"The tenth day is here! The poisonous smog is spreading to the inner city area, and the bank is forced to close!"

Standing at the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, Li Han looked into the distance. Black smoke was rising from many places in the inner city, and the sounds of riots were everywhere.

Qianzhuang was the last business place to be closed. Because it was not a place to store food, it was not affected by any impact. After all, no one can eat money as food. Sure enough, money is the least valuable in the last days!
Now that all the people have run away, naturally the business cannot continue!
However, this piece of news made Li Han fall into deep thought, money?Qianzhuang?Lots of cash?

It seemed that he had grasped something, but thinking about the possibility, Li Han shook his head again.

Now is not the time!
After opening the door and listening carefully to no one, Li Han quietly walked up to the top floor, took out the egg cake and milk, and began to eat in big mouthfuls.

Feeling full always makes people happy, and in this last days, the happiest thing is to have something to eat.

With the scorching sun hanging high in the sky, Li Han took out another medicated soap to restore his dirtiness.

Fortunately, it is not necessary to take a bath with water, otherwise, it would be too extravagant to use milk!

Li Han moved back and forth on the top floor, standing on the edge and looking down, not far away is the Central Hotel, which is the place prompted by the system.

Doesn't seem to be broken yet?

Looking intently, Li Han was surprised to find that not only the central hotel had not been breached, but also that there were several people standing guard in turn, holding guns and axes to guard the impenetrable water.

They are real firearms. Although they are only pistols with limited lethality, their deterrence is definitely far higher than that of ordinary melee weapons.

It seems that the central hotel is not simple!

With the current trend, the poisonous smog will completely cover the entire island sooner or later. Does the system mean that the turning point is in the central hotel?

Li Han narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't go because he thought that the central hotel might be the place where the disaster happened. Now it seems that his original idea was wrong.

However, there will be more and more refugees in the future, and people will be even crazier after starving for a few days. Will the central hotel be able to stop it?
Just with these small pistols?

In the face of a huge crowd, personal strength is really small, let alone a group of irrational people. Li Han, who has personally faced thousands of refugees, has a deep understanding of this.

That sense of powerlessness!
That small feeling of just wanting to escape!

So at this time, Li Han has no intention of joining the Central Hotel at all, and he must be cannon fodder if he goes there!
After watching for a while, the top floor was really too hot, so Li Han had to retreat to the room, close the door, and close his eyes to the glass window to rest his mind. Now it is not suitable to do any large amount of exercise to consume physical strength and increase fatigue.

Drinking water must be set aside for emergency use even if it is calculated to be redundant.

From time to time, there were explosions and shouts from outside. After Li Han looked at it for a long time, his eyes no longer fluctuated.

Time passed quickly, and after a long time of turmoil, perhaps because of being tired or hungry again, the hustle and bustle gradually subsided.

The bright moon rose again, and the moonlight filled the entire window. Li Han didn't know how long he had been lying down, and he was a little hungry again.

Walking quietly to the top of the building, the entire island was completely extinguished, and Li Han seemed to have returned to the ancient times, the barren era, the era when humans had not discovered fire.

Darkness is the master of the entire earth, and human beings can only shiver in the cave, fearing everything in the dark night.

Oh, it turns out that there is another bright, central hotel.

After so many days of consumption, the central hotel seems to be completely indifferent to the consumption of diesel oil, and the generator has never stopped turning.

Let the central hotel be brightly lit even at night.

Coupled with the manpower patrolling day and night, it seems to have become the last reef fortress and the last paradise for human beings in the last days.

Li Han ate the somewhat boring chicken cake, and sighed deeply. It is very happy to be able to eat enough, but three chicken cakes a day, six chicken cakes in two days, and nine chicken cakes in three days...

I knew I would have taken some instant noodles, hey, there is no water, no electricity and it can’t be boiled!

This damned end of the world!

If you join there, there should be something delicious, right?

After staring fiercely at the aura of the Central Hotel as if it were a doomsday fortress, Li Han silently wiped the residue from his mouth and returned to the room.


When you fall asleep, you have everything!

Soon Li Han fell into a dream!

In the distance, the central hotel has received another wave of refugees. The frequency of attacks has become higher and higher in the past few days. As food becomes more and more scarce, the sanity of the refugees is gradually collapsing.

Even if you have a pistol, they don't have much to fear, they're all dead anyway!
A middle-aged man standing on the top floor of the central hotel looked anxiously at the brave refugees below. The defense line in the outer circle was once precarious, regardless of knives, guns and sticks, they were all scum under the crowd.

With great difficulty, relying on the impact of the reserve team, the group of extremely hungry people were repelled, and the middle-aged man let out a sigh of relief. He didn't care how many people were lost, or how many refugees died. He only wanted this As long as the place is not breached, he still has hope.

Looking back, he hastily picked up the phone on the table, desperately suppressing the anxiety in his voice, and said in a low voice, "Fimas, have you succeeded! It's almost over!"

"It will take some time, and I have only studied for five days!" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little weak.

"Isn't it just a wind...is it that difficult?"

"You think it's so easy? This power, this effect, and it must not leak a little bit, how can it be so easy! Well, it took three days to research it! You'd better imagine his energy problem!"


Before the middle-aged man could reply, he hung up the phone first.

The middle-aged man looked at the blind tone from the phone, his face turning blue and turning pale. The critical moment of life and death depended entirely on this person.

Taking a few deep breaths, the middle-aged man picked up the walkie-talkie on the table, and said in a deep voice, "Li Ke, team A is on top, and team B is resting. Take out that big guy this time, and whoever comes up will give me a hard bang!"

"Received! Boss!"

Hanging up the walkie-talkie angrily, the middle-aged man stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the locust-like refugees gathering in the distance. Under the moonlight, their faces were numb and dead. At first glance, they seemed to be without thinking Like zombies, puppets controlled by hunger.

The middle-aged man leaned on the window and looked into the distance. It seemed that there was a mocking figure looking at him from the other side of the island, talking in a low voice!
The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and growled at the figure in a low voice.

"Damn odd job group, what the hell have you done!"

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