The idea of ​​the pirates is the same as that of Gao Ping. Sure enough, after being besieged for no more than half an hour, some pirates finally started a tentative attack.

Of course, the leader of the pirates is not a fool, and he does not know how to refuel. I saw that the pirates attacked the ship from four directions. They did not know how many people were in the security team on the freighter. From scouting the firepower point.

It can be seen by visual inspection that the pirates sent five ships in four directions to attack.

It has to be said that the pirates really punched Gao Ping's weakness. Facing the pirates' attack, they had to divide their troops to defend. Now there are less than two defenders in each direction, and Wang Yanbing and Yan Wang defend one side.

Wang Yanbing was in charge of the bow, Yan Wang and Daniel were in charge of the stern, Yuan Bao and Little Bee were in charge of the port side, Gao Ping and Harley were in charge of the starboard side, and because of the distance, Gao Ping had to put the pirates in close range before attacking.

Of course, the pirates are not fools. They will also cover firepower while they are marching. Although the bullets are not accurate at all, it is still very bluffing in terms of the opponent's firepower equipment.

Gao Ping even saw a light machine gun mounted on a ship. Although the style is an old product from 50 to [-] years ago, it can pose a threat to them as long as it is well maintained.

"Brothers, be careful, it has been found that the opponent is equipped with heavy firepower weapons, pay attention to concealment!"

"Roger that!"

"Captain heavy firepower, do you need my help to clear it?"

"Hehe, Yanbing, you can do your defense well, don't you think I can't take care of them!"

Gao Ping was almost amused by Wang Yanbing. Doesn't Wang Yanbing know his shooting level?It seems that these few times of sniping gave him unrealistic fantasies.

You must know that you are a man with the blessing of the system. Although the presence of the system is very low recently, just because you don’t say it doesn’t mean you don’t have it!
Gao Ping is not holding his usual assault rifle, but borrowing Er Niu's gun. As a precision shooter, Er Niu's gun is comparable to a sniper. Of course, when he borrowed it, he wanted to participate in the battle himself. Unexpectedly, my arm was injured, not to mention shooting, it was difficult to hold the gun.

Now Gao Ping is hiding in the gap of the container, and it is impossible to find the situation here under normal circumstances. Because of the emergency, Lao Hei also stayed in the control room, replaced by the instructor Gong Jian.

Compared with Lao Hei's ruggedness, Gong Jian gave the captain a more elegant feeling, but he seemed less secure, especially with the bandages wrapped under his clothes.

Their professionalism directly touched the captain. Unexpectedly, the other party also sent out their own wounded soldiers. As the captain, what excuse do I have for not working hard?
Because of the rising temperature, the windows of the control room are slightly open, why not all of them?Because it was Gao Ping's order, he was afraid that the opponent's stray bullets would come in, and it would not be perfect if it hurt someone.

Through the windows, the sounds of the outside world continued to come in, the sound of waves hitting the hull as the freighter moved forward, and the sound of pirates shooting continuously. The clearest thing to hear was the crisp shooting from all directions of the ship. Voice.

Every gunshot on the ship concerned the hearts of the crew, but Gong Jian, who was sitting peacefully in the control room drinking tea, felt how kind the sound was.

This does not mean that he is a militant, but as a soldier, he must enjoy the battlefield on the battlefield, actively blend in instead of passively resisting. If you are not afraid of bullets, bullets will avoid you. This is what Gong Jian has always been firm in his heart belief.

Furthermore, the crisp gunshots mean that all the team members are participating in the battle normally. Once something happens, the most obvious difference is from the gunshots.

Despite the loud gunshots of the pirates, there were not a few bullets hitting the ship, which only showed that there were no snipers on the other side, and the heavy weapons on the other side could only be a waste of ammunition.

The gun battle lasted less than 10 minutes and ended with the defeat of the pirates. In fact, not long after the battle started, the pirates in charge of the attack realized something was wrong because they discovered that whoever touched the steering wheel of the ship would die.

You can shoot, but you can't touch the steering wheel, which means that you can only move forward and cannot control the direction. This is actually Gao Ping's intention.

Because the pirates did not have wireless communication systems, they had to create an illusion to make the pirate leader think that the attack was going well. When the attack reached a certain stage, the pirates lost contact with the attacking ship, and they slaughtered.Killing can begin.

The pirate leader originally wanted to continue to send ships to attack, but suddenly he saw that all the attacking ships in front stopped and floated with the waves as if they were unmanned.

The binoculars in his hand could not see the active figures of the pirates. No matter how stupid the pirate leader was, he could tell that his attack plan had been shattered by the opponent.

The pirate leader was furious. The failure of the attack again was a major blow to his prestige. In order to make up for it, he hastily ordered that all members launch a general attack!

Nearly [-] remaining ships were besieging the freighter in a mighty manner. This kind of scene was spectacular, and the little bee shouted excitedly.

"Fuck, this scene is a bit like the six sects besieging Guangmingding in a martial arts novel!"

"I said you didn't graduate from elementary school, but you still don't admit it! Where did the Sixth University come from? They were surrounded from four directions, so where did the Sixth University come from!"

"Harley, you are a slut, I'm just describing it, you have to understand the spirit!"

Now the situation has reached the most critical time. Little Bee and Harley are still in the mood to tease each other in the communication channel. Gong Jian smiled and shook his head. Among them are Longlong and Song Kaifei.

If four people get together, they can have a group cross talk.

After Gong Jian laughed, his expression became serious. Now is the time to really test Gao Ping and his abilities.

At this moment in the sky.Three armed helicopters appeared, and the planes flew around the ship for a week. Three planes began to call out to the pirates, which probably meant to let the pirates retreat voluntarily, or they would shoot.

How could the pirate leader listen to them? If he didn't attack and go back to his position, he would lose his position. Now he is on the verge of riding a tiger.

After the three shouts, the pirates were still in an offensive posture, and the three helicopters opened fire at the same time. Whether it was a speedboat or a fishing boat, how could they withstand the heavy firepower of the helicopters.

The bullets of the helicopter were thicker than the bullets of the sniper rifle. In less than a minute, hundreds of bullets poured out at the pirates, causing heavy casualties to the pirates.

The crew on the freighter immediately cheered at such a sight, the captain turned to look at the calm Gong Jian and asked.

"Is this your support?"

"Uh, not really, but our support will arrive soon."

Because the pirates have no rockets, the armed helicopters have no worries about avoiding the opponent's air defense. In less than 2 minutes, most of the pirate ships have been broken into small planks.

The corpses on the sea were scattered all over the sea, and the blood that flowed out stained the sea area red. The navies of various countries have no psychological burden at all to fight against pirates, and they have no idea of ​​capturing captives at all.

Especially in the era when pirates are about to disappear, there are still pirates of such a large scale, which just gives the soldiers an excuse to shoot.

Gao Ping looked at the paintwork on the plane, and it looked like the paintwork of country Z, but he didn't dare to make a judgment on whether there was an obvious logo, and suddenly the satellite phone rang.It's an unfamiliar number.


"Is it Gao Ping?"

"I am, are you?"

"I'm right on your head!"

Gao Ping raised his head and saw a helicopter waving its hand out of the window.

"You are the navy of country Z!?"

"Hahaha, that's right, we happened to be on an escort mission here, and then we received a call for help from Team Zhang, so we came here!"

"Thank you!"

"Hey, the family doesn't speak two different languages, we actually know about your affairs, the motherland thanks you! Well, the problem is solved, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, the three planes circled again and flew away.

Now Gao Ping felt a surge of excitement in his heart.Pai, he just wanted to say: "Thanks for the help of the motherland! Team Zhang is awesome!"

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