Special Forces: Get SSS-level skills at the beginning

Chapter 415 The Operation Concluded Successfully

Faced with General Ika's question, Gao Ping did not intend to tell him directly.

Gao Ping looked at the other party coldly: "Who am I, you don't need to know now, you will know when you should know!"

"However, you can rest assured that I neither intend to ask for your money, nor intend to kill you!"

"After all, it would be a pity if such an influential figure like you died just like that!"

Hearing Gao Ping say this, General Ika at this moment is like falling into an icehouse.

Although he couldn't die for the time being, he knew very well what he would face next.

Although I don't know how this guy in front of me is going to deal with me, but no matter what method the other party uses, my end will not be very good!

Gao Ping didn't intend to be polite to this guy either.

Anyway, I just need to give this guy a sigh of relief and ensure that Ika is still alive when he is handed over to the military.

It just so happens that this place is secluded enough now, and the sound insulation should be pretty good.

In such a safe place, it was just right to interrogate Ika.

Gao Ping is the kind of person who does what he says and never procrastinates.

thought here.

Gao Ping was also polite, and immediately started to interrogate Ika.


Gao Ping turned to General Ika's chest.At the mouth is a kick.


In the next second, Ika, who was not prepared at all, jumped into the air and flew upside down.

Not surprisingly, another hill made of gold bricks was knocked down.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

After a series of coughs, a large mouthful of blood spewed out of Ika's mouth.

"Etc., etc!"

At this moment, Ika couldn't care less.There were bursts of severe pain in his mouth, and before he got up, he quickly waved his hands in the direction where Gao Ping was standing.

However, before he could speak, Gao Ping followed Ika like a shadow.



"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

Gao Ping casually picked up a gold brick weighing one or two catties, and smashed it at the kneecap of Ikaben's injured right leg.

In the next second, General Ika's injured leg, which was still slightly bent, became straight in an instant.

You don't need to look at it to know it. If there is no exclusive secret recipe, General Ika's right leg will be useless!

Even if it is cured in the future, it is estimated that it will only be limping when walking.

I can no longer jump up and down like before.

Feeling the sharp pain from his leg, General Ika could no longer maintain his composure at this moment.

Immediately, he yelled at Gao Ping: "You goddamn bastard, I..."

Before General Ika could finish cursing, Gao Ping made another move.

"I let you scold me! Let you scold..."

While muttering to himself, the gold brick weighing one or two catties in his hand began to slam into General Ika's still intact left leg.

One, two, three...

Every time Gao Ping hits it, there will be crackling sounds from the bone of General Ika's left leg.


In such a painful sting.Inspired, General Ika finally couldn't hold on any longer.With a scream, General Ika passed out directly.

So far, among other things, General Ika's two legs are useless!

For a fracture of this degree, Gao Ping can be sure that every inch of bone in these two legs is a powder fracture without even going to the hospital.

Yes, it's not a comminuted fracture, it's a powder fracture.

The two legs of General Ika were directly smashed into bones by the gold brick in Gao Ping's hand.

Even the kind that can't be spelled out!

Although General Ika was lucky enough to save his life, he probably could only spend the rest of his life in a hospital bed.

Looking at General Ika who was already as muddy, Gao Ping seemed to have done something very enjoyable at the moment.

Not only was there no trace of unbearableness on his face, but a trace of relaxed and comfortable joy appeared on the contrary.feel.

From the looks of it, he knew that Gao Ping was in a really good mood at the moment.

Gao Ping casually threw the gold brick that had been stained red with Ika's blood on the ground.

Looking at General Ika who was like a dead dog on the ground, he said to himself, "Old guy, actually, you should feel lucky that the higher ups will keep you alive."

"Otherwise, I will definitely greet you well!"

"Let you experience what is the real survival or death!"

Let out all the resentment and dissatisfaction in your chest.After venting, Gao Ping called Gao Shenghan and the others by radio.

When Gao Shenghan and the others arrived, it was already more than half an hour later.

At this moment, the blood on the ground has dried up.

Even so, Gao Shenghan and the others were really shocked when they saw the mountains of gold and jewelry in front of them, and General Ika lying on the ground who could only groan in pain.

"My God! I'm not dreaming!"

"So many gold jewels!"

"Even the Golden Palace of the ancient emperors might not have such extravagance!"

"Sure enough, poverty restricts our imagination!"

"We really can't imagine the life of the rich!"

Gao Shenghan and the others had never seen such a big scene.

It will be much better for Hades and the others.

Their focus is not on the gold in the cave at all.

Yan Wang walked over and squatted beside General Ika to check him.

"Captain, this guy must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. If it's too late, I'm afraid he will..."

Before Yan Wang finished speaking, Gao Ping took out an injection from his coat pocket and threw it to Yan Wang.

"Put this on him, it should be enough for him to go to the hospital!"

Hades took a look at the injection.

It turned out to be an epinephrine shot.

With this thing, not to mention that the current Ika is only seriously injured, even if he has only one breath left, he can hang his life.

Adrenaline is originally a hormone and neurotransmitter released by the adrenal glands.put.

Adrenaline makes the heart shrink.The contraction force rises, making the blood vessels of the heart, liver, and muscles dilate and the blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes shrink.Shrinkage is generally a must-have for saving dying people or animals.

Moreover, the one that Gao Ping threw to Hades was for their special forces.

This effect is more than one level better than the ones sold on the market.

This is a high-end product with a price but no market!
Unless it is a really important person, otherwise, ordinary people are not worthy of it at all.

Looking at the injection in his hand, Yan Wang took out the syringe from the first aid kit he carried with him, shook his head slightly and said regretfully, "It's a pity that such a good thing is just used on a scumbag like this!"

However, the importance of General Ika is still very clear to Hades. Although he said he was reluctant, his movements were not slow at all.

Seeing that he was very skillful and hungry, he injected adrenaline into the aorta near General Ika's heart.

Regarding these things, when Gao Ping was training before, he had a professional doctor from the General Hospital of the Southeast Military Region give them one-on-one training.

Therefore, Yan Wang and the others are naturally very skilled in doing it.

At this time, watching Yan Wang's skillful operation, Gao Shenghan and the others were all stunned.

This method is more professional than the professional ambulance doctors of their SWAT team!

If they didn't know the identities of Yan Wang and the others, Gao Shenghan and the others would definitely think that Yan Wang's occupation must be a professional old military doctor.

The matter here is settled, and Gao Ping and the others basically don't need the rest of the matter.

So, Gao Ping just handed over to Gao Shenghan and the others and left directly with the people.

Besides, the next thing is basically some aftermath work.

Because Gao Ping and the others have special identities, unless it is necessary, it is better for them to minimize their appearance in front of people as much as possible.

Just let Gao Shenghan and the others handle things like this!

In fact, the next most important thing is to escort these gold jewels.

How much wealth General Ika has accumulated in his life, he probably doesn't know himself.

Anyway, I heard Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei say it later when he was chatting with him.

In order to transport the wealth of General Ika, the country specially dispatched a 50-ton freighter to successfully transport it back...

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