"Boom! Boom!" Every time Esdesi's attack landed, the entire Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda began to vibrate a little bit.

If this continues, the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda will soon be breached.

"We can't go on like this!" Seeing this, Tang San knew that if it dragged on, Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda spirit avatar would have already been broken.

And even if they can resist, they have to go out. At this time, the Nether White Tiger and Shanks are fighting inextricably.

Of course, except that the Nether White Tiger is indeed stronger than before after the fusion, on the other hand Shanks wants to check his own strength.

He now needs to know how far he has reached, so he didn't use his full strength from the beginning.

"Boom!" The Nether White Tiger sprayed another huge wave of light at Shanks, Shanks easily dodged, but the Nether White Tiger did not continue to attack.

Because the consumption of its soul power has reached a certain level, at this moment, from a distance, their martial soul fusion skills are almost on the verge of disintegration.

No matter Dai Mubai or Zhu Zhuqing, their soul power and spirit have been almost exhausted in this continuous battle.

Now they can only recover their soul power slowly in place, if they force their hands, their martial soul fusion skills will be released immediately.

"Who the hell are you guys?!" The Nether White Tiger roared and asked, he wanted to delay the time, and it would be nice to recover a little soul power.

But Shanks is not a fool, not to mention he is also a soul master himself, so he naturally knows the current situation of these two people.

Facing the Wuhun avatar that was on the verge of collapse, Shanks smiled slightly, but did not answer the Nether White Tiger's question.

Instead, he stepped on the air a few times with his feet, approached the Nether White Tiger directly with his moon steps, and slashed out with the black knife in his hand.

"Boom!" Although the Nether White Tiger caught the blow, the price was that the last bit of soul power was exhausted.

Following a wave of soul power, the huge Nether White Tiger disappeared, leaving only two figures lying on the ground, it was Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

Shanks smiled slightly, this is his purpose, as long as he survives the Nether White Tiger, the next two people will not pose any threat.

"You!" Seeing Shanks approaching constantly, Dai Mubai's eyes widened, wanting to resist, but in the end because too much soul power was consumed, including the martial soul fusion technique just now.

As a result, the current Dai Mubai even lost the strength to get up.

This is the result of the martial soul fusion technique, the whole person is as if his body has been drained, it is very terrifying.

Shanks didn't do anything else when he saw this, he just put a soul power seal on the two of them.

With this thing, the two will continue to consume soul power to fight, and as long as they recover some, they will be absorbed.

Unless someone can restore their soul power, this soul power seal will naturally break by itself, but Oscar, who can restore their soul power now, is still making the drained soul power of the martial soul avatar before recovering.

Originally Ning Rongrong could do two things at once, assisting Tang San and the Nether White Tiger at the same time, but since Esdeth joined the battlefield, Ning Rongrong didn't have time to take care of the battlefield there.

"Absolute zero!" As soon as Esdesi made a move, the surrounding space froze instantly, not only the space created by Zhishui.

The sea surface around Sea God Island began to cool down, and the entire sea level was freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Crack! Crack!" Seeing that the water temperature of Sea God Island continued to drop, Tang San looked dignified. Esdeth's martial spirit put a lot of pressure on him, and this kind of extreme ice made him somewhat restrained.

"Seagod's Light!" Tang San raised the Seagod Trident, and now his affinity with the Seagod's position has reached 50.00%.

This shows that he is getting closer and closer to the Seagod's position, and it also shows that he can use the Seagod's Light.

"Om!" The Seagod's Light bloomed, a gentle yet powerful force appeared around Tang San, this was the Seagod's Light.

Facing the radiance of the Seagod's Light, Esdeth smiled disdainfully. This thing may have some effect on sea soul masters, but for her.

It was useless at all, Tang San naturally knew it, but apart from deterring, the most important thing for Seagod's Light now was to stabilize the surrounding situation.

If Esdeth was allowed to freeze all the sea surface of the nearby Seagod Island, then this place would become his home field, and it would be even more difficult for Tang San.

Sure enough, the Seagod's Light bloomed, and the freezing speed of the surrounding sea slowed down instantly, even faintly showing a tendency to stop.

But at this moment, both Ning Rongrong and Tang San's medicine had arrived, Oscar's martial spirit avatar had been strengthened by the Golden Fly, and 15 minutes had passed before the golden light on both of them disappeared.

The soul power dropped by a large amount, and Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul avatar collapsed instantly at the same moment!

"Blue Silver Prison!" The fourth spirit ability on Tang San's back lit up, and the instant Blue Silver Prison directly enveloped Esdesh inside.

Then, the two pointed out at the same time that it was Oscar's golden fly's final blow.

"Boom!" With the sound of an explosion, the cage where Esdesh was located made a huge explosion sound.

"Did it succeed?" Ning Rongrong's voice trembled slightly, she never thought that her opponent's strength was so powerful.

Even she has no confidence, especially besides Esdeath, there is an equally powerful Shanks, and there may be enemies in the dark.

They could be said to be under the enemy's back now, which made them escape from the excitement of gaining strength in Seagod Island.

I thought that everyone had already reached the strength of Title Douluo, coupled with the close cooperation among the Shrek Seven Monsters, even some top Title Douluo, they might not be unable to fight.

But this kind of enemy appeared, they didn't even say a word when they met, they directly beat them to collapse, and now, with the disappearance of Ning Rongrong's martial soul avatar, the two of them are even more precarious.

"I hope this blow will work. Even if it can't get rid of Esdeth, at least it will cause some damage to her, which can help them delay some time."

The main thing is to delay the time until Oscar and Ma Hongjun come over, they will be able to fight, otherwise they will be wiped out sooner or later.

Ning Rongrong thought so, Xiao Xuan and the others could naturally think of it, so when everyone was fighting here, the white beard who hadn't made a move had already touched it.

Oscar who had recovered his soul power outside the cave was naturally killed without any effort, as for Ma Hongjun inside the cave.

Right now, he was "removing the evil fire", Bai Chenxiang had already woken up, his eyes were empty at this moment, and he let Ma Hongjun do whatever he wanted.

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