tricks, scoring twice.

Obviously thinking too much, daring to slow down in shallow water, like using a skill, but because the forward swing is too large and should wait for the next wave of skills, this fish obviously thought that Li Zhiwei would only run.

"You still dare to slow down, good opportunity." Li Zhiwei rushed up, and javelin slammed into the slowing swordfish. Since the javelin was made, Li Zhiwei took it with him wherever he went, fearing any danger.

Plugged in but didn't get seriously injured.

Swordfish's skin is too thick. Although the auxiliary javelin is excellent, Li Zhiwei's basic strength is too low, with water cushioning, and the swordfish's skin is relatively thick, so it even pierces a little.

This is a bit embarrassing.

The two sides exchanged skills and handed over a blood to show friendship.

The swordfish didn't expect that the prey in front of it dared to fight back. It felt a sharp object piercing its spine, and it was very painful. It was shocked, and its tail slapped the water surface violently, jumping out of the water more than half a meter high.

Then it fell into the water and splashed, and suddenly found that it had reached very shallow waters, and it became a problem to swim forward, and it suddenly felt like retreating.

Li Zhiwei's eyes lit up, this is obviously a good opportunity, although the damage is not too great, but it can add up to a lot, too many attacks will always kill the fish.

However, this swordfish did not give him a chance to attack again, obviously a bit bullying.

After getting out of Li Zhiwei's attack range, he immediately swam back to the deep sea, and the speed of swimming back into the sea was faster than the speed of attacking Li Zhiwei.

This confrontation between the two sides should be the end.

Li Zhiwei returned to the shore to check the wound on his leg.

The wound was not big, and I didn't feel any pain when I was injured at the beginning. My whole body was focused on fighting with the swordfish. Now that the battle was over, I felt a burning pain coming from my calf.

The swordfish swimming back, endured the pain in his back when he passed the stake of Li Zhiwei's fishing net, and suddenly accelerated and knocked down the stake, allowing you to fish.

Li Zhiwei was about to go back to recuperate, when his eyes swept over the fishing place, he found that the wooden stakes in the sea suddenly fell down.

After a while, another stake fell, and the swordfish was seen jumping out of the water happily.

"You are a fish, you are a dog." Li Zhiwei cursed inwardly, "You deserve to be a cheap fish."

He made a note of this account.

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