infinite survival system

Chapter 84 Wang Qi

"Hehe! The thief will be beaten to death if he is caught!"

Although it uses a dull electronically synthesized voice, the cruelty and impatience in the robot's words are gushing out.

Especially that unwavering laughter made Li Han's scalp tingle even more.

Li Han looked at the bright red light bulb in front of him, and tried to move the energy gun. Hey, he held it really tight. The strength of his right hand is obviously not as strong as this robot, or this robot's hand strength is far superior to ordinary people.

"You are Wang Qi? It's not a good habit to grab other people's things casually like this!" Li Han, who was wearing a breathing mask, took another deep breath. At this time, his head was fully awake and he had completely shaken off Hypoxic state.

His left hand retracted, if the robot had any malicious intentions, he didn't mind gently teaching him how to be a human with his left hand.

"You know me?" The robot Wang Qi loosened his grip on the energy gun, but he still didn't let go. Entering the life emergency room with a trigger gun seems to have violated the regulations of the shelter, right? I have to report to the director of customs declaration!"

"Aren't you a doctor? Looking at my hypoxic state just now, what's wrong with me using a breathing mask to save myself, or do you mean that if you don't save the patient here, you should kill the patient?" Li Han, who is clear-headed, has always been extremely sharp in his words. And now that he has a breathing mask, he is not afraid of thin air for the time being.

"It seems to make sense! But, are you using my things?" It seemed that he was a little short of words, and the red light bulb on Wang Qi's face seemed to be a little weaker.

"Your? Isn't this entire sanctuary all owned by Director Guan? How can there be anything of yours? Are you going to defy Director Guan?" Director Guan, this word not only appeared in Mao's mouth, but also appeared in Wang Qi's mouth at this moment. It appeared in the mouth, what is the director of Guan, the controller of this shelter?
It seemed that Wang Qi's weakness had been stabbed at once, his red eyes suddenly lit up, and then quickly dimmed.

Wang Qi let go of the energy gun in an instant, rolled back a step involuntarily, and explained anxiously, "No, no, I didn't know you were the director of Guan, so you can use whatever you want! Use whatever you want! "

Wang Qi, who was so powerful just now, suddenly became like a good sheep just because of a name, which made Li Han even more curious about the director of Guan, what kind of rule can make people fear him so much.

Even if it's these robots that might have their own minds that rule!

Seeing that Wang Qi didn't seem to be so aggressive now, Li Han waved his gun, and then asked, "Tell me, Wang Qi, what are you doing here now?"

"What are you doing?" Wang Qi asked strangely, but it seemed that he was photographed by Director Guan's prestige, and he still replied truthfully, "Physical examination and maintenance of laboratory personnel are carried out every day!"

laboratory personnel?maintain?

The meaning is that non-laboratory personnel do not perform the treatment, and also, the whole word maintenance is less like being used for humans than for robots!
Wait, could it be!
Li Han seemed to have thought of something, his eyes widened instantly, and he said incredulously, "Wang Qi, are there many people in the lab behind here?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Qi suddenly flashed the red light bulb twice, and said negatively, "A lot? Not much, how could there be too many? The risk of this experiment is so high, and the survival rate is so low, it is the most dangerous experiment I have ever seen." Transformation surgery, so far the mortality rate has exceeded 95%!"

"The number of abnormal deaths in this shelter is all because of this transformation operation!"

"That idiot Ma Ao is still foolishly guarding the synthesis room, but he doesn't know that his daughter has already been sent to the operating table. Unfortunately, the rejection rate is too high and she is already dead!"

"I have persuaded the customs office, wait!"

As if sensing something was wrong, Wang Qi stared at Li Han with a red light bulb, "Don't you know this?"

Of course, as Director Guan, how could he not know, didn't see that, compared to Mao who doesn't know if it's a robot, this Wang Qi is obviously smarter and more aggressive!
It seems to know a lot of insider information!

Li Han flicked his gun calmly, and said easily, "Of course, Director Guan asked me to come here just to see Wang Qi, whether you have followed the rules set by Director Guan, and don't think about running away! Director Guan is I've been watching you!"

"No, no, I don't, I don't want to run away! I don't want to run away!"

Director Guan is like a curse. After Li Han kept mentioning it, he found that Wang Qi was trembling slightly. Really, a robot with a sharp-edged body that should have no emotion is constantly standing in front of you. Trembling, you will also be very strange.

Is this still a robot?
Ma Ao missed his daughter, and Wang Qi was so afraid of Director Guan that he was trembling all over his body. Coupled with Wang Qi's modification experiment just now, Li Han doubted whether the experiment conducted here was to input human emotions into the robot's brain. ?
Of course, Li Han can only guess wildly now. He looked at the trembling Wang Qi and decided to get some information. He felt that he was close to the bottom of this shelter!
"Director Guan asked me to ask you, but what dissatisfaction do you have with him?" After making sure that Wang Qi would not make any changes, Li Han grabbed the energy gun and turned around in the emergency room to see if he could find anything new. clue.

"Why, how could I have any dissatisfaction with Director Guan! I have always completed all the tasks he gave me on time! I have never slack off!" Wang Qi, who was trembling, immediately began to cry when he heard this, and The moving tracks moved back and forth restlessly.

Scared to such an extent!
On the contrary, Li Han hooked the corners of his mouth, this is the best, the more he is afraid that he can find out more information, but when he came to the metal table, he found that not only the books on the table were about to be turned into pieces The scum, even the documents and all the papers in the cabinet, were all turned into black ash.

How many years has passed?
Li Han suddenly thought of a question, he asked Wang Qi
"How many years in the Milky Way calendar is it now?"

Inexplicably blinking the red light bulb, Wang Qi immediately interjected, "In 2327, is this what Director Guan wanted to ask? Although the sun has not set, the tools we used to test the time have not broken down? Is there something wrong? "

"No! No!" In 2327, Li Han clearly remembered that the year of the catastrophe that Mao said was 2322, but in fact, at least half a century had passed since the catastrophe, or even more. long!

Then why did the time of these robots stay at that moment five years after the cataclysm, did they collectively short-circuit and stay at that moment, or someone engraved their time at that moment forever!

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