God Level Liver Emperor System

Chapter 26 Explosive Flame Hand Cannon

Beihai City is about a hundred kilometers away from Tiecheng, even if it is a capable person traveling in the wilderness, it is extremely dangerous.

So generally speaking, many people will choose means of transportation, such as locomotives.

There are mutated monsters scattered everywhere in the wilderness, causing all the previous roads to be destroyed, and because of this, the rail trains cannot be used.

And flying tools are even more respectful. If you encounter a mutant monster flying in the sky, it is basically a near-death end, unless it is an advanced mechanical fighter, which can have a certain degree of safety.

Lin Yue didn't have any means of transportation, so he could only walk on foot. His consistent optimism made him comfort himself that this was a kind of training for himself.

The wilderness is filled with ubiquitous danger and bloody smell, and the ground is full of waste. Some towns on the road are dilapidated, and no one can be seen.

The midday sun was extremely hot, and the dry ground showed cracks like spider webs, and Lin Yue couldn't even find a source of water.

It is conceivable how harsh the environment outside the wilderness is.

Although Lin Yue won't feel tired, his body functions must be supplemented with nutrition after a certain amount of energy has been consumed, otherwise there will be many hidden dangers in his body.

He drove for several hours, and he easily dealt with the one or two levels of mutated monsters he encountered on the way, and he targeted ordinary and specific mutated monsters in order to obtain materials and modify the equipment on his body.

In fact, with the improvement of the Gandi growth system, Lin Yue's growth rate is getting faster and faster. He has a very high understanding in mechanical modification.

He was going to modify the explosive gun. Considering that hot weapons are much more practical than cold weapons, and combined with the fact that the Superman series is not suitable for long-range weapons, after some thinking, he decided to modify the explosive gun into a hand cannon. distance weapon.

Only this kind of medium-to-short-range weapon is the most suitable for superhuman ability users. It combines short-range bombardment and medium-range range strikes, which greatly makes up for the shortcomings of melee combat.

Long-range attack methods are indeed not suitable for superhuman ability users, Lin Yue must give up.

The reason why he chose to modify the blasting gun first was because he already had the main core material in his hand, which was the scorching hot teeth he got back then.

This rare material can greatly improve the temperature resistance and enhance the explosive power at the same time.

What he lacks is only some auxiliary materials, which can be looted from mutant monsters.

What Lin Yue is doing now is killing monsters.

Since his transformation through dragon blood training, his combat strength has increased several times, and the third-level mutant monsters are nothing more than little ones under his command.

Lin Yue's body contains the blood of the dragon, and every time he runs the Balong Jue, it is much smoother than before. The eighteen movements of the first level of the Balong Jue are completely tailor-made for him.

Mutated jackals, mutated black tigers, mutated giant rhinos... These mutated beasts that are common in the wilderness are all within Lin Yue's sweeping range.

He is not in a hurry to rush to Iron City. Although the wilderness is dangerous, the benefits also coexist. For those who are capable, the dangerous wilderness is a treasure full of infinite possibilities.

Of course, if you think too highly of yourself, you will capsize in the gutter at any time.

In the endless wilderness, Lin Yue raced with wolves, fought with tigers, and wrestled with huge beasts.

In the actual battle of blood and fire, it is the best way to temper yourself.

After the transformation, his body grew extremely rapidly. In just one day, he was able to completely control the use of Cun Jin.

In the past, his physical strength was stronger than that of ordinary superhumans, but now he is a superhuman among superhumans. Under the explosion of his physical strength, his strength is like a dragon and a tiger, and he is as powerful as a broken bamboo.

"Finally all the materials have been collected."

At night, Lin Yue found a hidden cave and put all the materials in front of him.

He has long recorded all the knowledge in the books and notes the old man gave him in his head, and he still has a certain understanding of hand cannon weapons.

First of all, the hand cannon is different from the pistol. It is a weapon between the pistol and the artillery. The hand cannon needs a large-caliber barrel, so it does not need any accuracy, and it mainly focuses on ranged bombing and shooting.

The recoil of the hand cannon is extremely strong, which also makes it suitable for superhuman abilities with strong arms.

Lin Yue took out the micromanipulator, melted the main rare material, the burning teeth, with high temperature little by little, and incorporated the liquid into the gun barrel to improve its temperature resistance and other explosive properties.

He refitted repeatedly, learned from failures, and optimized step by step without haste.

Without the guidance of a famous teacher, it took Lin Yue a whole night to finally modify it successfully, and a brand new and distinctive blasting hand cannon appeared in his hand.

This explosive hand cannon is bigger than Lin Yue's arm. The streamlined shell is shining with red luster, like a burning flame. The delicate lines form an exquisite pattern, and the internal performance device has reached a considerable level. Standard, explosive and firepower.

The blasting hand cannon does not need to be filled with ammunition, as long as the crystal nucleus is added to it, it can shoot small explosive bombs with energy bodies. The bombing range can cover a radius of 15 meters.

And Lin Yue also specially set up a special function, which is his whimsical idea, that is, the attack mode can be switched, and the explosive hand cannon can also spray high-temperature flames from the muzzle to burn the enemy, just like the enhanced version Like a flamethrower.

He borrowed this idea from King Kong's black steel war hammer. He thought it was very good, so he tried it boldly, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

In the early morning of the next day, after he adjusted his state, he felt full of energy and didn't feel any discomfort, so he stood up, tied the explosive hand cannon behind his back, and covered it with his coat. There are many examples of money-making in this era.

Just as Lin Yue came out of the cave, a sharp arrow suddenly shot towards him. He quickly dodged to avoid it, and jumped into the nearby reeds to hide.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking me?" Lin Yue looked up and saw a group of heavily armed men surrounding him.

"Boy, did you kill Mr. Zhao of the Longyan Arms Association, thinking that you will be fine if you go to the wild?" The leader, wearing sunglasses, said arrogantly: "The president of the Longyan Arms Association paid a big price for your head. , you are now a mobile vault, if we wild hunters make a move, you will definitely die."

Lin Yue slightly understood that it turned out to be someone sent by the Longyan Arms Association. Since he was a mortal enemy, he didn't have to worry about anything.

Either you die or I die.

"It's a good time to use you to test my explosive hand cannon."

Lin Yue immediately used them for surgery, and he picked up the explosive hand cannon with ease. The heat flow was surging at the muzzle, and the crimson light flickered at a high speed, and a explosive bomb bombarded the past like a meteor.

With a bang, a cloud of fire rose and sparks flew. The power of the explosion was stronger than that of a grenade, killing three hunters on the spot.

"Not bad, killing you with this is completely like killing chickens with a bull's knife."

Lin Yue put away the explosive hand cannon. This weapon consumes too much crystal nucleus energy. It is really a waste to deal with these wilderness hunters who are not even capable.

The combat power system in the doomsday world does not only have the three major abilities. People who cannot become ability users can also become other combat professions.

For example, the person who shot the arrow in the back just now was an archer.

But in any case, ability users are undoubtedly the kings who dominate the battlefield, and other combat professions will be eclipsed.

"I really don't know who gave you the confidence to kill me."

Lin Yue saw that they took the initiative to encircle him, which was exactly what he wanted. Superhuman ability users are extremely strong in melee combat. These people dare to confront him head-on, which is commendable for their courage.

But soon Lin Yue realized that something was wrong. As soon as he went out, gunshots rang out from all directions.

"It turns out that you are just a temptation."

Lin Yue smiled coldly, the blue crystal bulletproof vest on his body could block the gunshots of that degree in the distance even if he didn't stretch the crystal shield.

"So fast!"

Lin Yue kicked his feet hard, and his whole body passed by like a gust of wind. He casually punched a third-level hunter. His iron fist was extremely powerful, like a hammer hitting him. With just one punch, he beat the man to death. .

Nothing fancy, just pure power crushing.

Lin Yue rushed into the opponent's encirclement by himself, seemingly throwing himself into a trap, but in fact he was entering a flock of sheep, and dealt a fatal blow to the enemy like a crushing one.

These people couldn't stop his blow at all, and the violent force that burst out, even the defensive melee with the shield was completely suppressed by the overwhelming force.

"My head is indeed valuable, but you have to take it with your life."

Lin Yue grabbed the man in the sunglasses by the head, pressed it hard on the ground, and smashed him to the ground on the spot.

The man immediately let out a howling scream, his face was covered in blood, and the bridge of his nose was broken. He was in a state of embarrassment.

The wilderness hunters who hunted down Lin Yue were not just a team, the hunter team headed by the man in sunglasses was just one of them, and it was just a test vanguard, no different from cannon fodder.

"There is always a price to pay for killing me, so I will take this."

Lin Yue snatched the backpack from the man in the sunglasses. There were many necessities for survival in the wild, such as medical kits, pills, food, etc., which were all he needed.

"Although tell the people of the Longyan Arms Association to send more people to kill me." Lin Yue didn't kill the man in the sunglasses, but kicked him out. To him, these guys were the transportation brigade. I brought something for myself.

After finishing speaking, Lin Yue looked around with stern eyes, and found that the other hunter teams gradually disappeared, and did not make any rash moves.

In a world where the jungle preys on the weak, it is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong.

The strength shown by Lin Yue terrified them.

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