"It's not right, why do I feel that the guy opposite seems to know that we are ambushing him!"

Shen Hongfei said to the three while searching for Gao Ping's trace.

"real or fake?!"

Zhao Xiaohei suddenly became nervous.

Duan Weibing didn't take Shen Hongfei's words seriously: "Hmph, my camouflage skills are well-known in the Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company!"

"Even if the other party is standing next to me, they shouldn't be able to find me!"

"Now, we are at least 500 meters away from where that guy disappeared!"

"It's impossible to be found at such a long distance!"

"Is it?!"

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly entered the ears of the three of them.

not good!

The first reaction of Duan Weibing and the three of them was, run!
Immediately, the three guys didn't even have time to see who was behind the voice.

Immediately, Sa Yazi started flirting directly.

At this moment, Gao Ping did not immediately rush to kill these three guys who dared to ambush him.

I saw Gao Ping looking at the place where Duan Weibing and the three disappeared with a playful smile on his face: "You son of a bitch, if you dare to ambush me, I won't scare you to death!"

The reason why Gao Ping released the water was because he believed that the strength of the three of Shen Hongfei and the others was actually quite good.

Although Zhao Xiaohei was a little worse among the three, he only needed to make some adjustments.Teach it, it should be a pretty good seedling of an assaulter.

As for Shen Hongfei, Gao Ping had already designated him as an assaulter.

Although this kid's skill is much worse than his own, but this guy's skill can be ranked even in the strong Langya Special Battle Brigade.

And that guy called Duan Weibing.

This guy was Gao Ping's favorite, because he saw his shadow in this guy.

This guy keeps his cool no matter what the situation.

Even in the emergency just now, he was able to evade the emergency immediately.

And there is still time to help Zhao Xiaohei escape.

Such a guy, as long as he carefully tunes.Teach me, in the future, he should be the seedling of a very good battlefield commander.

It's just that although these people performed very well, they are only at the moment.

How far they can go depends on their performance in the future.

In case their performance in the next training cannot satisfy Gao Ping.

Regardless of their qualifications, Gao Ping will eliminate them without hesitation.

It's not just Gao Ping's side.

Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei on the other end also achieved impressive results.

Originally, as the comedians of the Death Squad, these two people were going in two different directions.

But I don't know why, the two walked and walked, and finally came together.

Ever since the two were together.

Xu Tianlong, who is agile, is in charge of dealing with those rookies who are powerful in melee combat.

As for Song Kaifei, as the strategic sniper of the Death Squad, he only needs to be responsible for dealing with the fish that escaped from Xu Tianlong from a distance.

Right now Song Kaifei is squatting on a big tree in the distance.

Looking into the distance with a face full of pride: "Hey, I said four-eyed dragon, if the captain knows that the two of us cooperate so well, do you think he will..."

"What will happen? Don't miss it, what is our behavior called in the eyes of the captain, do you know?!"

"We call it cheating!"

"If the captain finds out, even if you don't die, you'll have to peel off your skin!"

After easily disposing of the last rookie, Xu Tianlong stood up and let out a long sigh of relief.

Song Kaifei was a little curious: "Since you know it's cheating, why do you still cooperate with me?!"

"I, I just want to experience what it was like when the captain took care of us!"

As Xu Tianlong said, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"What about now? After experiencing it, how do you feel?!"


"It's so fucking cool!"

Xu Tianlong looked at the rookies subdued by him with a satisfied face and shouted directly.

At this moment, Song Kaifei, who was laughing and spanking Longlong, suddenly became serious.

"Four-eyed dragon, I advise you to be more careful, a fish escaped just now!"

"Judging from that guy's actions, he is definitely not a good stubble!"

"Anyone who can escape from my gun is definitely a ruthless character!"

After finishing speaking, Song Kaifei jumped down from the big tree, and continued to search with Longlong.

These two guys didn't know that there was already a big net waiting for them on the route they were traveling at the moment.

It was on a hillside about 800 meters away from Song Kaifei and Xu Tianlong.

Just halfway up the hillside, the hillside that should have been unobstructed, now has a pile of dead leaves like a hill for no reason.

Looking carefully, under the cover of the pile of dead leaves, a long black pipe looms in it.

Isn't this the barrel of a sniper rifle?

Look further back.

At this moment, a figure wearing jungle camouflage and heavily oiled face was quietly climbing up the hillside.

On the side there is a guy in the same attire as this person who is watching carefully every move in the distance with a military telescope.

The one holding the sniper rifle is called Wu Di, and the guy who is the observer by his side is called Yang Zhen.

Both guys are from the same unit.

When they were in the old army, the two of them were a combat team, so when they came to Langya, they immediately formed a sniper team.

"Attention, the fish is hooked, at your 10 o'clock direction!"

As an observer, Yang Zhen immediately reported the location to Wu Di after discovering the traces of Song Kaifei and Xu Tianlong.

At this moment, through the telescope, it can be clearly seen.

Song Kaifei and Four-Eyed Dragon are back to back and carefully searching forward.

While searching everything in front of him, Song Kaifei told Xu Tianlong in a low voice: "Four-eyed dragon, be careful, the fish that slipped through the net just now disappeared here!"

Just after finishing speaking, Song Kaifei suddenly became nervous.

"No, get out of the way!"

As Song Kaifei said that, he kicked the four-eyed dragon far away.

I also subconsciously fell to the ground directly on my back.

"Bang! Bang!"

The moment the two fell to the ground, two gunshots were heard in the distance.

In the next second, two blank bullets hit Song Kaifei's shoes directly.

It's dangerous, just a little bit!
Almost got caught.Killed.

Fortunately, it is now.It was Song Kaifei's two shoes that were killed.

Seeing the broken leather shoes emitting a puff of green smoke, Song Kaifei and Xu Tianlong panted heavily.

"Damn it, there are masters hiding in this little rookie!"

Xu Tianlong couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At the same time, a fine bead of sweat suddenly appeared on the foreheads of the two of them...

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