Li Zhiwei began to worry about the cacti on his island.

Cactus is a drought-tolerant plant. If a large amount of water is poured, the root system of the cactus will rot, which will affect the growth of the cactus.I don't know if the cactus can survive the heavy rain now.

As a good vegetable, Li Zhiwei didn't want these cactus to die, besides, he just ate the fruit of the cactus, which was very delicious, sweet and delicious. I thought it had some grassy smell of plants, but the cactus here was really unusual.

Originally, he planned to vigorously plant cacti and use them as vegetables, but he did not expect that the weather was not beautiful and it rained continuously.

When the rain stopped, he went to see how the cacti on the island were doing.

After the work was done, Li Zhiwei began to take stock of his supplies in the past few days.

These days he is either making tools or collecting materials for making tools.

Now he found another problem, that is, the shelter was still too small. He put some things in it, and it was almost impossible to put them down.

His big wooden bucket, clothes rack, bed, and Yoyo's nest all took up a lot of space, and other scattered crab powder and dried meat also took up a lot of space.

A warehouse needs to be built, and there's so much being made right now that it's in stark contrast to everyone else in the chat room.

Opening the trading system, there are some simple javelins, axes, and stone knives on it. It took some survival points to try it out. Although the feel and practicality are not as good as those made by him, they are still recognized by the system.

His rating is barely usable.

And he found that most of the tools were made by the workbench flowing out of his hands, which filled him with a sense of accomplishment.

There are already more than 2600 people on the leaderboard who have been upgraded to a second-tier island, and there are still more than 5927 people in the chat room, and there are still three days left. According to this efficiency, most people should be able to upgrade to a second-tier island.

At this time, Li Zhiwei saw the banner of congratulations floating by.

Zhang Qing's island has also been promoted to the fourth level, which is expected by Li Zhiwei.

"Another level four boss has appeared."

"Boss, tell me something."

"Miss Qing take me to fly."

"When I was young, the doctor said that I had a bad stomach and could only eat soft rice."


"Congratulations, you didn't encounter any danger, right?" Li Zhiwei had told Zhang Qing before that he would encounter three wolves when he upgraded the island, and told her to be careful, wondering if Zhang Qing would encounter other large carnivores.

"There is no danger, I am exploring a new island now!"

Seeing Zhang Qing's immediate message, Li Zhiwei felt that he was taking too much control.

He didn't leave the shelter all day today, because the torrential rain continued from morning to afternoon, and it seemed that there was no sign of stopping at night.

Today, he keeps making tools, which has exceeded his usual production limit. Even if he is very tired and has a headache, he has abruptly brushed his survival points to more than 1. In order to meet the next island upgrade, he almost sent him to All the crafted items on the island have been recrafted again, ranging from stone knives to wooden troughs.

Except for the tortoise shell shovel, it was not made, because there was no suitable tortoise shell material.

The wooden trough was assembled by him in the rainy yard. For this reason, he also drenched a lot of rain, and now the water in the wooden trough in the yard is full.

He could click to upgrade the island now, but he didn't.

One reason is that Zhang Qing's island has just been promoted to level 4, and he is in the limelight. He doesn't want to suppress the limelight. Moreover, Zhang Qing's team is promoting Zhang Qing in the chat room.

The second reason is that it is still raining on the island and it is getting late. What if there are any special animals on the new island?He can't deal with danger, and there are sea monsters constantly interfering.

He has already remembered the lesson from the last time. He will not upgrade the island in the evening. If he hadn’t outwitted the three wolves, he would be a corpse now. Today, he spent too much energy to make tools. He needs rest and is not suitable for exploration. , in order to minimize the danger, he plans to upgrade the island tomorrow after everything is stable.

Zhang Qing said that they had collected a kind of tendon that could be used to make bows and arrows, and asked him to prepare bows and arrows.

For this material, Li Zhiwei has some expectations, because he really needs a tool for long-range attack.

When the time comes to make a long-range attack weapon, it will be easier to deal with emergencies.

Close the door, open a gap in the window, everything is ready, and said to Yoyo.

"Yuyou, you are on guard tonight, you have slept enough during the day, if you have any special situation, call me right away."

"Meow meow meow."

Yoyo let out a dissatisfied cry.

Hearing Yoyo's response to him, Li Zhiwei sat down on his wolf fur coat with satisfaction, leaned on the wooden pillow he made before, and fell into a deep sleep.

The rain had stopped in the morning and the air was fresh.

Li Zhiwei got up and stretched himself. A beautiful day was about to begin, but his head was still aching.

I woke up twice during my sleep last night, but nothing serious happened. It was just that Youyou looked at the fire at the door, which was about to go out, and then called Li Zhiwei to add firewood.

Coming to this island, last night was the most comfortable time he slept.

The most important thing is that Yoyo helped him a lot, and provided him with a relatively safe refuge cave, otherwise he would not be able to sleep so peacefully.

"The island I upgraded this time is also relatively barren. It is a desert area, which is a little better than your desert. I didn't encounter large wild mutant animals, but I found wild Cistanche under the Haloxylon tree."

Li Zhiwei saw that this sentence was a message from Zhang Qing at 12 o'clock last night.

At that time, he had already fallen asleep, and when he got up at night, he just added firewood, and he didn't pull the screen away to read the private messages sent to him by others.

Li Zhiwei asked back: "You found medicinal materials on the island, isn't this a normal phenomenon?"

"It's a bit abnormal, because the medicinal power of this cistanche is a bit too strong, and I suffered from nosebleeds after taking it. I looked at it and directly increased my strength by 0.5, which is a relatively large improvement."

Li Zhiwei asked a little puzzled: "Could it be that the plants have mutated?"

"I think so."

"The transaction can be carried out earlier today. I have already prepared everything for the transaction. I will put a new wooden barrel on the shelf today. Let the person with tendons trade the tendons first."

Zhang Qing: "I've been envious of your wooden barrel for a long time, and you just traded it now, you really are not enough buddies."

Due to the increase in the number of transactions and chats, Zhang Qing's name for Li Zhiwei has also changed.

Such a title is easier to shorten the distance between people and dilute the strangeness of their business transactions. After all, things involving interests are not simple, and they often bargain and argue with each other.

"Didn't I think of you as soon as it was in stock? I haven't seen the wooden barrels I made in the market! They also said that I am not a buddy enough. In addition, give me a slice of your cistanche. I want to try it too. "

Zhang Qing: "I'm afraid that you will die if you try it. I remind you to use a small amount and use it more. I can't hold it because of my strong endurance. If you eat too much, you probably won't be able to hold it. You will have to increase the price."

Li Zhiwei complained: "There is a price increase after all." Scoop out some of the water in the wooden tank with coconuts, and pour the fish in the wooden bucket into the wooden tank. The extra wooden bucket is considered an extra to the transaction.

I didn't ask Zhang Qing's stamina value, but I was so afraid that I was sour. In order not to lose face, I said, "Don't worry, my stamina is not weak, I have a sense of proportion."

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