Compared with Chakra, Qi pays more attention to self-control and self-development.

In layman's terms, the cultivation of qi is a process of continuously developing the qi in the body through continuous practice.

"Do you understand?" Teacher Wu Tian asked cautiously, he was afraid that these people would be hacked by him if they didn't agree with each other.

After all, the red-haired swordsman he saw that day drew his sword so fast that he couldn't react at all, so he was very "respectful" to the attitude of these few.

It's just that the eyes will drift to Esdeath from time to time, but generally Esdeath ignores this situation.

"Let's start with the induction of qi. First of all, everyone should calm down and feel the flow of blood in your body. The qi flows along the direction of the blood." Leaving aside other things, Wu Tian is definitely an expert in martial arts.

Because he didn't know the specific strength of Xiao Xuan and the others, and Xiao Xuan told him to start from the beginning, so Wu Tian could only teach them from the most basic.

Everyone sat cross-legged on the beach, and according to what Wu Tian said, they quickly found the Qi flowing in their bodies.

As for Xiao Xuan, he didn't find anything else, but he found the continuous flow of spiritual energy in his body. Feeling the continuous flow of spiritual energy in the meridians, Xiao Xuan was thoughtful.

It seems that his own way of cultivation is different from everyone else's, that is to say, he can't cultivate Qi like everyone else.

Because there is a higher level of energy in his body, he doesn't need to worry about the cultivation of aura. With Thunder Judgment and the system, he can do nothing, and his strength will increase steadily.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xuan simply moved out of his exclusive deck chair and sunbathed on the beach. Since this qi is not suitable for him to cultivate, there is no need to continue to practice.

It's a waste of time, besides there is such a beautiful place, why don't you lie down and enjoy it quickly, so Xiao Xuan just lay down on the side.

Seeing this situation, everyone didn't say much. After all, Xiao Xuan's cultivation method is different from theirs, so they don't need to worry about it.

Cultivation continues.

The group who were looking for the Dragon Balls had already arrived at the door of Boulma's house. In order not to reveal their identities, they deliberately found a few sets of clothes from the world of Dragon Balls to change into.

After all, wearing ninja costumes is easier to attract attention. When I came to the periphery of Boulma's house, it was as expected as described before.

The huge courtyard occupies a very large area, and besides the patrolling bodyguards, there are countless high-tech electronic products patrolling around.

As the richest man in the entire Dragon Ball world, Boulma's family is well equipped in terms of security and other things. Ordinary people, let alone wanting to break in, have no choice but to get close.

But when it comes to diving into the still water, he is an expert.

"Why don't we wait a little longer." Seeing this situation, Xiaonan persuaded Zhishui to wait until Boulma came out to deal with the Dragon Ball Radar issue.

"I also think it's safer to wait." Nagato on the side also said, after all, it's not a good way to act recklessly when dealing with the unknown world and power.

Seeing this, Zhishui's eyes flickered a little, but in the end he agreed with the two of them. After all, there are three people acting together now, and he can't change it by himself.

What's more, what they said is indeed reasonable. The body of a ninja is actually very fragile, and even Kunai can pierce it, let alone so many high-tech weapons.

If they are discovered, everyone may become a sieve in an instant.

So they found a place to hide near Boulma's house, and waited for Boulma's appearance. According to the original plot, Boulma would never stay at home. On the contrary, she has an adventurous heart, which is very similar to Xiaonan.

Sure enough, the few people didn't wait too long. After a while, Boulma appeared in the courtyard, and looking at her equipment, it seemed that she was about to go on an adventure again.

"The rest time is long enough, and the dragon ball should have almost recovered. Let's find Wukong to find the dragon ball." Boulma fiddled with the dragon ball radar in his hand, and then prepared to go to Guixianren's island and ask Wukong to set off together.

"I'm leaving, tell my parents that I won't be back during this time." Boulma waved goodbye to the butler, and then left directly.

As soon as she left the door, Boulma felt her vision blurred. When she came back to her senses, she found that she had appeared directly on Guixian Island, and Wukong also appeared in front of her.

"Bring it here, Boulma."

"What?" Bulma was a little puzzled.

"Of course it's Dragon Ball Radar. Didn't you say we're going to collect Dragon Balls together?" Wukong said with a look of course.

"Yes, yes, yes." Bulma slapped his head, and then he realized it, and then took out the Dragon Ball Radar from his bag and handed it to Wukong.

"How does this thing work?" Goku fiddled with the Dragon Ball Radar for a while and asked casually.

Boulma was a little confused, and subconsciously told Wukong the method.

Outside, Zhishui closed the Sangouyu Sharingan, holding the Dragon Ball Radar he just got and said softly, "Let's go."

Xiaonan and Nagato also hurriedly followed, as for Boulma, she thought she was having a dream, patted her head and flew the aircraft directly towards Guixian Island.

On the other side, everyone's sensitivity to qi has gradually improved, and now they can extract some simple qi.

Although there is no way to cast Wukong and send waves, it is already possible to form a small cyclone in the palm of your hand.

Whitebeard and Shanks just felt a little novel, and a brand new power system was presented before their eyes.

Whitebeard stared at the cyclone in his hand and was a little dazed. This is a completely different power from the devil fruit.

This kind of power gave him a very special feeling. If the power brought to him by the devil fruit is violent, then this energy is more neutral and peaceful.

Although it is still very small, one day Whitebeard believes that he will take root in his body.

"Okay, that's the end of today's class. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you can ask your seniors." He said and pointed to Kelin who was watching the play.

"Huh? Me?" Kelin obviously didn't react. He didn't expect that he would suffer from watching the show on the sidelines.

And Teacher Wu Tian has long since disappeared, far away from here.

"Old man, you cheated me!!" Kelin screamed, echoing on the entire beach.

Fortunately, everyone did not embarrass Kelin. After asking some simple questions, they ran aside to understand it by themselves.

After all, these people are the emperors of the sea, even if it is a new power system, they can quickly master it.

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