National Destiny: I build a plant army to resist all races

Chapter 71 Solve the lighthouse, 9 states become king

With the pressing of the button, the land of the lighthouse country suddenly began to vibrate!
Residents from all states watched helplessly as one rocket after another rose into the air with a long tail flame!
Some people even took pictures and posted them online!

Kyushu's satellites are also keeping a close eye on everything happening on the mainland of the Lighthouse Country.

Seeing the moment when countless rockets soar into the sky, the hearts of people from all over the world are aroused!

Everyone knows what it is and what's in it!
Thousands of rockets are enough to destroy the entire Blue Star dozens of times!

Seeing this scene, the Great Elder of Kyushu couldn't help but sighed deeply!
"This lunatic! It's time to act!"

In fact, as early as the moment the rockets soared into the sky, dozens of figures soared into the sky in the Lighthouse Country!
I saw that each of them was stepping on a flying sword, and there were three flying swords around their bodies, and each of them locked dozens of rockets!
Head straight for these giant mushrooms!

These big mushroom missiles fly fast, but they're even faster!

At the same time as it swept past, the flying swords surrounding the body directly and accurately cut off the connection between the projectile head and the projectile body!

The warhead was easily removed, while the projectile body was still flying towards various countries, but it had already lost the ability to explode!
In this way, dozens of fighters with flying swords easily eliminated thousands of big mushrooms within 10 minutes!
Then all the warheads of these big mushrooms were transported back to the Kyushu territory and handed over to the power plant!

Walking with the sword is an ability that can only be obtained by silver nine stars and above!

These dozens of fighters are geniuses specially selected by Kyushu from the million iron guards!
Afterwards, all kinds of resources were used to cultivate them, and with the help of Chuzhou, they completed the foundation building in just dozens of days!
Reached the strength of silver 9 stars!

Not only can they fly with the sword, but everyone can also control three additional swords. For this day, they practiced day and night!
Finally, when he captured the Lighthouse Country, he showed his power and wiped out all the big mushrooms that would affect the life and death of Blue Star.

Stephen also saw this scene, and he suddenly felt ashamed and slumped on the chair!

The Kyushu soldiers rushed in and directly controlled him!
As for dealing with the warlords all over the Beacon Country, this is not the task of the Kyushu Iron Guards!
In the future, Kyushu will "help" the Beacon Country select a new president, and then give him various supports to help him stabilize the country's situation!
But that's another story.

Now, what is extremely fierce is the battle on the battlefield of the National Games!
After conquering other small countries, five young people got together and came to the territory of White Bear Country!
This group of Maozi was very hearty, and they directly raised their hands and walked out of the territory, expressing their willingness to surrender!
As for the White Bear Country, Kyushu didn't intend to make him a subsidiary country, so the five young people only sent out luck dragons, harvested a wave of national luck, and left directly.

And the destination is naturally the territory of the Lighthouse Country.

David, the territory of the Lighthouse Kingdom, is a stubble!

He has gained countless benefits on the battlefield of the national fortune, and his level has reached silver 9 stars, and even his subordinates have the strength of silver 5-7 stars!

In their view, with their strength, they can dominate Blue Star in the future, so of course they don't want to be caught on the battlefield of the National Games!
He ambushed countless explosive landmines underneath, ready to blow up all the plants in Kyushu when they attacked!

However, when the five young men from Kyushu led the plant army, none of the bombs exploded!

This is because, before the plants set foot on this land, the magical plant bamboo shoots have already explored the way!

Bamboo shoots can walk freely underneath, and with a thrust, all the mines are quickly eliminated!

After being surrounded by thousands of plants, David didn't panic, and took out various high-tech weapons!

The magnetic energy laser cannon was aimed at the five young people, and it hit them with one shot!
However, Nut Wall appeared in the front row, raised his arms, and even directly took down the laser cannon!

Afterwards, the Nut Walls stretched out their arms, and after touching the ground, they directly activated the "Earth Waves" skill!
The ground suddenly set off waves, undulating like the sea!
And the Lighthouse Country was originally unable to withstand such a strong attack because of its weak luck!

The wooden wall collapsed in an instant!

Even so, David and his comrades are still desperately resisting!

"Superman's body!" More than a dozen people have activated their superman's body, which is infinitely powerful and invulnerable!
With the cannonballs of the plants, they rushed directly to the five young people!

But it didn't work, as a wall of nuts blocked their way again!
The Nut Walls put their arms in front of them, and when David and the others rushed over, they reached out and grabbed their arms!

Then use the "Boiled Dragon Ghost Hand" to overthrow all the people from the Lighthouse Country to the ground!
David and the others were angry again, "Storm master!"

A strong storm was set off on the flat ground, and tornadoes appeared one after another, mixed with wind, snow, thunder and lightning, and swept towards the plants!

But the whirlpool loquat stood up at this time!
"Big storm!" The plants also blew an endless storm, the difference is that the storm they blew was mixed with flames and frost at the same time!
The two storms collided, but the storm in the Lighthouse Country was obviously weak!
The smoke disappeared immediately, and the storm rolled up by the plants was still fierce and skinless, sweeping towards David and others!

Soon, David and his men were all swept up into the sky. Although they had a superhuman body and were not injured by the ice and fire, they were still dizzy and vomited as soon as they landed!
At this time, the plants also temporarily stopped attacking, and watched the group of lords of the lighthouse country coldly!
David finally calmed down, he threw all the guns and ammunition aside!
Make fun of the young people in Kyushu!
"You people are able to bully us because you have plants. If you are a man, you can fight us head-on!"

Du Feiming was the calmest, and couldn't help laughing when he heard David's words!

"Do you know what you're talking about? This is war. Do you think that after two or three sentences, we will fight you one-on-one? Don't be ridiculous!"

But at this time, Jiang Nan jumped out from the army of plants: "If you are singled out, you will be singled out. If you fail, I can kill you with one hand!"

Du Feiming was a little anxious: "Jiang Nan, come back, what are you doing!"

Jiang Nan turned around and smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid, I'll win anyway, I'll play with him!"

Du Feiming looked anxious: "Be careful behind you!"

As soon as Jiang Nan turned his head, David had already rushed in front of him, raising his fist, which was entwined with infinite black death energy!

"Death to me!"

However, Jiang Nan seemed to have expected it long ago, tilted his head slightly, jumped on his feet, and dodged!
At the same time, he folded his palms together and finally muttered some spell!
David was about to continue rushing over, but suddenly stopped!
Then, cracks began to open all over his body, as if a stone fell to the ground!
David propped up his body vigorously, raised his head, and with every movement of his body, small cracks would bloom on his body!

Countless blood water trickled out from it.

David struggled to open his mouth and asked, "What is this?" and couldn't continue.

Jiang Nan smiled slightly: "The simplest freezing technique, but what I mobilize is not the water element in the air, but the water element in your body!"

"Although you have a superhuman body, human blood still flows in your body. There is water in it, just let it freeze."

David didn't answer any more, his eyes widened, he was already dead!
Seeing the death of the leader, David's subordinates of course also lost the courage to resist. They raised their weapons one after another, knelt down and began to surrender.

With the defeat of the territory of the Lighthouse Kingdom, so far, Kyushu has finally become king in Blue Star!

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