Just when He Zhijun secretly speculated on how to deal with the conditions proposed by Mr. Zhang.

Gao Ping, who had been silent all this time, picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip.

The tea soup kept smacking in Gao Ping's mouth.

The rich aroma kept stabbing in its mouth.Exciting Gao Ping's taste buds.

"Well, good, good tea!"

"Mr. Zhang, the Taiping Houkui is definitely a treasure!"

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang nodded slightly: "Young man, I didn't expect you to know tea so well!"

"This is Taiping Houkui, but it took me a lot of effort to get this far!"

It can be seen that even people at Mr. Zhang's level are very useful when faced with compliments from others.

He Zhijun on the side couldn't hold back anymore when he heard the two people practicing Tai Chi in a foggy manner.

"Old Zhang, don't play tricks on me, if you have any conditions, just tell me!"

Looking at the impatient He Zhijun, Mr. Zhang could only shake his head helplessly.

This kid has been so impatient for so many years.

"Okay, now that Zhijun is here, I won't hold back. In fact, my conditions are very simple."

"I've read Xiao Gao's prescription!"

"I have an idea, first use your 026 as a pilot!"

"If this prescription is really as effective as you say, I plan to cooperate with you and mass-produce it!"

"The prescription was provided by Xiao Gao. As for the distribution of benefits, I will definitely satisfy you!"

"I am fully responsible for the production site and equipment, and then you can just take the money!"

He Zhijun immediately stood up after hearing what the other party said.

After arguing for a long time, this old guy is actually playing with Gaoping's prescription!


He Zhijun didn't wait for Gao Ping to express his position, and directly refused.

"This prescription is from our special warfare brigade..."

This time, before He Zhijun could finish speaking, Gao Ping stopped him directly.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, just listen to what Mr. Zhang has to say!"

He Zhijun didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Gaoping's gourd, so he was ready to speak immediately.

At this time, Zhang Lao stood up slowly and pushed He Zhijun down on the sofa.

"Zhijun, I know what you're worried about!"

"You are worried that once this prescription is mass-produced, there will be a large number of outstanding talents in the military region!"

"In that case, you and your special warfare brigade may not be the same as before!"

It has to be said that Mr. Zhang is still very good at reading people.

What he said at the moment was exactly what He Zhijun was worried about.

If the prescription is really as miraculous as Gao Ping said, then his special warfare brigade will be no different from ordinary grassroots troops.

After all, there is a living example of Gao Ping here, so He Zhijun can't help but not worry.

Mr. Zhang took a sip of his tea and continued: "Please rest assured, both of you, once this prescription is put into mass production, we will weaken the efficacy to a certain extent!"

"After all, the medicine is three-point poisonous, and not everyone can fully absorb and use the effects of the medicinal bath like you special forces!"

"I just want to make some improvements on the basis of Xiaogao's prescription and produce a medicine that is beneficial to the public!"

"In this case, our country's military strength will definitely achieve unprecedented development!"

Hearing what Mr. Zhang said, Gao Ping, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help but nodded slightly in praise.

As expected of Mr. Zhang!
Self-love always puts national interests first.

When Gao Ping got this prescription, he just wanted to improve the strength of his subordinates, and he didn't think about benefiting the country and the people at all.

Sure enough, people's vision is still different.

If this is really going on like Zhang Lao said.

Once it is widely used, even if he wants to expand 026 in the future, it will be a lot easier when he chooses people from below.

Thinking of this, Gao Ping gently rubbed the center of his brows, and then said, "Can Mr. Zhang talk about the specific cooperation plan?!"

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang couldn't help laughing: "Haha, young people are still quick-witted. In this regard, you are much better than Zhijun!"

"To be honest, I have already started to prepare when I received your prescription!"

"I have already arranged the production site and equipment yesterday!"

"As long as you agree, I can start production in about a week!"

"A preliminary estimate is that the output produced in one year can not only be used by our military region, but also part of it can be extended to other military regions!"

"If there are no accidents, it only takes one year to promote it nationwide!"

Hearing what Mr. Zhang said, Gao Ping couldn't help being horrified.

Never expected that Mr. Zhang was so fast!
Gao Ping never doubted the efficacy of the prescription.

After all, this is a prescription produced by the system.

Gao Ping is very clear about the benefits the system has brought him.

At this moment, Gao Ping actually has some urge to agree in his heart.

After all, just provide a prescription, so there will be a lot of income every year.

Money, although it doesn't matter to Gao Ping.

However, in today's society, you can't do anything without money.

As long as you have money in your hands, no matter whether it is used for army building or what to do in the future, it will be of great benefit to yourself without any harm.

However, out of reason, Gao Ping suppressed his inner impulse.

Seeing how sincere Zhang Lao's attitude is, as long as he shows a little hesitation, he should be able to win more!
Thinking of this, a melancholy look suddenly appeared on Gao Ping's face.

"This one……"

"Xiao Gao, do you have any concerns?!"

Sure enough, things went as Gao Ping expected.

He just showed a little hesitation on his side, but Zhang Lao on the opposite side lost his composure.

"Well, the prescription was handed down by our ancestors. If it wasn't for the expansion of my army, I wouldn't have said anything!"

"After all, it belongs to the ancestors..."

Mr. Zhang: "If this is the case, as long as you agree, I will not only provide you with the medicinal materials you need for free, but also the annual military expenses of your army. I can also try my best to fight with your superiors!"

"On this point, Zhijun should be very clear in his heart. I believe that my relationship with those old guys will definitely betray my face!"

"Hmm... that's fine!"

Gao Ping still had a reluctance on his face, but he didn't know that he was already happy at the moment!

"Mr. Zhang, actually I don't want to negotiate terms with you, it's just..."

Before Gao Ping finished speaking, Mr. Zhang stood up directly: "We can all understand this!"

"All this is for country Z. The construction of the army!"

Mr. Zhang is not stupid, he finally won this opportunity, he can't just miss it.

Ever since, a big hat of benefiting the country and the people was directly put on Gao Ping's head...

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