When Li Zhiwei saw dark clouds coming, he knew it was going to rain.

Without any luck, he immediately turned up from the bed, put one side of the bed on the nearby reef, and tied the legs of the bed to the coconut tree next to him with ropes.

The bed, the reef, and the ground form a triangle like this, which has certain stability.

The lower side of the bed and the ground form a trapezoidal space with a larger left and a smaller right.

This irregular trapezoidal space is where he shelters from the wind and rain, and a temporary shelter was quickly built.

Move the stone into the small side of the trapezoid as the base.

Pick out the larger firewood from the fire, put a few pieces of charcoal on top of the stone, so as to prevent the heavy rain from extinguishing the fire, and then put the wood he collected this day horizontally under the big trapezoid, so that he can Sit on top of the wood and warm yourself by the fire.

I also put some miscellaneous things into the limited space, put them under the bed, and hung the coconut shells carved with crab powder on the legs of the bed, and I was done, waiting for the rainstorm to come.

Unexpectedly, the first time his wooden bed was not used for sleeping, but for shelter from wind and rain.

After preparing these, the heavy rain was long overdue.

In fact, it was not that the rainstorm came slowly, but that Li Zhiwei reacted too quickly.

The crackling raindrops hit the wooden bed that Li Zhiwei had just made, and then flowed to the ground along the gaps in the middle of the wooden bed.

With the help of a simple workbench and the guidance of assistants, the wooden bed was made to fit perfectly. As a baffle, no water leaked out. Li Zhiwei hid under the bed, and no water dripped.

Even he himself felt that the auxiliary module had been optimized a bit too much.

Open the chat window.

Li Zhiwei unexpectedly found that many people were posting photos of the night sky of their island, but unfortunately they cannot post videos, this is a chat platform.

Are they on vacation?
"My small island has nothing in the night sky, it's pitch black, and the real-name system envies you."

"It's very windy on my side of the island and I'm shivering under a tree."

"I saw a lot of shadows on the sea, but I couldn't take pictures when I took pictures. What's the situation?"

"Brother, you may be hallucinating."

"It could be a mirage, funny."


The torrential rain did not stop, and Li Zhiwei sat leisurely on the wood. The water on the ground rose by two centimeters. The torrential rain was so intense that the rainwater that would not flow into the sea in the future formed a thin layer of water on the sand.

The island also enjoys silky smoothness at this moment.

However, there is a limit to the heavy rain, and even the stones moved before were not submerged, let alone the fire on the stones.

The rain is fast, the rain is fast, but the flow is faster, and the island cannot hold water.

Instead, the wind blew some raindrops in. Fortunately, he was backed by the reef.

A few more firewood were added to the fire above the stone, and the fire burned even more vigorously. The headless snakes were all washed in the rainstorm, and then hung on the side of the bed, like a simple door curtain, through Gaps, sit and watch the rain fall.

Another piece of snake meat was taken, and it was grilled over and over on the fire, making a crackling sound. The golden snake meat was covered with delicate lace, and the snake oil dripped into the fire, making a crackling sound. Crackling sound.

Eating the grilled golden snake meat, without any seasoning, I always feel uncomfortable.

Seeing the water dripping from the baffle and forming a line, which was as smooth as silk, Li Zhiwei opened the three coconuts he prepared in the morning, and took the water from a coconut kettle he made yesterday.

Take a sip of rootless water, sweet and delicious!

He didn't try to dig a hole to retain the rainwater, because the sand has a poor water storage capacity. He dug the sand on the island before, and the rocks with gaps underneath.

Watching the torrential rain.

Li Zhiwei praised: "This rainstorm is good, even the work of getting up in the morning to collect dew is saved."

This is the so-called man will conquer the sky.

Without these tools, although this heavy rain can't do anything to him, it may cause him to feel unwell or catch a cold tomorrow after being drenched in the rain, and it will delay the collection of items for a day, which is a small gap opened by nature.

In a cruel environment, without medicine, without sufficient food and water, without the help of others, if this gap is not filled in time, it will be infinitely magnified and eventually lead to death.

The heavy rain hit the bed with a crackling sound, and then burst, splashing on the grass next to it, causing the grass to shake for a while.

Many voices seemed to be expressing their dissatisfaction, but there was nothing they could do.

Opening the chat window, Li Zhiwei began to reply to those acquaintances.

After all, there are 10 more free chat records, so it's not for nothing.

At this time, Li Zhiwei saw that Zhang Qing's island had also been promoted to the second level.

Similarly, the system arched a banner in the chat room.

"Congratulations to Zhang Qing's Little Island of Myriad Hearts, who has been promoted to level [-]. Here's an announcement."

The group exploded again.

"The island with people has been upgraded again. Looking at the photos, she is still a big beauty."

"Damn, my dna moved, this girl is so sassy."

"Ahh! How can someone be so fast."


Zhang Qing promoted Xiaodao to level two before the settlement of the island tonight.

The second-level small island settles 200 survival points every day, that is, the earlier the upgrade, the more upgrade points you can get for free prostitution every day.

Li Zhiwei sent a congratulatory message to Zhang Qing.

"Congratulations, the island is prosperous."

Zhang Qing returned.

"Happiness and joy, hand in hand."

Li Zhiwei didn't underestimate anyone, and he expected Zhang Qing to be promoted to the second level so quickly. During the previous transaction, he saw that there was a team behind Zhang Qing.

He got the information from the chat records before that the old people become younger and have the body of their youth, so some real old people have more experience than these young people who have lived for 20 years.

"Maybe, Zhang Qing is still from grandma's generation!" He secretly speculated.

After more than 1000 people died on the first day, there have been no more cliff-like dead people, and all the damned people are dead.

Open the trading system, there are too many people, there are all kinds of transactions, and reasonable transactions will basically be closed.

The rest is that the traded items are very outrageous, one coconut for 50 stones, one banana for 20 pieces of wood (edible and usable), one shoelace for two catties of meat, this kind of comparative exchange.

There are so many islands, each island is different, and the products produced on the islands are also different. It is easy to find substitutes. For example, you can use coconuts for water or eat pineapples, which can quench your thirst.

There is a very outrageous exchange, the big deal is not to exchange, anyway, people will not starve to death for a day or two, there will always be a suitable price, there are so many people.

There may be fools, but there are definitely not many, you can have a private chat, and after talking about the right price, hang up the exchanged items.

Li Zhiwei opened the exchange mall, and found that in the exchange mall, the survival points for another island exchange had become 4000, which was twice as much as the island exchange before.

However, the lighters, mapo tofu, and beef noodles that can be exchanged in the past have increased prices without increasing the amount, and more survival points need to be paid. It is becoming more and more unrealistic to live on the food and survival materials in the survival point exchange system. , is getting more and more difficult.

After the upgrade, a lottery carousel appeared in the island exchange system, and the small island worth 4000 survival points was impressively on the lottery carousel.

Each draw draws 100 survival points. For Ouhuang, this is an opportunity.

Li Zhiwei took a look and found that Kojima's winning probability was 0.02%.

I took a look at my panel, and it didn't show if I wasn't lucky enough.

Completely dispelled the idea of ​​turning a bicycle into a motorcycle.

The torrential rain was much lighter, but Li Zhiwei's melodious singing sounded in his ears, which aroused his emotions a lot. He felt like he wanted to dance in the rain, and his blood surged.

Li Zhiwei became alert instantly. How can there be anyone in this wilderness?The sound of this thing combined with the raindrops made him have auditory hallucinations.

He remembered the scream of the junior spiritual body last night, and the song was similar to the scream of the junior spiritual body, except that it affected him more precisely and resonated with people's emotions better.

Covering his ears tightly, the sea monster's influence on him gradually weakened until it disappeared.

This spiritual body resonates with people through sound, and when he covers his ears, this resonance will be weakened.

For this kind of monster that attacks with sound, he doesn't have many ways to deal with it. He has to make an earmuff. If he encounters this inexplicable singing sound, he will cover his ears, and slowly look for opportunities. If he can't kill the monster, he will defend .

I took a photo of the monster with the system, but there was nothing on the photo.

Hold your breath, stay alert, and slowly let go of your pressed ears.

As the rainstorm subsided, the inexplicable sound also slowly disappeared.

Li Zhiwei pinched himself, and it hurt a little.

Not seduced, not emotionally resonated, he felt the pain and was his true self.

This sound is the same as the attack method of the elementary spirit, except that the elementary spirit is screaming, and now it is an upgraded version of the elementary spirit.

Since your inexplicable singing voice is trying to harm me, Li Zhiwei immediately made the situation he encountered public in the group to make everyone vigilant.

"I met a singing monster tonight. It should be an upgraded version of the spiritual body. Its singing can resonate with people's emotions, and then affect people to make some uncontrollable actions. Be careful, everyone. When you are a monster, just cover your ears, the tighter you cover, the less affected you will be."

"Thank you for sharing."

"The gray dumpling that the boss shared before is afraid of fire. I also encountered it. I have passed it safely now, thank you."

"If you don't tell me, I forgot. When the boss posted in the group that the junior spirit body was afraid of fire, there were still people who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the boss."

"I know, it's just that scumbag is too fucking smug."

Xie Kangsheng: "Did I fuck you up? You cheated on me, but I didn't cheat on you. I'm just pretending to be sentimental."


"The words of the barbarian overflowed the screen."


Upgraded to a second-level small island, Li Zhiwei is now speaking in the group, his profile picture is marked with a second-level small island, and his words have been recognized by more people.

The improvement of status and strength has brought some authority, and it is easier to be trusted and recognized by others.

When I was in the water group before, I found that the most exposed survival value in the group was more than 400, and the smallest was in single digits. Didn’t these people think about it for the future?

"Boss, do you have a coconut? Give me a coconut, I'm dying of thirst."

@李志伟@Zhang Qing "Big brother, give me a coconut! I want to have a sip of coconut juice before I die."

"Boss, don't give it to me. The person above is an online beggar. I've already given him a coconut before, but he's still begging. It's really shameless.

Someone @ him: "Boss, do you have nude photos of me? It's free."

"Let's see, let's see, the girl in front will send me."

"His avatar is just a back view, maybe it's bigger than you."


Li Zhiwei looked at the floors that were getting more and more crooked, and couldn't help shaking his head. These people were talking and talking, just ghs in the group, and the most important thing was to let no one care about them in this group.

He is a serious and ideal science popularizer, and he can't get along with these people. As a famous man, he should have a correct guiding role. It seems that many people don't care about these unknown things.

Regardless of whether the person just now is really short of water or fake, since he can shout such words, it means that there are indeed not many living supplies on the island. Although it has only been less than two days, the island is really too small .

People must be alerted, so he sent in the group: "The island is very small, the resources are too few, if you don't have resources, you will die!"


The fiery group chat suddenly became cold.

Li Zhiwei smiled faintly: "Please call me a group chat killer."

Turning off the chat, Li Zhiwei also set the group chat messages to only receive and not remind, so as to prevent people from constantly chatting with him.

If you don't watch the group, there must be someone who wants to slap him.

"Out of sight out of mind."

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