God Level Liver Emperor System

Chapter 584 Zhang Yulin

The power of the king's office has always given people the impression of domineering and domineering.

When Lin Yue met them in Beihai City, they gave him the same impression.

Speaking of which, he was still snatching food from the hands of the king at that time. Thinking about it carefully, he did not have any enmity with the king.

This faction is domineering and domineering, but it has never provoked itself, so it can be regarded as not offending the river.

Everyone in the king's office wears a mask to show others, and the color of the mask defines the class level within the king's office.

The leader is a woman wearing a dark golden mask, and the others are all golden masks. One can tell at a glance that the identity of the dark golden masked woman is extraordinary.

There were fifteen of them in total, and they went straight into a private room in the tavern. Lin Yue sensed carefully with his spiritual sense, and found that there were still people in the private room. He figured that the king had made an appointment with someone to meet and talk here. thing.

He shook his head, and didn't go to snoop on anything. One more thing is worse than one less thing. The power of the king has never had any contact with him. If he went to trouble others first, he would really be full.

"The king's office has also arrived in the wilderness!" Qi Youwei's face was ponderous, as if she was thinking about something.

"It doesn't matter where the king came to the wilderness. A few days ago, I saw people from the strategy group." Lin Yue remembered meeting the forces of the strategy group when he was in Wanhun Canyon.

With the passage of time, more and more player forces will definitely flood into the wilderness. This is the trend, so Lin Yue feels that the king's arrival is reasonable and does not surprise him at all.

"Hey, the top players among the players are growing stronger and stronger. It will be difficult for us casual players to mix in the future." At this time, Yu Feng sighed helplessly, and said with sympathy.

"How do you say that?" Lin Yue asked aloud. Strictly speaking, he is also a casual player. After all, he has never joined any faction. Even in the business alliance, he is just a name and never Participate in matters within the business alliance.

"The first and second rounds are a transitional development period for our players, but in the difficult and difficult world of the third round, there will be large-scale struggles among players. This is an inevitable trend in the future, that is to say , The development of the goal in one or two weeks is particularly important." Yu Feng told what he learned, in fact, this is something that many players know, but Lin Yue rarely has contact with players, and has been running around outside Run, but has a lot of contact with the forces of this world.

Seeing Yu Feng say that, Lin Yue couldn't help but feel a little strange, and asked, "No, it's impossible for a master like you to have players' influence to win you over?"

"That's what I said, but in many cases, different ways do not conspire with each other, and it's not much better to force yourself to join a player force." Yu Feng said slightly melancholy. It seems that he must have experienced something before. Only then did I have such a feeling.

"Don't talk about me, even a strong man like you hasn't joined any player forces, has he?" Yu Feng added another sentence, saying meaningfully.

Lin Yue was stunned, thinking about it, everyone has their own ideas and principles, so he didn't get too entangled in this issue.

"By the way, do you know when the third round of difficulty will open?" Hua Luo, who is also a casual player, asked suddenly.

Lin Yue shook his head. He didn't know anyway, so it depends on whether other people have any news about it.

Speaking of which, the last time the second episode opened, there seemed to be no warning, and it suddenly opened. It is really difficult to judge when the third episode will open.

Everyone else shook their heads. On this issue, they just heard some gossip. If they can't do it, they don't need to say it.

What they know is that the second week is still the same as the first game. Each player has his own main mission, or mission. Before the next week, if the player has not completed the main mission, he will be wiped out directly. As for the mission, the situation will be different, just like Lin Yue's mission, which has a deadline of two weeks, so relatively speaking, at the stage of the second week, he will definitely not worry about being obliterated.

Mainline quests are generally a taboo topic among players. This issue has been mentioned before. Unless you are a particularly trusted friend, you will share the mainline quest.

So at the wine table, everyone tacitly did not bring up the topic of the main mission.

After chatting for a while, Lin Yue found that Zhang Yulin, who was opposite her, hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end. She was the only person with supernatural abilities among the crowd, and the others also noticed her taciturn character.

Zhang Yulin had a unique coldness and a feeling that strangers should not enter, which made others feel a little strange. Why did such a misfit person form a team to enter?
Could it be... because of Lin Yue?
Such an idea came to everyone's minds. After all, it was Lin Yue's name that attracted a large number of players, and Zhang Yulin was naturally included.

"Miss Yulin, I would like to ask, why did you choose to join our team?" Qi Youwei asked directly. When he asked others, the answer to his question was very simple, because they were all aimed at Lin Yue. With Lin Yue around, the mission success rate is guaranteed.

If Yulin answered in the same way, then the nature is obviously different from others.

The same answer, why the nature is not the same?

It's very simple, everyone can see that Zhang Yulin is a very unique woman, and her pursuit must surprise others.

What others value is Lin Yue's strong strength, but she may value Lin Yue's other factors.

Seeing that Qi Youwei suddenly asked such a question to herself, Zhang Yulin was stunned for a few seconds, and then she gave an answer that surprised everyone. She looked at Lin Yue and said, "Because of the attraction of blood."

"Ah? Are you saying that Lin Yue's blood has attracted you?" Qi Youwei asked. Everyone knew that Lin Yue had the blood of a real dragon, and it was because of this that he was called a mercenary of the dragon.

Qi Youwei nodded, and kept silent about the reason, which made other people even more confused.

What does Lin Yue's real dragon blood have to do with her?
The cute girl Guo'er suddenly exclaimed: "Miss sister, you don't want to have a baby with Brother Lin, do you?"

The three-hundred-jin fat man spit out the wine in one sip, and everyone else was amused by the cute Guo'er.

Zhang Yulin's cheeks flushed with anger, this shy look showed a strong contrast to her cold temperament, seeing her showing such an unsuitable temperament, everyone couldn't help but wonder if Guoer was really fooled?

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