Throwing the researcher on the bed, Li Han stuck out his tongue, panting heavily like an old dog as tired.

Even though he was tossed all the way, the researcher was still unconscious. Only then did Li Han see clearly what the researcher Kai Sheng looked like, with obliquely long cheeks, a bushy beard, a swollen nose bridge, and dark eye circles.

It seemed that he had been severely beaten. Li Han found a paper cutter in the hotel and cut the rope binding the researcher.

The researcher stretched out while lying on the bed, but at the same time made a painful sound.

It seemed that he was afraid of being beaten again, and he curled up unconsciously, muttering to himself in a delirious state, "It's not me! It's not me! No, no!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and was still conscious, but when he touched the researcher's hot forehead, Li Han frowned again, he had a fever!

This is simply a very bad thing. Li Han doesn't have any medicine on hand now, or in other words, the only place where medicine may be available in the entire Laika Island is the Central Hotel.

However, when he went to the central hotel now, the researcher refused to reveal his identity to go to the central hotel must have his reasons, and Li Han himself couldn't get in at all.

Let's find a way to wake him up now!

Li Han patted the researcher's face vigorously, but he was still in a daze, muttering incomprehensible nonsense.

Anxious in his heart, he suddenly remembered that there was a large fish tank in the corridor downstairs, so he hurried downstairs and took a closer look, and sure enough there was no fish left.

Facing the black, green and smelly water, Li Han pinched his nose to scoop up a pot and brought it up.

A pot of water was mercilessly splashed on the researcher's face. The cold water made his face paler in an instant, and he even trembled. However, with a low moan, he gradually regained consciousness.

The researcher opened his eyes blankly, with heavy eyelids, looked at the man in front of him unsteadily, opened his mouth slightly, and whispered in pain, "Where is this place, who are you?"

Li Han was overjoyed, quickly grabbed the researcher's arm, and opened and closed his mouth quickly, "Don't care who I am, tell me, what happened to the laboratory in the north? Where did the poisonous fog come from?"

The researcher was shaken by Li Han, he couldn't bear it anymore, his head was even more dizzy, he swayed left and right, his eyes were still out of focus, and although his mouth was open, the voice seemed to come directly from his throat, "You are, Laika, Laika People from the group?"

Wochao, big brother, you look like you have less air intake and more air output, can you stop talking nonsense!
Li Han didn't dare to shake the researcher too hard. If he was shaken to death, what should he do? He quickly let go of the researcher and said softly, "I'm not!"

After a moment of silence, Li Han said in lighter words, "There may be less than one-fifth of the population of Laika Island left, and these people still have hope of surviving!"

Seeming to be condemned by conscience, but also like a question from the soul, the researcher suddenly opened his eyes wide, then fell down helplessly, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but it was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything.

Li Han looked at it, damn it, could it be that the whipping from the soul is too violent, is this going to die?

Li Han hurriedly wanted to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but the researcher blocked him when he stretched his hand halfway. He actually sat up straight like this and let out a soft breath.

"It's much more comfortable this way! Well, you're right, it's time to give these people their last hope!"

The researcher's words suddenly became fluent, and his whole body became more energetic, and his eyes were not as blurred as before.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Li Han's mind, and he understood something in an instant, then watched the researcher silently and began to tell the story between him and the No. [-] Research Institute.

His name is Kaisheng, and he is one of the two large enterprises built on Laika Island. He is an assistant to the general manager of the Zig Work Research Institute under the Zig Work Group. His usual job is to collect, record, and help the person in charge manage the entire research institute.

On weekdays when he is fine, he likes to go to the outer city, eat and drink, when he thinks that life will continue like this forever!
However, one day, the general manager asked him to secretly deal with two researchers who died due to experimental accidents!
At that time, Kaisheng was shocked. What they were researching was not super secret, or any weapon of mass destruction, or even biochemical. They were just a research institute for researching new types of batteries!
Why does this happen?

At that time, Kaisheng refused in his heart, but under the coercion and lure of the person in charge, he chose to give in. He thought it was really just an accident. Known researchers buried in the ground.

Thinking about it later, he was so naive at that time, since it was an accident, why didn't he just announce it, and then the compensation and pension would be over?

That's because their Odd Work Research Institute needs people to continue to study this devil experiment, and they are afraid that people will run away!
Soon, Kaisheng paid the price for his innocence. The number of dead people in laboratory zero was 7 days after he first disposed of the corpse, and he buried five people with his own hands, with an average frequency of one person per day. .

This finally aroused everyone's fear. They came to the chief executive's office one after another, wanting an explanation, but who knew that what greeted them was not a letter of resignation or comfort, but a group of guards holding guns indifferently.

Said it was a defense, but judging by that posture, it was more like a cold-blooded mercenary on the battlefield!

The researchers were forced to continue working. Every time they entered Laboratory Zero, it was more like a lottery for life and death. Some people were lucky and came out with all their tails. Find some scraps and bits of meat.

They're just paid researchers, not fanatical martyrs, they have family kids, relatives and friends, they fear, they're terrified, they riot.

However, in the end, being ruthlessly suppressed, Kaisheng watched from beginning to end, because he was an assistant, he didn't have to enter the research institute, but he had to deal with those cold and wet corpses every time.

He has become numb, but his fear can only be hidden in his heart, he dare not say anything for anyone, and he also wants to live.

To live, how simple the word is, how difficult it is!

When all the researchers were almost dead, Kaisheng was forced to enter the No. [-] laboratory under the pressure of the black hole gun!
He didn't know what they were doing, what they wanted to get, he didn't even know what experiments were going on in the laboratory, so he was under the gun of mercenaries.

He can only make one choice!

die now!
Or go in and die!

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