At night, Zhang Qing's refuge was upgraded to level three, and the group became lively again. After all, only the two of them are level three islands now.

As a flaunt, it caused quite a stir in the group.

Li Zhiwei slept in a daze all night.

Today is the fifth day since Li Zhiwei came to the island.

I woke up in the morning and rubbed my eyes, turned on the system screen, and looked at the real-time survival points.

Survival points: 2532.

Making bamboo basket system gives 500 survival points, making wooden barrel system gives 500 survival points, making tortoise shell shovel 500 points, killing crabs 100 points, setting daily tasks 620 survival points, level 300 islands [-] survival points every day for free point.

Upgrading 4/1 of the survival points of the level 3 island has been obtained.

Zhang Qing's small island has been upgraded to a third-level island last night.

As expected, he congratulated: "Congratulations, the island is prosperous."

They began to gather dew busily.

He is still very short of fresh water.

It is imminent to make a water collector.

The stone he asked for was never found by Zhang Qing.

It is mainly a kind of stubborn stone that absorbs more heat and releases heat slowly. If you find such a stone, you can make a water collector and collect fresh water.

The dew is collected.

Immediately crafted another barrel on the workbench.

Casks do a lot for him.

If it rains, you can use the barrel.

His small island is relatively rich in supplies. The fish he caught and the grapes he picked in the past two days need to be packed in barrels.

In the future, he also plans to make a special wine barrel to brew wine.

Now that he has a full day scheduled, he doesn't have any extra time to scroll through the chat history, so he can only take a look at it in his busy schedule.

I went to the place where he put his fishing net and caught a lot of fish.

There were not many big fish caught, only one fish met the requirements, and the system gave 100 survival points.

Take the fish out of the fishing net, each of them has a strong vitality, slap them to death, put them on the reef, and dry the fish in the sun.

Then go dig a new shelter.

The fish caught in the morning is dried and the fish caught in the afternoon is made into dinner.

12 points.

The weather was getting hotter, Li Zhiwei watched the screen while eating.

Suddenly the top of the chat room arched over a system banner.

"I would like to remind all island owners that the tide is coming. Due to the influence of the outer galaxy, after 5 days, the tide in the endless sea will flood the first-level islands (except special islands)."

"Island owners, please upgrade the island as soon as possible."

"Please note that due to the greater impact on your island, the second level will also be submerged, please be prepared for moisture protection."

Li Zhiwei? ? ?
"Is it such a coincidence?"

He didn't pay too much attention to this piece of news. After all, he is now a third-level island, and it doesn't matter to him whether he can submerge the second-level island.

There are two issues he needs to pay attention to, one is to transfer all the supplies on the low-lying islands to higher places.

The new shelter needs to be built quickly, and the previous shelter will definitely be submerged by sea water.

After looking at the leaderboard, he and Zhang Qing's third-level islands are on top.

But there are already more than 200 people on the secondary islands.

There are still 6938 people in the group.

After warning from the system.

The news in the group began to climb at a rocket-like speed. In just a short while, he displayed more than 10000 unread messages.

"The high tide directly submerges the first-level islands, it's too fucking ridiculous, affected by some unwarranted alien galaxy?"

"I only have more than 1000 survival points now, give me another 5 days, and I can just upgrade the island."

"Can't I build a boat? I'll build a boat and return to the island after the tide goes out?"

"You are a very clever shipbuilder. How big a boat can you build these days? I'm afraid you can't build a raft."

"Raft survival is okay."

"You guys are really amazing. You have turned survival on a deserted island into survival on a raft."

"Group friends save me! I only have 100 survival points now."

"Oh, my system! I want to sacrifice my group of friends to die alone in exchange for 2000 survival points."


Level [-] islands are submerged directly.

When he was upgrading the island, he saw fins of big fish, leaping piranhas, extremely fast swordfish, and other unknown creatures.

These creatures seemed to have inexplicable hostility towards him, the island owner, as if they wanted to kill him and eat his flesh.

If the first-level island is submerged, the island owner on it can almost be said to be dead.

These mutated fish are invincible in the sea, and their current island level is too low, there is too little bonus to their own abilities, and their strength is also low.

It is necessary to upgrade other people's islands as much as possible.

In the past few days, he has been working on the workbench.

He has already accumulated 4 simple workbenches, and now the incident is urgent. In addition to the 4 accumulated workbenches, he also plans to make 4 more simple workbenches and take action together.

If it wasn't for the fact that the upgraded workbench required too many materials, he would directly sell the upgraded workbench.

Allow others to make tools as well, speeding up the circulation of tools.

Others don't have auxiliary modules, and they can make simple tools with a workbench. The tools made by many people are not as perfect as his, but the result is that the tools on the trading system will increase.

At that time, more people will be benefited, more people will survive, and the overall resources will be more.

But when Guang and Zhang Qing traded, Li Zhiwei worried that it would only benefit their group.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket, and it is also very important to establish your own trading channels.

Therefore, he planned to reduce the number of transactions for Zhang Qing and the others, and allocate one transaction to others.

But who is the new candidate?
After thinking for a long time, Li Zhiwei suddenly remembered that someone said that his island was a mountain range with a pillar supporting the sky.

That person's name is Ding Xiaowen.

I found Ding Xiaowen in the group, and found that Ding Xiaowen's profile picture was still a first-class island.

It seems that the probability of Ding Xiaowen joining other organizations is not very high. With the addition of mountains, it is still a first-class island.

It is possible that special difficulties were encountered.

So he sent a private message to Ding Xiaowen: "Brother, do you want to make a deal?"

At noon, Ding Xiaowen was hiding from the hot sun on the other side of the mountain.

His opening was a mountain range on the sea. When he first said that his opening was a mountain range, many people contacted him and kept asking if there was any special place or special product on it.

Ding Xiaowen talked about the bonuses on the island panel.

The 1% increase in the output of animals and plants on the mountains actually has a bonus to the island owner's power, but he didn't say it, leaving some leeway and secrets.

Although he doesn't know how much the specific mountains have added to his power, he still feels that his power is much greater than the power of the previous world (the second-level island opens the personal panel).

Although this mountain range gave him a lot of strength.

But again, on top of an endless ocean, a solitary mountain range, exposed to wind, sun, and rain, suffers from serious soil erosion.

There is actually not much vegetation on the island, so the bonus is useless without supporting facilities, and it is still a 1% bonus.

Such an island has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that even if the tide predicted by the system comes, his island will not be submerged.

But the bad news is that he has no tools, and the resources on his small island are relatively scarce. Even if he saves money every day and plans meticulously, it is inevitable that resources will be exhausted.

If it weren't for the exchange system, it would be hard for him to survive these five days.

There is no fishing, and there are no resources.

"God, give me a thigh! I'm about to die." Ding Xiaowen cried out in his heart.

It is already a habit of him to open the exchange system at noon, because at this time the weather is so hot that it is basically impossible to do other things, and people also like to exchange the collected resources at noon.

So he has been exchanging a lot of materials on the exchange system at noon to be able to survive until now, and now his island's resources have been almost exhausted by him.

The mountains are almost bald by him, and he has slowly begun to despair.

Suddenly, in the frame of a private chat, a boss from a third-level island chatted with him privately.

The boss on the leaderboard wants to ask me for something?
Ding Xiaowen clicked on the boss's private chat with doubts.

What caught my eye was the third-level boss asking him if he wanted to make a deal.

Ding Xiaowen returned: "What kind of deal do you want? What do you need? What do I need to pay?"

He knows that there is no love for no reason, and the boss must have his own needs when talking about him privately, so he made it clear from the beginning.

Li Zhiwei didn't ask what the bonuses of the mountains were, because it didn't make much sense, and he would know about them later.

"You know that I can make tools, and I can help you with some tools, but as a condition, if you have any special output on your island in the future, you must be the first to trade with me, and report to me every day. Island situation."

Ding Xiaowen, who was in a desperate situation, agreed without thinking. He had nothing to lose.

Whatever he gets he earns.

What's more, the boss on the other side is investing in his own future, so if there is any special output on his small island in the future, he must give priority to saving his benefactor.

"Okay, Mr. Zhiwei, after I upgrade, I will trade with you immediately if there is anything special about Kojima."

"Well, you can tell me what you need now. I have stone axes, stone knives, workbenches, and javelins. You can tell me what you need. When the time comes, I will put it on the shelf and take whatever you want. Just change things."

Ding Xiaowen saw that Li Zhiwei said that he seemed to be able to use so many tools.

Since the boss sent him a message to find him alone, it proves that the boss has the intention to invest in him. Instead of looking for tools from the boss every now and then, it is better to ask for everything at once.

Cautiously replied: "I want them all!"

Li Zhiwei nodded secretly when he saw the message sent by Ding Xiaowen, he seemed to be an ambitious guy.

He needs such a person.


"Ding Xiaowen sent a transaction request, do you agree?"

"Zhu Zhengguo sent a transaction request, do you agree?"

"Huo Jingmei sent a transaction request, do you agree?"

"Yi Quan sent a transaction request, do you agree?"


As soon as the tool was put on the shelves, many people immediately sent transaction requests.

However, when trading tools, they must be confirmed by the seller before they can be handed over to the other party.

So although these people are not slow to respond, the final tool is still out of their hands.

Maybe some of them really need tools, but Li Zhiwei can only say sorry.

"Have you seen it? The third-level boss just put a batch of tools on the trading system."

Zhu Zhengguo: "I saw it, I saw it, but it's a pity that the transaction partner is not me, crying."

"I heard that the boss's tools are very good, wear-resistant, and feel good."

"Does it need to be said? The javelin I got three days ago was made by the boss, and I still use it now. The thief pulls the cowhide."

"I just saw Li Zhiwei put up a workbench. What is the function of this workbench? Could it be used to make tools?"


There was such a lively chat in the group, and Zhang Qing and the others immediately found out about Li Zhiwei trading a lot of tools.

Zhang Qing: "Just now I seem to see that there is a workbench in your trading place. When will our trading be able to put this thing on the shelves?"

Zhang Qing's reaction was very quick, and he didn't ask who was the person who traded with him.

Li Zhiwei made it clear that after all, he is a good trading partner now, and explained: "Today's trading will put this item on the shelves, but I will have a trading number to give to my friends every day in the future."

"Okay, I understand, but when we trade today, bring me some of your grapes!"

"No problem."

"Another good news for you. The tomatoes I planted on the land I reclaimed just broke the ground. How about it? You can eat tomatoes all the time."

Li Zhiwei replied: "That's good, I also have to tell you a piece of news, that is, your tomatoes cannot be grown on my island."

Zhang Qing: "Ah, this is really sad news."


In the afternoon, Li Zhiwei traded today's tools and manufactured workbenches.

Zhang Qing gave him some tomatoes, and Li Zhiwei also returned some bunches of grapes.

Put all the materials traded today in front of the shelter that will be dug to prevent him from running back and forth to get the materials.

And that was the case with the previous shelter.

Build the second shelter first.

Tomatoes are used as a condiment for afternoon construction.

If he feels thirsty, he stops and eats a tomato, or a few bunches of grapes.

It's not tiring to work sour and sour, but it's a bit taxing.

This morning he had already laid the foundation in front of the shelter, and then waterproofed it.

It doesn't matter if it rains in the afternoon.He can work even if it is sunny.

He's going to start digging in now.

Not strong stamina.

After exercising for the past few days, his stamina has become slightly stronger, and his stamina has increased by 0.2 on the panel.

Although the endurance is not very strong, people can work while eating.

Especially today he specially brought some food over.

There is no shortage of food.

It's just that the food exchanged is a bit hard to eat.

The food was traded with Zhang Qing and his group, and it was not directly exchanged for system food, which was too expensive.

Even if he was asked to exchange the food in the system, he would feel very distressed.

While he dug the shelter.

Yoyo, who hadn't seen him in the morning, disappeared in a flash on the bushes and trees in front of him.

Seeing Li Zhiwei digging the soil with a tortoise shell shovel, and then carrying it out in a basket, he looked like a groundhog.

He flicked his tail and disappeared into the jungle in front of him, as if he just happened to pass by.

"This tsundere cat."

It was not until 6 pm that Li Zhiwei stopped, his shelter career.


Of course, the door can only accommodate one person to enter, and the inside is quite big now.

He could live in it now, but while digging, it was full of dirt.

It's dry and smells like earth, not the fragrance of earth, but the kind of dry earth particles stuffed in the nose, which is a little clogged and feels very uncomfortable.

The newly dug cave dwellings were not suitable for living on the first day.

Return to the wooden shelter.

First, he took a look at the dried fish he was drying on the reef.

All gone.

Take a closer look at the crime scene.

A white solid-like substance appeared, which was obviously bird droppings.

There are white feathers not far away.

It turned out to be a bird on the island who stole the dried fish he dried.

Think about Li Zhiwei or forget it.

The total number of birds on the island has not exceeded 30.

It's a bit small, so be careful when drying fish in the future.

His fishing nets are directly nailed to a few wooden stakes on the beach, and then the fishing nets are tied to the wooden stakes. He is not afraid that his fishing nets will be washed away by the sea.

Although the gains in this way are not many, it is not impossible.

He went to the side of the fishing net, picked up all the small fish into his wooden barrel, and re-cast the net.

After getting off the net, Li Zhiwei found two blue-gray sea snakes when he came back along the beach. The sea snakes have come out again in the past few days.

He played with two green-gray sea snakes alive to death as a food reserve.

I took it back to the shelter and hung it up, ready to roast spicy strips.

Li Zhiwei named this wooden shelter the No. [-] shelter.

After all, it was the first shelter he built. Although it was not very strong and reliable, the symbolic significance was greater than the practical significance.

The main reason for coming back to this shelter was to start the fire and get it to the shelter he dug today.

Bake off the moisture in your new shelter.

He will dig deeper tomorrow, and he intends to dig to a depth of 8 meters.

After making a door and a window with wooden boards, he can live in it.

Such a refuge can give him a sense of security.

It can prevent wind and rain and also prevent inexplicable spiritual body.

When the time comes, he will directly light a fire at the door, and he still doesn't believe that this spiritual experience will come through the wall?
Suddenly remembered that he was going to make an earmuff.

So far, the rabbit skin kneaded by sand is still hanging in the first shelter, and now it's time to make earmuffs.

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