As Ye Tian walked into the locker room, everyone present looked at him almost instantly, and everyone's eyes were full of scrutiny.

Of course, they just glanced at each other and changed their clothes without saying anything else.

Soon, at this time, there was already a teacher Zhang and some students walking in outside.

This teacher Zhang's face can be said to be full of anger, as if he had encountered something that made him extremely angry, and he kept mumbling to himself.

"What to do now? What to do now?"

"Surprisingly, such a thing happened. Our main team member suddenly fell ill. Is this incident definitely weird?"

The basketball players around this teacher Zhang were also full of anxiety, talking to each other.

"Mr. Zhang, there is really no way to find one of these people to make up for it. Even if we lose, don't let others say that we can't even make up five people."

"Don't talk about it, today is really too unlucky. Such an important event, a competition between several middle schools, it is really surprising that such a thing happened."

Everyone present spoke again, and upon hearing their conversation, some people in the locker room had a gleam of brilliance in their eyes.

Because of the obvious meaning, listening to the conversation of the few people in front of you, you can quickly guess what happened.

It was nothing more than a main player of the original basketball team, but due to some unexpected reasons, there were some changes, which made them lack one person now, so they can only come here to find someone to make up.

This is definitely a huge opportunity for all of them. If they can seize this opportunity, they will probably be able to spread the word to the whole school immediately, which can be said to be famous.

"According to your ideas, find someone here. No matter what, the game will still go on."

"Oh! It's a pity that the substitute players in our team didn't come here this time. They said they were stuck in the middle of the road. The people in the locker room can only be said to be some ordinary students."

The team members next to that teacher Zhang were talking about it immediately.

For them, it can be said that their faces are full of sorrow.

"Now, what should we really do?"

Hearing this sentence, it can be said that Teacher Zhang's face showed a strong look of helplessness.

All of a sudden, the team members around this teacher Zhang clenched their fists tightly, and there was a strong sense of unwillingness in their eyes.

Because of such a thing, it is almost conceivable that their next basketball game is already doomed to lose.

Faced with such an ending, they are naturally not in a good mood.

"That classmate, come with us." The teacher Zhang shook his head deeply, casually raised his right hand, pointed at Ye Tian, ​​and said.

For him, he has no hope for the next game. He even suspects that there must be some people secretly playing tricks on today's incident.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for his main team members to suddenly have an emergency and be unable to play, and their special substitute players were also blocked halfway.

Such a thing, I am afraid that no matter who it is for, it can be guessed that there must be some unknown things hidden in it.

"Are you calling me?" Ye Tian shrugged with a calm expression.

All of a sudden, the eyes of everyone around were all on Ye Tian for the first time.

"Of course I'm calling you, hurry up and follow us." That Teacher Zhang said hastily.

For these people in the locker room, he has no hope at all, because for these people, he can be said to be very clear. The professionalism of the team members.

"I'm sorry, although I feel very sorry for your matter, but I have to tell you that I am not interested in participating in your competition."

Following Ye Tian's words, the entire dressing room seemed to quiet down instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the basketball players beside that teacher Zhang snorted coldly and gave Ye Tian a cold look.

"You kid, you really don't want to drink a toast. You have to know that being able to play against us, even if it's just a soy sauce role, is enough to make a name for yourself in these middle schools. Such a thing, no matter who you are For one person, it is definitely an opportunity.”

Ye Tian smiled faintly, and spoke coldly.

"In your eyes, it may be an opportunity, but in my eyes, it is just trouble."

Those team members immediately turned cold.

"You kid really doesn't know good from bad, so apologize to us quickly."

"I'm just talking about my own thoughts, so why should I apologize to you?" Ye Tian's tone sank slightly, and for a moment, he exuded a faint aura, which immediately changed the atmosphere in the dressing room. Got a little dignified.

"Hurry up and get out of here, don't appear in front of me." The basketball players said immediately.

It's just that the original teacher Zhang looked at Ye Tian carefully, first a hint of doubt appeared in his eyes, and then he remembered something, which can be said to be a hint of excitement.

Because, for him, Ye Tian in front of him, he has naturally heard of some of his reputation.

Among them, there is this incident that has a lot to do with the basketball game. Even after hearing about that incident, he planned to visit Ye Tian in person and wanted him to join his basketball team.

At the very beginning, this teacher Zhang could be said to be immersed in his distress, and he didn't look at Ye Tian carefully at all.

But now after a careful inspection, the kid he just casually pointed at turned out to be Ye Tian.

You know, the legend about Ye Tian is in this school, but it is rumored that he is Jordan alive, a magical figure who can shoot and score goals at any position in the basketball court.

Such a thing, for him, is definitely a big turning point. If Ye Tian can be allowed to participate in the next game, it is almost conceivable that it can shock everyone present.

Thinking of this, this teacher Zhang immediately took a few steps forward, and came directly in front of Ye Tian, ​​a smoldering look appeared in his eyes, as if he saw some treasure.

"You are Ye Tian? I didn't expect that I would see you here. Please help Teacher Zhang this time. This is also helping our entire school. Otherwise, our face will be completely destroyed. Throw it all away." The teacher Zhang's words can be said to be full of pleading, and the gaze he looked at Ye Tian was also full of pleading.

All of a sudden, the basketball players next to this teacher Zhang were stunned on the spot, especially when they heard the word Ye Tian, ​​a touch of disbelief appeared in their eyes, and then they became extremely fanatical. up.

"You are Ye Tian! You are Ye Tian!"

"I'm really sorry, just now we were blind, I hit my own mouth, and you said that."

Those basketball players immediately slapped themselves, which can be said to be extremely sincere.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Tian naturally wouldn't be in any mood to pursue it too much. Facing the pleading look on the face of that teacher Zhang, he finally said: "Okay, this time, I will deal with it." Just to help you once."

Hearing this sentence, the teacher Zhang's face suddenly showed a strong joy, and he said it loudly.

"I really want to thank you, Ye Tian. Thank you so much, Ye Tian. With your shot this time, we must be able to win the next game."

This teacher Zhang can be said to be extremely excited. To him, Ye Tian's words seemed to represent their victory in the next game.

Afterwards, the teacher Zhang quickly looked at the basketball players around him, and said, "Hurry up and tell the others to add Ye Tian's name."

As his voice fell, he pulled Ye Tian and those team members on the spot and walked outside.

As soon as the group of them came outside, many people's eyes immediately fell on Ye Tian, ​​especially their opponents, and there was a touch of doubt in their eyes.

Because they naturally didn't know Ye Tian, ​​but seeing the joyful expression on the face of the teacher Zhang who led the team, the doubts on their faces can be said to be more intense.

"Who is that kid?"

"Why haven't I seen it before? Could it be their hidden secret weapon?"

"That's right. I just heard that one of their main players is no longer able to participate, and the substitute players haven't rushed over yet. They can't just be someone they found randomly."

"It's not impossible. Hurry up and investigate for me. Who is that kid? We must know 100% about our opponent."

Seeing Ye Tian's appearance, their school's opponents began to discuss immediately, and they were also guessing about Ye Tian's identity.

When they came to the basketball court, that Teacher Zhang came to Ye Tian's side and said.

"Ye Tian, ​​with your basketball level, I don't know how many times you have played basketball."

Ye Tian shook his head, and then he spoke

"I've only played once."

There was a click.

Ye Tian's words made the smile on Teacher Zhang's face gradually stiffen on the spot, and he didn't recover for a while.

"How is it possible? Before you played against the Zhong Brothers, I heard a lot of people talking about it, and even called you Jordan the Flying Man."

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