
Ye Xiao's palm, which was the size of a cattail fan, grabbed the opponent's arm, grinned, and with a sudden force, broke his entire hand abruptly.

"No...don't kill me! I admit defeat!"

The man begged for mercy hoarsely, but Ye Xiao ignored him and looked towards the stands.

"kill him!"

"Blow his head off!"

Immediately there were bursts of ear-piercing roars from the stands. They wanted to see bloody scenes and pursue the thrill of violence.

"Look, they wanted me to kill you, and they even chose a way to die for you, so it's no wonder I was there."

Ye Xiao wrapped his head with one hand, and it exploded on the spot like a watermelon, splashing blood and brains all over the place. The maximum limit stimulated everyone present, and even more crazy shouts sounded in the audience.

"It's boring, there's no one who can fight." Ye Xiao wiped his hands, got off the ring, went to the lounge, picked up a bottle of spirits and drank it, and immediately surrounded by two sexy women for her Back massage.

A man wearing a blindfold sat next to him and said slowly: "There is one more game, and you will be able to win ten consecutive victories. By then, the accumulated rewards will be enough for you to squander for a long time. Are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay." Ye Xiao said nonchalantly: "This is just an appetizer. My goal is the winner of Bloody Slaughter. How could I lose to others here?"

"Your opponent in the next round should not be underestimated. It is a fourth-level mental ability user named Ming Junxi. He is a little famous in this area, and he is a lone ranger."

The blindfolded man looked at the information in his hand and told Ye Xiao the opponent's information.

Ye Xiao still didn't care when he heard the words. Although he was a Level [-] ability user of the Superman system, he was very talented since he was a child. In addition, he spent a lot of money to transform his body. In terms of overall strength, he was even worse than a level [-] ability user. Don't give up.

Outside, Lin Yue half-jokingly said to Luo Hao: "Why don't you go up and fight, and I'll bet you to win, so we can make a fortune?"

After a detailed understanding, Lin Yue knew that anyone can bet here, and the rules inside are also very simple. The odds for a winning streak like Ye Xiao are quite astonishing.

The odds increase according to the number of wins. Ye Xiao currently has a nine-game winning streak, so the odds are one to nine.

For example, if Luo Hao goes up to fight Ye Xiao, if his nine-game winning streak is ended, then Lin Yue is betting on Luo Hao ten gold coins, and in the end the bet can be directly multiplied nine times, and he will get ninety gold coins.

But this is obviously extremely risky. Under normal circumstances, most people will definitely bet on the side with a high winning rate. Even if the odds are not high, it is always a sure-fire deal.

And the most tempting thing is that after ending Ye Xiao's winning streak, he can still get his previous winning streak rewards, but the banker will take [-]% of the tax from it.

"I said brother, aren't you sending me up to die?" Luo Hao was taken aback when he heard this, and waved his hands repeatedly. He didn't think he had a slight chance of winning against Ye Xiao.

Sister Lan saw Luo Hao's cowardice, she laughed wildly, and said, "His strength is not enough. If it were you, he might still be able to play."

"The rules in this arena are that firearms and some heavy fire weapons are not allowed?" Lin Yue glanced at the rules. All firearms, explosives, artillery, etc. are forbidden to be used. To a certain extent, this is to prevent damage to the venue. , It also reflects the level of personal strength.

"Yes, you can only use cold weapons at most, so mechanical cold weapons are very advantageous here." Luo Hao nodded and said: "Let's not think so much, if you want to go up to challenge, you have to sign up in advance, now the last challenge Now that the candidate has been selected, we will bet on Ye Xiao, and we can make a little money."

"If that's the case, then there's nothing I can do." Lin Yue originally wanted to challenge Ye Xiao on stage. In this wilderness, it doesn't matter whether he offends anyone or not, everything depends on his strength.

Where there are interests, there will be struggles. This is an eternal law and it is inevitable.

Not long after, the last person who challenged Ye Xiao appeared on the stage, instantly igniting the fiery atmosphere in the arena.

"I didn't expect it to be the blade of Yufeng, Ming Junxi!" Sister Lan was very surprised when she saw the handsome man with a tall body on the stage.

"This battle is worth watching. Ming Junxi is one of the best spiritual masters in this area. He is good at manipulating wind pressure with mental power. His 'Wind-Winding Blade' is very powerful. I don't know Ye Xiao's inhuman body. Can you stop it?" Luo Hao was in trouble at this moment, not knowing which side to bet on.

From the point of view of winning percentage, Ye Xiao still has a great advantage, but from the point of view of odds, betting on Ming Junxi also has a chance to make a fortune.

Finally, after statistics, [-]% of the people bet on Ye Xiao, and only [-]% of them took the risk, seeking wealth in danger.

These [-]% of the people are undoubtedly holding the mentality of gamblers and thinking about luck.

Lin Yue is different, he treats it like watching a wonderful fighting show, betting five gold coins on Ming Junxi, it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses, he just joins in the fun.

Sister Lan and Luo Hao were more affordable, so they bet on Ye Xiao.

As soon as the battle started, Ming Junxi quickly distanced himself from the terrifying melee madman like Ye Xiao.

This is the most typical confrontation between melee and far combat.

A brilliant psychic ability user would never let a superhuman ability user get close.

In the same way, people with superhuman ability will not let people with spiritual ability distance themselves from themselves, so they can only be in a passive situation of being beaten.

I saw a gust of hurricane surrounding Ming Junxi's body, lifting him to the other side, and then, more than a dozen wind blades with a length of one foot burst out, spinning and cutting in the air, blocking Ye Xiao's body Dodge space.

"That's right, the method is very powerful, much stronger than that trash just now." Ye Xiao grinned grimly, and crossed his arms to protect his vitals. The dozen or so extremely sharp wind blades cut through, giving Ling Chi the muscles on his arms. Cut to pieces.

The bloody scene did not appear. What shocked everyone was that Ye Xiao's arms had also been modified. They turned out to be a pair of mechanical arms. The muscle skin on the outside was just a layer of decoration, which made people's scalp tingle.

The mechanical arm full of metal texture has great visual impact and contains powerful mechanical kinetic energy. The violent force is raging crazily and is simply unstoppable.

Under Ye Xiao's mechanical arm, Ming Junxi's wind blade didn't seem to pose much of a threat, and they blocked him easily.

Ming Junxi's heart sank, Ye Xiao's modified body was completely inhuman, and his attack was difficult to be effective.

Ye Xiao pressed forward step by step, and kept getting closer to Ming Junxi. His speed was very fast, and his attacks were even more ferocious. The kinetic energy contained in those mechanical arms could burst out shock waves. The strong impact force was like a stormy sea, making Ming Jun Xi is like a flat boat, crumbling and full of dangers.

"This is a bit unfair. This guy's transformed body is probably covered in weapons, and spiritual-type ability users are best at long-range attacks with firearms. The advantages in this area are limited, which in itself makes Ming Junxi Falling into a disadvantage, he has no chance of winning in the current situation."

Lin Yue shook his head. If Ming Junxi was smart, it would be the right choice to admit defeat as soon as possible.

But Ming Junxi obviously came prepared, he flipped his palms, and the densely packed hidden weapons crazily shot out, especially under the control of mental power, the speed was so fast that it was dizzying.

It can be said that it is impossible to defend against the storm's hidden weapon attack. Even if Ye Xiao used his mechanical arm to defend with all his strength, he was taken advantage of.

Ming Junxi launched a long-range hidden weapon attack and controlled it with spiritual power. Both the speed and the accuracy were terrifying. He specially launched a surprise attack at a blind spot that Ye Xiao couldn't see, and immediately suppressed his advance.

"I missed you, this guy's long-range attack method is so fierce!" Lin Yuetong is a superhuman ability user. If he were replaced by Ye Xiao, at most he could only protect himself with blue crystal body armor, but it was also very difficult. It is difficult to break into the attack range.

Ming Junxi kept within 20 meters of Ye Xiao all the time and did not give him any contact. The two sides presented a stalemate tug of war.

"I didn't want to use this killer move at first, but you forced me!" Ye Xiao's eyes turned fierce, and the kinetic energy in a pair of mechanical arms exploded violently.

"Shock Cannon!"

Ye Xiao pushed forward violently with both arms, and the indomitable force of the impact seemed to overwhelm Ming Junxi, pressing towards him.

The hidden weapons flying all over the sky were all pushed away by this impact force.

Before Ming Junxi had time to defend himself, he was sent flying violently, his chest collapsed, and scarlet blood oozes from his mouth.

"I lost."

Ming Junxi is also a decisive person, he can afford it, he can let it go, and his body falls to the court like a gust of wind, and he immediately admits defeat.

If you take the initiative to leave the game, you will automatically admit defeat. This is the rule.

It is impossible for Ye Xiao to kill Ming Junxi like he did to his last opponent.

It's very simple. Off the court, there are no restrictions on the rules. Ming Junxi uses firearms to suppress him. It is still unknown who will win.

From Lin Yue's point of view, in this battle, both sides gave full play to their abilities, but Ye Xiao was the winner in the end.

His combat power was basically concentrated on the pair of mechanical arms, and he also used the mechanical arms to gain a huge advantage.

What impressed Lin Yue the most was that Ye Xiao used the mechanical arm to perform the combat technique 'Shock Cannon', which doubled its power.

If this kind of combat technique was only performed with original force or physical strength, the power would never be so tyrannical.

Ye Xiao fulfilled his wish and completed an astonishing record of ten consecutive victories, and received cheers and applause from many people in the audience, becoming today's biggest winner.

"Do you think he will participate in the bloody slaughter?" Lin Yue suddenly asked such a question that made Luo Hao and Sister Lan puzzled.

"Definitely." Luo Hao and Sister Lan said in unison.

"That's good." Lin Yue said with a meaningful smile,

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