After putting the real Ace back, just find someone to die for him. Their ultimate goal is to spread the news.

After letting the whole world know the news, this is the most important thing. As for whether Ace's death is real or fake, it doesn't seem so important at the moment.

Xiao Xuan shook his head when he heard it, and then said: "You need to clarify one thing, I am here to inform you, not to negotiate conditions."

"You!" Wu Laoxing was impatient, he didn't expect that Xiao Xuan would not give any face, but after thinking about it, what Xiao Xuan said was indeed reasonable, the basis of the negotiation was based on the condition of equal strength of both parties.

But now it is obvious that Xiao Xuan's side is in a strong position, not to mention that Xiao Xuan also killed Lord Yimu, even if he does nothing else, he just needs to spread the news.

Then the world government will be in big trouble soon, so now the world government seems to be really not qualified to negotiate terms with Xiao Xuan.

But over there, Xiao Xuan changed the subject, and then said: "Ace doesn't need to show up, of course he can't stay on the island all the time, I will only let him reduce his influence."

"Secondly, the second point, I want you to divide Whitebeard's territory into a new area. Without permission, no matter whether it is the world government or any force, it is forbidden to approach."

"If it gets close, we have the power to execute directly."

"The last point, you guys capture the Blackbeard Pirates by the way, and send them over to us, this needs to be done quickly." Xiao Xuan stopped talking after finishing speaking.

The reason why he agreed to the other party's conditions was that he had no intention or idea of ​​conquering the world government.

Not only is it meaningless to do so, but it will also take a lot of effort to operate afterwards, which is of no benefit to them.

It would be more convenient to directly turn Whitebeard's territory into a separate territory, and it would also allow them to resist some prying eyes.

When joining the dungeon world later, there won't be so many problems.

After hearing Xiao Xuan's conditions, the two five old stars looked at each other, and finally they could only nod helplessly.

Because they can indeed fulfill the conditions proposed by Xiao Xuan, although this is equivalent to making Whitebeard's territory become another force, no longer subject to their jurisdiction.

But there is no way to do this, not to mention that it is okay to agree to him, because there are many similar forces in the world of pirates.

They are all in a high degree of autonomy, such as some small countries and Qibuhai, and the territories of several other four emperors, these are all autonomous territories.

It's just that the world government can still take action at critical moments, and Xiao Xuan's intention is to completely eliminate the world government.

The two thought for a while, nodded and agreed, as long as the reputation of the world government can be maintained during the absence of Im, other things are trivial.

As for another condition, the Blackbeard Pirates themselves are their chosen scapegoats, and they have no effect on them.

"Okay, we agree." The two five old stars nodded in agreement directly, they were afraid that Xiao Xuan would suddenly regret it.

"Okay, then I will take my people and leave, and then just send Black Beard to me." Xiao Xuan waved his hands as he said.

The two five old stars nodded, and then disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Xiao Xuan also left directly. After returning to the battlefield of the Navy Headquarters, both sides were cultivating.

The battle did not start easily. The navy's side was too seriously injured, and with the sudden disappearance of the five old stars, they were no longer qualified to fight.

As for White Beard, with the help of Xiandou, their physical strength and fighting power are abundant.

But they didn't make a move easily, instead they seemed to be waiting for someone.

So the two sides fell into a strange silence now, no one made a move first, and the aunt and his sons retreated into the pirate ship again.

There is no help from the navy now, and of course they don't need to help the navy.

In addition, the aunt is originally the Four Emperors, and it is impossible to fight to the death with White Beard, who is also the Four Emperors, because of the World Government.

Finally, the space in front of him fluctuated, and two members of the Five Old Stars walked out from it.

The two walked directly in front of Zhan Guo, bowed their heads and said something, and then disappeared.

Warring States looks weird, is this really okay?But the two five old star members left directly after finishing speaking.

It seems like there is something important.

Zhan Guo didn't find a chance either, Garp on the side saw Zhan Guo's weird expression, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Warring States hesitated for a moment, and then spoke a few words with Garp.

"What?!" Garp's face became as weird as that of the Warring States Period after hearing this, but then he showed joy, anyway, the matter was resolved.

"Okay, I'll take care of this matter, and you should do the public affairs." Garp turned and left immediately after speaking.

And Zhan Guo also got up and walked in front of the crowd, saying loudly: "White Beard, stop resisting in the corner and hand over Ace. The world government will never tolerate this kind of villain."

When saying these words, Warring States also deliberately asked people to fish out the reporter who was in the ruins.

They were buried under the ruins because of the aftermath of successive wars, but fortunately they survived.

Let people wake up the confused reporter, and then re-adjust the broadcast bug.

Let them broadcast the footage here.

"Zi la, zi la~" With the sound of a burst of electrical pulses, the radio bug resumed broadcasting again.

And ordinary people all over the world watching the TV burst into excitement.

"Come, come and appear again."

"What happened again?"

"Fight, fight, Whitebeard and the Navy's fight."

As soon as the person heard this, he quickly put down the things in his hands and ran over to watch. Because the broadcast screen suddenly disappeared, they didn't recover for a long time, which made them very curious about what happened.

What will be the final result of the battle of so many top powerhouses.

At this moment, people all over the world are paying attention to how the Navy will deal with this matter.

Even including those pirates, if the world government is really so unbearable, then they will be even more rampant in the future.

However, destined to disappoint them, Warring States still stood in front of the army with righteous words to execute Ace.

And the white beard and the others opposite him looked serious, they had already fought to this point, should they continue to fight?

That would be troublesome, if the will of the navy is so firm, then even if they can rescue Ace, they will be in endless trouble afterwards.

Just the occasional harassment from the Navy would tire them.

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