Seeing the situation intensify.

At this moment, Gao Ping rubbed gently.Rubbing between the eyebrows.

After a while, Gao Ping looked up at Yan Wang: "Get me the marines, let them rush here quickly, and cooperate with us to block these guys at sea. Lock them down!"

"The rest of you, follow me!"

"We must not let these guys escape!"

Speaking of Gao Ping, he began to check his equipment!

"Captain, we didn't test the bomb, so we went up rashly, in case something unexpected happens..."

Leng Feng looked at Gao Ping worriedly.

For Gao Ping and the others' skills, Leng Feng wasn't worried at all.

What Gao Ping was really worried about was the girls from the health team standing opposite them.

Although these female soldiers look aggressive now.

But what we have to face now is actual combat.

Can these female soldiers really go to the battlefield? !

And it uses live ammunition!

Seeing Leng Feng looking at the female soldier worriedly, the corner of Gao Ping's mouth slightly raised: "Don't worry about that!"

"They're not as weak as you think!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Ping took the lead in chasing the spies in the direction where the spies escaped.

Leng Feng originally wanted to say something more, but seeing that Gao Ping was so confident, he couldn't say anything more, so he sorted out his equipment and followed...

Just as Gao Ping and the others led the team to pursue.

the other end.

Under the leadership of the white man, these spies are still running crazily.

At this moment, they only hate being mothers.When I gave birth to them, I didn't give them two extra legs.

Now, in order to survive, the calves of their running legs have already started to cramp.

However, even so, they still did not dare to slow down.

Even if they have resorted to eating now.Despite the strength of his grandma, he still couldn't get rid of the country Z that was chasing after him.soldier.

The white leader at the moment, although he pretended to be confident on the surface.

However, no one knew that at this moment, his heart was already anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Seeing the pursuers getting closer and closer to them, he had nothing to do.

Sure enough, the Z country that can kill the scorpion.Soldiers, none of them are ordinary people.At this time, the little yellow-skinned man who had been running at the end even burst out in his own country's dialect angrily.


"Damn country Z. Soldiers, why are you like a dog's skin plaster, you can't shake it off!"


"Looks like we'll have to ask for help!"

At this time, the black man who was running ahead with the white man looked back at the pursuers behind him and said with a frown.

"Otherwise, I'm afraid all of us will be killed today!"

Listen to the urging of black people.

The white man frowned.

In fact, he wanted to ask for help more than everyone present.

However, as the officer, he is very clear now.

If you ask for support at this time, I am afraid that you will be killed by country Z immediately.Military people locked down.

When the time comes, don't say they can't escape, I'm afraid even the people behind them will suffer.

Naturally, white people would not tell these people about these things.

Whether it is to stabilize the morale of the army or out of consideration for the person behind him.

No white person can make the call.

However, if they don't ask for support now, they might really not be able to go back.

The white man looked back again at the pursuers behind him, and then looked at the time on his watch.

There are still a few hours before the time they agreed on.

Is it to abide by the so-called professional ethics and continue to persist, or is it to choose to survive and expose it? !

White people now face painful choices.

According to the current situation, this is probably their last chance.

If you don't ask for support, I'm afraid they will really stay here.

In the end, after learning from the pain, the idea of ​​survival still defeated the so-called professional ethics.

Only by surviving can they have a future.

After all, in this world, anyone has only one life.

It is naturally impossible for white people to give up their chance to live for the so-called shit professional ethics.

Another point is that if they are all dead, it is naturally impossible for information to spread out.

In that case, all their sacrifices would be in vain.

If they contact support now, they still have a chance.

However, if they give up asking for support now, they will face nothing other than sacrificing themselves in vain!
In the end, the idea of ​​staying alive took the high ground.

The white man gritted his teeth and took out the wireless satellite phone from the tactical vest.

"Hello, is this the headquarters?!"

"The situation on our side has changed, we have been exposed!"

"Please provide support as soon as possible! As soon as possible..."

However, before the white man finished speaking, a cold voice came from the other end of the radio: "Hmph! You idiot!"

"You know you've been exposed, yet you still dare to contact us!"

"Do you think country Z. The soldiers can't find us?!"

Listen to the voice coming from the wireless phone.

The last glimmer of hope that the white people had held in their hearts was instantly shattered.

The person on the other end of the phone didn't care about their safety at all.

Instead, their first reaction was whether they would expose themselves if they contacted them rashly.

Although the white people have already thought of this person's attitude.

However, thinking about it and actually hearing it are two different things.

When he heard these words with his own ears, he didn't know why, but his heart that should have been frozen felt a twinge of pain.

Could this be the country to which he swore allegiance to the death? !
No matter how much he paid, when it came to the critical moment, these guys still chose themselves.

On the other end of the radio, seeing that the white man hadn't spoken for a long time, he may have realized that what he said just now was a little too much.

So the other party cleared his throat and continued: "As a professional spy, you should know our rules!"

"It's not that we don't want to save you, but after all, you are operating within the territory of country Z. Even if we send people there now, at most we will sacrifice a few people in vain!"

"It doesn't make any sense at all!"

"Out of humanitarianism, I can give you a piece of advice."

"Hurry up and transmit the information you collected, and then, you can commit suicide!"

"I believe you should be clear, once you are caught by the military personnel of country Z, then, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you even if you want to die!"

"As for your relatives, wives, and children, the people in the organization will definitely take care of them!"

"If you want to use the information in your hands to try to threaten us, I can guarantee that your wives, children, relatives, etc., I will definitely make their lives worse than death!"

Speaking of the latter, the other party's tone immediately became vicious.

After speaking, without waiting for the white man to say anything more, the other party cut off the call directly.

"Don't! Don't give up on us..."

The white man even yelled at the end.

But the only answer on the phone was a beeping busy tone.

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