Training as usual, nearly a month of training, now not only limited to one room, one building, but also participated in other trainings many times.

Their performance made us think that this is the replacement of the aborigines?After explaining, they all gave them thumbs up.

"Hey, have you noticed that he and Lao Hei have never appeared recently, and even Yuan Bao and others have only appeared once before leaving in a hurry!"

Ye Cun asked suspiciously.

"Hey, is it because you have a spring heart, as far as I know, there is no date yet, you can hurry up!"

"I will tear your mouth apart!"

Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni were squabbling on the sidelines, and Tan Xiaolin and He Lu also felt that something was wrong after listening to them. Recently, the supervisors who supervised their training seemed to be absent-minded all of a sudden.

You must know that to be able to act in the base, it must be an outstanding elite. It should not be a mistake to be distracted at work, but since then, this person seems to have some other emotions in his eyes!
"What emotion exactly?"

"It seems to be sadness and anger!"

Tan Xiaolin guessed, and He Lu felt quite reasonable after thinking about it carefully, and the two decided to open their mouths to ask what happened.


"Let me tell you that you are already very proficient in training related subjects at the base, but in the face of complex and changeable situations, there will still be flaws. Tomorrow I will take you to a new venue for training. I hope you can play even better at that time. outstanding!"

"Okay, today's training is over, He Lu!"


"what's up?"

", we found that you seem to be a little depressed recently, we have been with you for so long, we think we should share each other's emotions!"

The base looked at the people in front of him, and there seemed to be a wave of fluctuation in his eyes. Tan Xiaolin noticed the change in mood and continued.

"Of course, if you encounter personal matters or confidential matters, it's inconvenient to say more, and we don't force you. We only hope that we can help you as students, or even speaking!"

He bowed his head and pondered for a while, as if he had made a major decision in his heart, he raised his head and said.

"Actually, you didn't need to keep this matter a secret from you, because you will definitely know it when the time comes, but the base didn't tell you the first time due to some considerations."

"Since you've taken the initiative to ask, I'll tell you about it, but I said before that we made an agreement for three chapters, you can't be excited, and you have to think twice before doing anything! Can you do it!"


This is our overall answer.

Looking at the firm eyes, he introduced.

"One week after you came to the base, a terrorist organization appeared in City X of Province Y. They kidnapped a tour group and it was on the news at the time. It had nothing to do with us."

"However, in some subsequent disposals, the terrorist organization thought it handled it well, but the police actually discovered some flaws."

"In fact, their target is not the tourist group. In fact, the kidnapping of the tourist group is just a convenient thing for them. To be more precise, it is just a smoke bomb thrown by them to cover up the bigger crime behind them."

"Their real crime was an expert who was staying in the hotel with the tour group at that time. That expert was a senior expert of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Country Z and an academician of our country! He has made a lot of achievements in nuclear research!"

"Of course, this was only discovered later. The police finally discovered the other party's final intention after two days of confrontation between the other party and the police. However, when the police sent local special police forces to rescue them, they were ambushed and the entire team suffered heavy casualties."

"And due to the failure of the operation, the terrorists successfully broke out from the hotel, and joined the outside terrorists, using a chemical factory as a cover to make a final round with the police."

"Later, the local police asked for help from the base, just in time for you to come. Yours, namely Gao Ping, Lao Hei and others, volunteered to carry out the rescue mission, but so far there has been no progress."

"Has there been no progress for so long?"

Ye Cunxin was quite surprised by this!
"It's impossible to say that there is no progress. Under the leadership of Team Gao, the opponent has been compressed into the core area of ​​a chemical plant."

"What about the casualties!"

He Lu asked for key information. She didn't think this was a reason to express sadness, but there must have been casualties.

"Casualties... Your team fell into an ambush by the opponent in order to rescue the kidnapped hostages, and was... wounded by the bomb!"

Turning his head away from the female soldiers, he knew that he must not want them to see his sad side.


"how come!"


"Then... how are Gao Dui and others doing now?"

"Gao has been transferred to Provincial Y Central Hospital for emergency treatment, but he is not out of danger yet! Old Hei is dying, and the rest are in the ICU!"

As soon as the words fell, I heard someone sobbing in the team. I have been with them day and night for half a year. very deep.

The wind is even more so, Tian Guo and Ouyang Qian have already begun to wipe their tears, Tan Xiaolin and He Lu's eyes are red, Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni seem to be on the verge of eruption, and now there may be a spark that will lead them.

"We apply!"

A Zhuo, who was silent at the side, said loudly, and her voice directly brought back all her thoughts.

"The situation is critical. Since we failed to complete the task, we will definitely continue to complete it. The fire phoenix training camp will not be defeated. Please approve!"


! ”

. . . . . .

Facing the pleadings, he was very touched, and his eyes are also red now.

"If you can see that the students he personally cultivated can go forward bravely despite difficulties, he will be considered... He must be very pleased!"

"I understand your feelings, but there are certain rules and regulations for everything. Going to perform tasks has the consideration of the superiors. Now you just need to do the current training work well!"

"Our Gao needs us to avenge him! He must also hope that we can help him complete the unfinished tasks! I hope you approve!"

"Approved, my superiors haven't approved my application, how can I make decisions about your application! Besides, as a person, don't talk about revenge every day, you are, not some bandits! It's okay, you just need to do it now Just do the training tasks, you don’t need to worry about other things!”



"He Lu!"

After speaking, he turned his head and left the training ground by car, leaving only the people standing on the ground blankly.

Feng looked at each other, but everyone's eyes were quite firm. Everyone didn't speak, but they all understood their inner thoughts.

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