God Level Liver Emperor System

Chapter 8 Mysterious Woman


Lin Yue didn't even think about it, picked up the thin Xiaoling and rushed to the back, those beggars could no longer be called human beings, they were completely hungry beasts, they lost their minds, maybe they even wanted to eat human beings!

In the poor neighborhood in the middle of the night, it is undoubtedly a hell on earth that has lost order, murder, rape, robbery... are all normal and cruel phenomena.

With Lin Yue's ability to step into the threshold of the superhuman system, it is easy to deal with these seven or eight beggars, but he doesn't have to do this. With his explosive speed like a cheetah, he can easily throw those guys far away of.

What he was afraid of was that there must be a lot of mutated rats hiding in this messy neighborhood. Just now on the garbage dump, he saw several gnawed corpses.

Sure enough, just as the noise started, a group of mutated rats rushed out of the sewer. The beggars whose limbs were weak from hunger could not run faster than the swift and sensitive mutated rats, and were devoured to death on the spot!
Seeing this bloody scene, Xiaoling's face turned pale with fright, and she almost vomited.

"They're about to catch up!" Seeing the mutated mice approaching, Xiaoling's heart beat instantly.

"These beasts are so fast!" Lin Yue was startled, and immediately ran forward with all his strength.

Bang bang bang!
House seemingly endless rain!

Three shots in a row came from a dark corner and brushed dangerously towards Lin Yue's cheek. His eyes turned cold. There were only two people who wanted to kill him, one was Li Qian, One is Zhao Yu.

No matter who it is, he has no time to think about it, his life is the most important thing.

Lin Yue's current problem was very serious. If he climbed to a high place along the bulge of the wall, he could get rid of the mutant rats behind him, but that would definitely become the butt of the gun for those people in the dark.

"Son of a bitch, if you don't do it, don't stop, let's see if you die or I live!"

Lin Yue's heart thumped, and he simply led the mutated mouse over, forming a scuffle.

With this in mind, he jumped up and ran in the direction of the gunshots.


A group of mutated rats made a shrill sound. The mutated monsters are very sensitive to fresh breath, and the signs of life appearing in front of them make them excited and restless.

"You lunatic!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the three people in the dark cursed again and again, drew their guns and shot wildly at the mutant rat.

But this undoubtedly angered the bloodthirsty nature of the mutant rat even more. As a third-rate mercenary who has not even practiced gun fighting, it is absolutely extremely difficult to hit fast-moving objects. At most, he can only be a blind cat Meet a dead mouse.

It didn't take long for the tragedy to happen. The mutant rat with a tricky attack angle bit off all the hands and feet of these people.

The mutated rat monsters are extremely threatening. They are not only extremely fast, but also very dexterous. Their sharp teeth are even sharper than sawtooth. With human flesh and blood, under their minions, they are almost stronger than tofu. Be vulnerable.

"Save...save me quickly!"

In the end, the stronger mercenary managed to kill three mutated rats at the cost of having his left leg bitten off, and climbed to the bottom of the stairs with great difficulty. More and more desperate roars.

Lin Yue carried Xiao Ling and stood directly on top of a dilapidated refrigerator. It was impossible to hide in a dark corner. You must know that mutant mice like to hide in dark places and then launch surprise attacks.

"It's okay to save you, tell me who sent you here?" Lin Yue took out the shadowy thorns he had snatched from Chen Donglin, and the mechanical energy was quickly activated from inside, an indescribable energy was looming.

Lin Yue has seen this silver mechanical weapon named Shadow Thorn in the game illustration book before. This dagger weapon has two special effects, namely armor-piercing and bleeding. It is not very powerful, but it is also very practical Basic effects.

The level system of mechanical equipment is divided into seven levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Dark Gold, Legendary, Extraordinary, and Epic. Like the dragon king sniper that Lin Yue wanted to draw in the game before, it belongs to the legendary level. mechanical weapons.

As the name suggests, the dark shadow is as black as ink, as if hidden in the shadows, without showing mountains or dew.

Lin Yue stabbed with his backhand several times in a row, a dark light flashed, and there were a few puffs, and several mutated rats were ripped open in the blink of an eye, and the intestines inside were bloody.

This is the ability to crack and bleed dual special effects. In an instant burst, it can often achieve a powerful fatal effect in one blow.

Seeing that Lin Yue had two brushes, the mercenary's eyes lit up immediately, as if seeing a life-saving straw, he quickly shouted: "Master Zhao's subordinates hired us to deal with you."

"Very well, you can go to die." Lin Yue hugged Xiaoling and entered the dark night without looking back. How could he be so stupid as to save someone who wanted to kill him?

"You bastard! Ah...no!" With a piercing scream, Ye fell into silence again.


The neighborhood where Lin Yue lives is fairly comfortable, located in the Tongmen area of ​​Beihai City, where the commerce and trade are relatively developed, and the relative defense force is also very strong, and even beggars are rare.

Back in the messy kennel, Lin Yue sat down on the sofa and said to Xiao Ling who was still in shock, "Don't even think about going back there. I'm afraid that poor neighborhood will probably fall in the near future."

Xiao Ling was downcast and anxious. She was homeless and didn't know what to do in the future and how to survive.

"It's fine for you to live with me from now on. Anyway, I happen to be short of someone who does laundry and cooking by my side, hehe." Lin Yue didn't think too much about it, no matter how difficult life is, life must go on.

Xiaoling raised her head slowly, at this moment she suddenly seemed to be a different person, and said in a serious tone: "I don't want to live in a muddle like before, I want to be a useful person, I hope you can help me."

The bloody tragedy that happened tonight had a strong impact on Xiaoling. As a person who lived at the bottom since she was a child, she can deeply understand the despair.

Everyone has a strong desire to survive, and so does Xiao Ling.

Lin Yue pondered for a moment. He is a newcomer in this world. If he wants to help Xiaoling, he can only rely on his own understanding of the game world.

The doomsday world is an era that focuses on individual talents, so first of all, it is necessary to identify whether Xiaoling has special talents in other areas.

According to Lin Yue's knowledge, there are various occupations in the doomsday world, and all occupations require corresponding talents.

It is very troublesome to identify a person's talents. Lin Yue needs to create conditions for Xiaoling to try in various professions one by one.

"Well, you have worked in machinery for several years, and you have accumulated a lot of experience. At present, you are temporarily responsible for assisting me with some basic technical work. When conditions permit, I will find a chance to measure your machine. Specific talents."

Lin Yue couldn't pave the way for Xiaoling for a while, so he had to follow the existing conditions step by step.

"Okay, you will soon learn a lot of powerful skills under the hands of a mechanic. If I help you, you might even become a mechanic apprentice." Xiaoling's eyes lit up, feeling that she had found a breakthrough.

Although a mechanic apprentice is not as honorable as a mechanic, it is still higher than many professions. If Xiao Ling can really become a mechanic apprentice, it is indeed a very good way out for her.

However, the assessment qualifications for mechanical apprentices are also quite strict, and they are one-in-a-thousand talents. However, the requirements for mechanical apprentices are not too high in terms of talent. For apprentice workers with rich practical experience like Xiaoling, there is still hope. .

"It's very late now, you should rest and go to sleep first, there are still many things to do tomorrow." Lin Yue stretched his muscles and bones, and prepared to work hard all night on the practice of Balong Jue.

Xiao Ling's pretty face blushed slightly, but she saw that there was only one room in this small house, a lonely man and a widow, sharing the same room, which made her heart beat faster.

"My physique is very special. It's fine if I don't sleep for a few days and nights. You just have to go to sleep alone." In this dangerous environment, Lin Yue didn't have any thoughts at all. The strength is improved.

If even survival cannot be guaranteed, then everything is delusional.

"By the way, I'll take you to buy clothes and daily necessities tomorrow, and you'll just spend the night today. Don't be too polite, just treat it as an advance payment for my work in the future." Lin Yue remembered what Xiaoling said. She didn't bring them here, and felt that it was time to improve her living standards.

Xiaoling let out an inaudible 'hmm', washed up briefly, ran to the room and lay down on the floor, and soon fell asleep.

Seeing that Xiao Ling didn't go to bed to sleep, Lin Yue knew that she still couldn't let go, so he didn't say much.

Not long after, he came to the rooftop, took off the clothes on his upper body, revealing his strong and streamlined muscles, and then set up a posture to continue exercising according to the first level of the Balong Jue.

He didn't rush to practice the next nine exercises, but repeatedly polished the first nine exercises for exercising body muscles.

He needs to fully integrate these nine movements into his own instincts, so as to maximize the gain in muscle strength.

Under the action of the Gandi growth system, Lin Yue continued to run like a perpetual motion machine. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is extremely boring to repeat these nine exercises over and over again. How many people can endure this kind of torture.

Just as Lin Yue was practicing crazily, he suddenly saw lights lit up in a room opposite the rooftop, and then the curtains were slowly opened. A lazy woman in pajamas and black-rimmed glasses was sitting under the lamp, holding a A mechanical Rubik's Cube started to play, while looking towards him curiously.

At this moment, Lin Yue was attracted by the mechanical Rubik's Cube in her hand. This kind of prop was specially used to exercise the ability of mechanical assembly and splicing.

But he keenly noticed that the mechanical Rubik's Cube in the woman's hand was astonishingly complicated, at least at the 22nd-level hell level, and there were at least 3000 five-color parts on the Rubik's Cube by visual inspection!

You know, even for a professional mechanic, it is very difficult to restore the 21st-order mechanical Rubik's Cube, but the 22nd-order Mechanical Rubik's Cube is in the hands of that woman, playing with it like a toy, and it can be restored at an astonishing speed limit visible to the naked eye.

She didn't even look at the Rubik's Cube in her hand from the beginning to the end!
What's even more maddening is that she still uses one hand to operate it!

"Pervert!" Lin Yue sighed in shock.

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