Online game Doomsday: Divine Pet Fusion System

035. The last person, hostage-taking

Lin Sheng went up the stairs all the way, and soon reached the door on the top of the building.

Looking at the iron door in front of him that was obviously locked from the outside, Lin Sheng was unmoved, but he didn't kick the door again.

Although my feet can stand it, the shoes really can't stand such a toss.

Lin Sheng swung the long sword in his hand, and directly separated the locked part from the entire iron gate, then opened the door and walked out.

"The scenery is nice, but do you really think you can run?" Lin Sheng said disapprovingly, his words were full of casualness.

From Lin Sheng's point of view, these people ran to the top of the building, which was obviously a panicked struggle, after all, there was really no way out on the top of the building.

If it is two stories high, then you can still jump down, bet on the possibility, but this building is a full nine stories high, jumping from here is basically a certain death.

As for the randomness of skills?He had already used detection skills on five people, and he knew that each of these guys was level two or three, and even the one who begged for mercy just now was only level one.

Only Ah Bin has reached level 5.

No one responded, Lin Sheng sighed and decided to make a quick decision. After all, there is still a "boss" who doesn't know where he went.

With a flash in Lin Sheng's eyes, he put the long sword back into his backpack, held the shadow dagger, and ran at full speed.

After all, the long sword has a total length of 1 meters, and the blade reaches 5 meters. Although it will not be affected by this weight when carrying the sword, it is not as flexible as holding the shadow dagger.

"I found it." There was nothing to cover up on the roof, Lin Sheng searched a bit, and found one of them curled up next to a water storage tank, with his face buried as if he wanted to be an "ostrich".

Shaking his head, Lin Sheng didn't have the time to give him hope and make him despair like before. He thrust the dagger into his neck, pulled it out, and continued to look for the whereabouts of the other person.

He searched every possible hiding place, but couldn't find it, which made Lin Sheng frown.

After thinking for a while, Lin Sheng walked to the edge of the roof and looked down, but as expected, the last little gangster was so bold as to use the iron pipe to climb down.

You know, although this seems to be very common in film and television works, if ordinary people really do this thing, they will find various problems, such as too slippery pipes, tension at high altitude, lack of physical strength, huge pressure on the front line of life and death, etc. wait.

Those who really dare to do this are either dumbfounded or idiots. Of course, it is also possible that they are really driven to a desperate situation and have no choice but to do so.

Lin Sheng didn't think too much about it, and he wasn't even interested in greeting him. He put away the shadow dagger and threw it with his right hand in the void. A blue dart hit the little gangster's head, and he fell straight down from the 9th floor. to the ground.

In this way, except for A Bin and the "boss", everyone else died.

Lin Sheng looked away, returned to the stairs, and went straight to the door on the ninth floor, but it was also locked.

After knowing that I can kick open the iron door, he even went out of his way to lock the door. It seems that this "boss" has limited wisdom.

A thought flashed in Lin Sheng's mind, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, he broke into the door.

The long corridor was empty and silent, and at this time it was time to say "you can hear a needle drop on the ground".

Lin Sheng shook his head, stopped complaining, concentrated on observing his surroundings, and walked quickly through the corridor without stopping.

"I should have asked them just now, where the boss might be going." Lin Sheng couldn't help thinking, but probably it would be useless to ask, the "boss" was so cautious that he would run away as soon as he saw him , I'm afraid I won't go back to the place I used to go to.

Lin Sheng's expression changed suddenly, and he leaned against the wall, listening to the sound coming through the wall. Although it was very subtle, after taking 20 elixir, Lin Sheng could still hear it as long as he concentrated.

"It seems to be, scolding?" Lin Sheng frowned slightly, and he could vaguely hear that one person was scolding another. The specific content was unclear, but judging from the tone, it was probably correct.

"Is it downstairs, maybe... the seventh floor?" Lin Sheng lay down on the ground again, concentrated his mind, and discerned the general direction of the voice, then stood up again and walked towards the stairs.

When he got to the door on the 8th floor, A Bin squatted on the ground, buried his face and didn't know what he was doing, and the two corpses remained the same.

Lin Sheng didn't care about these things, and continued to walk down. In order to prevent A Bin or the "boss" from noticing, Lin Sheng's footsteps slowed down to the extreme, and followed the sound to the door of the stairs on the 7th floor. .

When approaching the 7th floor, the yelling stopped, but Lin Sheng didn't stop, but stood in front of the door.

Do you open the door as quietly as possible so you don't get noticed, or do you open it loudly and startle him?
After thinking for a while, Lin Sheng decided to choose the latter.

After all, it was impossible for that "boss" to run from the seventh floor to other places in just a few seconds, that is to say, he was already a "turtle in a jar".

Moreover, Lin Sheng was in a hurry, and almost 3 minutes had been wasted on this group of people.

With this time, Lin Sheng could kill another boss.

After making up his mind, Lin Sheng swung his long sword heavily, and the blue fox fire covered by the sword exploded, breaking open the entire door.

"Come out directly, you should know that you can't run away." Lin Sheng shouted loudly, although he didn't expect him to come out obediently, but it didn't take time to say such a sentence.

Unexpectedly, the "boss" actually responded.

"Okay, I'll come out." A familiar rough voice came, and the "boss" opened a door and walked out slowly.

What made Lin Sheng's pupils shrink was that he was also tied to a girl in ragged clothes, and he even raised a dagger to her neck. The girl's body was covered with scars except for her face. Haggard but still vaguely recognizable as a beautiful girl.

The girl's face was ashen, her eyes stared blankly at the void, she didn't care about Lin Sheng, nor the "boss" who tied her up.

"You made a very stupid decision." Lin Sheng looked at the girl, and Lin Mo's face flashed in his heart. His whole body became cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised. "Boss" trembled in his heart, and couldn't help but look away, not daring to meet Lin Sheng's gaze.

"You spare my life! I'll spare her life!" Although his teeth chattered with fright, "Boss" still shouted loudly, trying to reach a consensus with Lin Sheng.

"I've already said it." Lin Sheng's words were cold, and a red light began to flow from the long sword, looking at him, "You made a very stupid decision, and you will die, and you will not die quickly."

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