With a bang, Li Han closed the door. Although he knew the general situation outside from the system's daily information, seeing it with his own eyes made him feel even more cruel.

Li Han staggered and shook. It was caused by the cold and the lack of an arm. Zhou Anli wanted to step forward to support him, but Li Han shook his hand, and the light of the flashlight also shook. On Zhou Anli's face.

What was reflected was a pale and desperate face. In this weather, not to mention fighting, walking was a burden, not to mention the unbeatable monster under Feng Siming's hands.

For an instant, the fate of the shelter seemed sealed!

Destiny is really uncertain sometimes. The Sanctuary forces that were still attacking each other before now have only one left.

Zhou Anli, who had plotted against him before, is now half-obedient to himself. Li Han seems to have become the king who is not a king in the entire sanctuary, and is forced to be involved with the fate of the sanctuary. Even if the sanctuary dies, he can't live!
Li Han sighed softly, and patted Zhou Anli on the shoulder vigorously, "Big beard, why did you show such an expression when you first became the director? It's not over yet. Give the brothers some good wine to drive away the cold before we talk about it!"

Hearing Li Han's words, Zhou Anli blinked his eyes, looked at Li Han's resolute and unyielding face, even though he was missing an arm, he didn't have any fear even in the face of the inevitable end, gritted his teeth fiercely, Zhou Anli nodded, " Not only good wine, good food must also be prepared!"

"Hmph! It's not yet the time of despair. Feng Siming took away the Alpha-IV energy. He can't just want to lure us into the game, but sometimes traps are also opportunities! As long as it is not 100% dead, there is a glimmer of hope !" Li Han walked into the elevator first according to the ground, "What we need now is to rectify and integrate all our strengths. This will be a contest of life and death!"

In the darkness, Lin Xiao and Zhou Anli looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and followed into the elevator.

The elevator is moving!
Li Han turned off the flashlight, and the entire warehouse and elevator fell into darkness at the same time!

However, a ray of hope called hope ignited in the hearts of Zhou Anli and the two of them. It was not hope for the future, but hope for the man in front of him who killed the monster twice solo!

Although his figure is not burly, but even in the dark can not conceal the vigorous desire to survive!

Because Zhou Anli took the stage and became the director, he changed the rules that Feng Siming and Bai Qihua made together in the past, and completely changed the original rules.

He obeyed Li Han's instructions, and released supplies such as canned food and dehydrated vegetables in the storage room. Medicines, toiletries, etc. were distributed to everyone in the shelter like running water, and the surviving people finally got rid of the lack of food. situation.

Although the shelter is gradually getting colder, people's joy ignores this.

The sentinels on guard are also more energetic than before. It is an inexplicable thing, like hope, but also like responsibility.

Li Han returned to the director's office, while Zhou Anli and Lin Xiao went to arrange a dinner party. No matter what happens next, at this moment, they must cheer up people's hearts.


Li Han slowly entered the password into the safe that Bai Qihua never forgot in the director's room, click!

After a soft sound, the safe door flicked open, Li Han squeezed the sweat in his palms, and slowly opened the small door.


Li Han looked around, and there were only two things inside, a piece of old parchment with many patterns on it, and a small black triangular fragment.

Li Han took it out, turned it left and right, but couldn't see what it was for, it felt like a fragment of a whole thing, weighed it, it wasn't very heavy, it wasn't gold or wood, and I didn't know what it was for. What kind of material is it, as for what Gong Xiu said was extraordinary.

He didn't feel it at all!

Shaking his head, Li Han put it in his pocket, and took out the parchment. After looking at it for a long time, Li Han managed to see that it seemed to be a map, with rivers and lakes, mountains and several obvious places marked on it. Skull logotype.

He just didn't know where this map was referring to. There was no text on it, so Li Han shook his head again, folded the parchment and put it in the inner pocket.

For these two things that don't know what they do, Feng Siming and Bai Qihua fought fiercely, and Feng Siming even used it as an exchange.

If Feng Siming can exchange peacefully, Li Han will exchange with him 100%, but, he has lost his humanity and is still peeping at the shelter, will he exchange with Li Han sincerely?
Li Han shook his head in his heart, thinking that this possibility is not high!

Just when Li Han was about to take a rest wrapped in a quilt, Zhou Anli sent someone to tell him that the dinner party had already begun!

There is no day or night in the shelter, and the time is so tight that lunch is treated like dinner.

Taking a deep breath, Li Han patted his face lightly with his right hand and smiled. This is not only a dinner party, but also an exciting mobilization meeting!
Life and death, work together!
Li Han!

"No. 17 days to start!"

"The temperature is still dropping rapidly! The temperature has dropped to minus 60 degrees, and the surface is no longer suitable for normal organisms to survive!"

"Lack of water, electricity, food, and cold protection, 99% of the people in Kete City died!"

"The flames will occupy the hotel in the high-tech zone for ten days. There is a lack of heating, food, and medicine. The death rate has reached 99.9%! It has officially died!"

"The survival club that occupies the urban bar in the high-tech zone, the temperature has dropped sharply, and the population has died in large numbers. Only 0.1% of the original population remains! It has officially died!"

"The Undead Sect is still sticking to the Huating Community in the high-tech zone. The temperature is dropping rapidly, and there is a severe shortage of heating supplies, food, and water. The leader Chen Qi has issued an exploration order for the tenth time, but still has not obtained any supplies, and the number of people has dropped to 100!"

"The Guards of Kerte City issued a citizen instruction: all residents can move freely from now on! Survival is the first goal! If conditions permit, they can gather at Shelter No. 7!"

"Zhou Anli, the new director of Shelter No. 7, revoked all previous death bans!"

"Zhou Anli, director of Shelter No. 7, promulgated new regulations for Shelter No. 7: revoke all banning orders, and all members of the shelter can freely enter and exit any place in the shelter except the storage room and the director's room, and will receive regular and regular allowances every day." Plenty of food!"

"The director of Shelter No. 7 issued a wanted order: Feng Siming committed heinous crimes, killed innocent people indiscriminately, recklessly transformed the human body, caused the shelter to be divided and killed, and his methods were cruel and violent. He is now officially wanted! Anyone with clues must immediately Report it!"

Not only did the shelter undergo major changes within a day, but the entire city of Kerte also experienced drastic changes. The temperature dropped sharply within a day, directly freezing almost everyone to death.

Only a very small number survived, but they have reached their limit!

Tomorrow, no, maybe tonight, the surface of Kerte City will be completely forbidden!

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