Although thousands of horses galloped together, strangely, not even a speck of dust was stirred up, and it was clean, just like a sterile laboratory.

Li Han had never ridden a horse before, and the back of the horse forced him to hold tightly to the mane in front of him with both hands so as not to be thrown off.

Without a saddle, Li Han's legs had nowhere to focus. He had to lower his body and stick tightly to the horse's back in order to deal with the oncoming rapid airflow.

The sun was shining brightly, and the white horse ran all the way through the gray stone blocks, through the park with the stone lion fountain, through the place similar to the ancient Roman Colosseum, and finally Li Han started from a nondescript place. ran past the cathedral.

Because the white horse was galloping all the way, Li Han couldn't stop to take a closer look. These buildings seemed to have only one outline, but the specific style was blurred. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see clearly.

Li Han rubbed his eyes, a little strange, did he wear too many gas masks, and his eyesight went wrong?
Looking back at these buildings, they seem to be very harmonious, but Li Han always has an indescribable sense of discord!

Just as Li Han turned his head back strangely, what was oncoming was a huge and incomparably clear oval-shaped tower, which lay across the side of the road, soaring into the sky that Li Han couldn't see his top.

But it is inclined, and the angle of inclination instantly reminded Li Han of the Leaning Tower of Bessal he had seen in the picture!
Li Han was taken aback, why did the Leaning Tower of Bessar appear in this place, and it was so tall!
A strong sense of disobedience surged into his heart again. He always felt that this place was weird, but he couldn't say it was weird.

The leaning tower passed by in a flash, and the galloping white horse continued to run forward. The gray stone brick road seemed to have no end, and it stretched forward without knowing where it went.

The galloping horseshoes did not stop, but apart from the undead knight running wildly behind him, Li Han never saw a single figure from the beginning to the end. If this is really a city, how is this possible?

Where is this place?

This question arose again in Li Han's heart.

He wanted to get off the horse and observe, but no matter how hard he tried, the white war horse was unmoved and ran forward stubbornly.

Li Han was helpless, he put his hand into his waist, but he hesitated for a while and then inserted the pistol back. He didn't dare to shoot the horse. God knows what these living dead knights will do to him.

And, it seems to be coming to an end!
Li Han has already seen a faint shadow appearing at the end of the road from a distance, big and resplendent, but Li Han always looks familiar with that appearance.

When it got closer and closer, Li Han finally knew why he looked familiar. Isn't this the palace of Huaguo!
What kind of weird architectural style is this? The ancient Roman stone building suddenly turned into a wooden palace in Huaguo. This time the span was too large, and Li Han was shocked to stay on the spot. However, the white war horse did not stop until it reached the It stopped at the gate of the palace.

The white horse's head lowered again, as if asking Li Han to leave again.

The cavalry behind also stopped behind the white horse, but none of the knights dismounted, they just stared at Li Han coldly.

This palace is extremely tall and resplendent, several times larger than what Li Han has seen in movies before, but it is just a palace without any side halls, let alone front halls and back halls.

Li Han felt that this was more like a temple where he could directly enter the temple to offer incense!

This seems to want to construct a majestic palace, but because of lack of knowledge, it can only create such a specious thing. It looks like an image, but it is actually very different.

Li Han has gradually understood what the sense of disobedience just now was. Looking back, he seemed to be trying to piece together a complete city, but for some reason, he only created this messy city with different styles. weird city.

If this is not enough to prove Li Han's idea, then the reason why there is no one in this deserted city is because it cannot be built!

who is it?
Is it the person Kaisheng said, or the man behind the scenes who brought Li Han here?
He's not stupid, it's just that some things are too unimaginable and unimaginable!
But no matter what it was, Li Han jumped off the white horse and looked at the extremely tall palace in front of him, maybe the answer was here.

He walked towards the palace, but the knights behind him did not move, they still watched him quietly, as if their task was to escort Li Han here.

The ground is composed of gray and white huge stone bricks, which is the same as the ground of the palace in Li Han's memory.

But the door of the palace is very large, but it is extremely light when pushed. Li Han pushed lightly, and the red-lacquered wooden door creaked open in response, but the scene inside, as Li Han imagined, was once again full of thick violations. harmony.

There is not a single pillar in the whole hall, and the interior should be luxuriously decorated with carved railings and jade, but now there is only a black Eight Immortals table in the middle of the hall, with 4 chairs beside it. No frills of any kind.

And sitting next to the Eight Immortals table was a person who surprised Li Han, Hu Lin!
Why is he sitting here, is he dead?Has the outer Laika Island been completely occupied by the poisonous fog?

No, could it be that looking for a super battery is actually a lie, Hu Lin is the biggest behind-the-scenes here, so why did he lead me here?
No, no, looking at Hu Lin who was wearing the ancient yellow costume, with an expressionless face like a knight of the living dead, Li Han was stunned, no, no, Hu Lin didn't know me at all, it was completely unnecessary Make a city around such a big circle to lure him.

It doesn't make any sense!

Just when Li Han was confused, Hu Lin who was sitting there suddenly stretched out his right palm, and there was a rectangular block in that palm.

This thing is very similar to a USB flash drive, but slightly larger, but I don’t know what material it is, and there is a faint streamer flashing on it, which makes people feel mysterious and gorgeous, like something beyond this civilization!

Li Han frowned and looked carefully, and suddenly found that something familiar, rectangular, glowing, very, mysterious!
groove!Isn't this what Hu Lin and the others described as a super battery?

Li Han raised his head and stared closely at the eyes of Hu Lin in front of him. Hu Lin looked back but there was no movement in his eyes, dull and lifeless.

What does he mean?
Hu Lin didn't move, just sat there with his right hand outstretched, holding the black square, but Li Han wondered that the ancient yellow costume on Hu Lin looked familiar!

what is it then?

Li Han's head flashed, and then his face changed drastically!

Breathing also became heavy!

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