"Huh?" Hearing Shanks speak, Nagato's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"We don't need help." Xiaonan said in a displeased tone. Although there are only three of them now, they have enough strength, not to mention that they don't want people of unknown origin to get involved and ruin Nagato's hard work.

"Don't worry, we haven't said anything yet." Shanks pressed the scabbard with his left hand, and continued to speak: "There will be a big battle in the ninja world, and only we can stop it, but we need your help, the "Akatsuki" organization."

"How do you know!?" Nagato's eyes suddenly changed, and he didn't even hear the remarks about the upcoming battle in the ninja world.

The Akatsuki Organization has always been a top-secret existence to outsiders, and no one other than him, Konan and Yahiko knows about it.

Nagato's first reaction was that they were being watched. After all, Konan and Yahiko were his most trusted partners, and it was impossible for him to reveal the secret.

What's more, the Xiao organization is even just an organization formed by three people verbally, and there is no written document. He really can't think of how it was leaked.

Compared to Nagato, Xiaonan's reaction was more intense, his body began to split directly, and he wanted to attack Xiao Xuan and the others again.

But in the face of knowledgeable domineering, Xiaonan's every action seems to be telling the opponent in advance.

"Ice Field!" Frost instantly condensed within ten meters centered on Esdeth, and Xiao Nan was directly controlled in midair.

"Are you trying to destroy this place? Stop it, can you just listen to us?" Xiao Xuan gave Xiao Nan a white look. Xiao Nan is good at everything, just this character
She is really a little sensitive, and she will strike at the slightest disagreement. The most important thing is that she doesn't care about the opponent's strength at all, and she doesn't even consider the consequences. It is still a headache to deal with such a person.

After listening to Xiao Xuan's words, Estes immediately put away his attack, and then stood quietly aside, but it seemed that he was ready to make a move at any time.

"Come back! Xiaonan." Nagato also hurriedly called Xiaonan to stop. Now he has fully seen the opponent's strength, and the opponent seems to be able to predict what will happen next.

Xiaonan had already reacted before making a move, and not only this time, but also the previous battle at the entrance of the village was the same.

And the opponent is obviously better at close combat, and they have no way to play a role in such a small place.

Calling Xiaonan back is also to protect her from injury.

"Don't be nervous, we know a ninja who claims to be "Toad Immortal", he told us." Xiao Xuan casually talked about the reason, anyway, now Zilai doesn't know where he is "traveling", and there is no way to prove it for a while.

Come in first and then talk.

"Mr. Jiraiya? Do you know Mr. Jiraiya?" Hearing this name, the expressions of the two eased a lot.

After all, Teacher Jiraiya still has a high status in their hearts, after all, he is the one who scooped them up from the "mire".

So when it comes to Jiraiya, the attitudes of both of them are much more relaxed than before.

"Jiraiya? That's the name. I met him in the Land of Thunder, and he told me about you, so I found this place." Xiao Xuan blushed and couldn't beat his heart when he made up nonsense.

They even added a little bit of acting skills, which made Nagato and the others believe half of it. Although they still didn't fully believe it, they were not as resistant as before.

"What did Teacher Jiraiya say? Did he say when he would come back?" Xiaonan asked anxiously. After Jiraiya left, he has been traveling all over the world, and he has hardly returned to Konoha.

In addition, they also have a lot of things to do here, so they haven't seen Jiraiya for a long time, and they also miss him very much, especially Xiaonan's temperament.

Naturally, he couldn't wait, Xiao Xuan then said: "Zilai was very proud when he mentioned you to me, and he also told a lot of interesting things about you when you were young."

Then Xiao Xuan began to recall the plot, telling all the embarrassing things about Xiaonan and Nagato when they were young.

Although most of the past about Xiaonan and Nagato in the comics are reflected in the form of memories, they are relatively complete, with the help of the system.

The two quickly believed what Xiao Xuan said, and even later, Xiao Nan had completely put down his guard, believing that Xiao Xuan and the others had a very close relationship with Zilai.

Although Nagato was still a little puzzled, he believed most of it, because apart from Mr. Jiraiya, no one was so clear about what happened to them when they were young.

The only thing he doubted now was their identities.

These people are really too strong. The aura that the red-haired man erupted in an instant was even stronger than that of his teacher, which made him not only a little startled.

So he was particularly curious about where these people came from, each of them possessed the strength of the movie class but remained unknown.

At this moment, Xiao Xuan spoke again to "fool" Nagato, since he has already started to deceive, he must deceive to the end.

"A lie often needs more lies to complete"

"We are actually a hidden family in the ninja world. We have been practicing in the mountains on weekdays. We only come out of the mountains when we sense that something big is going to happen in the ninja world to quell the chaos in the ninja world."

Xiao Xuan's words sounded good, Xiaonan on the side was taken aback for a while, even Nagato was puzzled, when did this kind of family exist in the ninja world?
Jiraiya-sensei had said it before, and he had some vague impressions, but I heard that those hermit families were just trying to escape the world and avoid the chaos of war in the outside world.

He glanced at the fierce and fierce people again. They are so strong and can avoid the chaos of war. If two people come out casually, they can directly form a powerful Renmin Village.

On the other hand, Xiao Nan had already fully believed Xiao Xuan's words, and kept asking questions.

"How many people are there in your village?"

"Where is the position? Are you the strongest people?"

"Is the village chief here? The village chief."

"This time we came out to seek your help, because only your "Xiao" organization can help us complete the task. Similarly, isn't this exactly your ideal?"

Xiao Xuan on the side quickly interrupted Xiao Nan, and at the same time quickly strengthened his hint to Nagato.

Sure enough, when the word "ideal" was mentioned, Nagato's expression changed. He didn't expect that someone in this world really understood him.

Even his teacher Zilai felt that his "ideal" was a bit too utopian, except for Xiaonan and Yahiko, no one understood and supported him at all.

I didn't expect to meet another one today!

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