After returning to the National Games battlefield, Chuzhou was filled with emotion!

Just grasping the torrent of the times once, the relationship between countries has completely changed!

The Manghuang Continent is indeed full of magical temptations, but as a Blue Star person, like Qin Han, he still regards Blue Star as his home!
There is always nostalgia in their hearts that cannot be given up, and they also believe that there are more people in Kyushu who have the same thoughts as them, especially those old people!

Therefore, the other countries of Blue Star have become a problem that has to be solved!
Fortunately, Kyushu now has the strength to crush other countries, and I believe there will be no major problems in this operation.

This day is another dull one.

After more than a month of challenges, Chuzhou and others have challenged more than 1000 races!

As soon as each race landed, it was instantly frozen, its luck was taken away, and then it was sent away by the AI ​​system of the National Games battlefield.

Chuzhou's achievements have even spread throughout the region, and the races in this region were a little unbelievable at first!

Taunting other races: "Is there such a wicked door as you said, and it will be frozen as soon as you enter, then at least it will be a diamond grade!"

"How is it possible, isn't that battlefield full of scum of the highest silver level? That's the place to earn trial points!"

Therefore, after seeing the random trials released by Kyushu, there were still many races rushing for orders, but they were inexplicably frozen, and after being sent out inexplicably, they also instantly understood the situation of other races.

One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and almost all races learned about the abnormalities in the Kyushu territory.

Now, in Kyushu's daily random trials, no race is willing to accept orders!

But the National Games AI system is ruthless. If you don't take the initiative to accept orders, it will automatically send orders and directly send these races in!
Some races are teleported so much that Cedros doesn't even have to do it!

As soon as you enter, raise your hands high and shout surrender!
But it was of little use, Cedros snapped his fingers, and was instantly frozen.

became a process.

Of course, like the Huaxian clan, this kind of race that specially invites challenges every day can no longer be frozen!

Every time they arrive at the scene, they will directly hand over the prepared exercises and secret scrolls to Chuzhou.

Seeing that they are so sensible, Chuzhou specially used the power of the god of agriculture to help these flower fairies make further breakthroughs.

The flower fairies may be the only race that has benefited greatly in this incident.

But soon, all the secret scrolls of the Huaxian clan's exercises were obtained, and they lost their value. Chuzhou never looked for them again.

Except for Kyushu, other countries have tried to minimize the war of national fortune, except for country D.

Because of Chuzhou's order, the lord of country D, Yui Mikami, is strictly implementing the rules of three national games a day.

They can dedicate a trial point to Kyushu every day. Although many people died during this period, but in the later stage, they have already practiced and learned which races to choose and how to resist the attacks of these races.

For example, Mikami Yui often chooses the tentacles and vines to attack. Although these races are quite strong, they generally don't hurt people's lives.

They just use tentacles and vines to catch them, torture them, satisfy the strange thoughts in these races, and leave after the end.

Since no one has gained the luck of the other, both parties will get a trial point.

An ordinary day passed, and Chuzhou left five young people behind after listening to Cedros's lecture.

He calmly watched the five young people Du Feiming, Lu Chuan, Jiang Nan, Zhao Yiyuan and Li Simeng.

He said lightly, "Tomorrow's plan has changed, starting at six o'clock in the morning, raiding other countries' territories!"

The young people were not surprised, as if they had expected it a long time ago.

Jiang Nan was even extra excited!
"Is it finally time to fight? I have long disliked the guys from the lighthouse. I apply to lead the team to attack the lighthouse!"

Chuzhou looked at the others: "What about you, what do you think?"

Du Feiming and others said calmly: "We listen to the boss's arrangement!"

Although Li Simeng is a girl, she also understands the reason and necessity of attacking other countries' territories, so she chooses to firmly support Chuzhou!
Although everyone has no objection, Chuzhou still explained the reason: "At present, except for Kyushu, other countries cannot complete the trial task and get enough trial points within three months."

"So they are currently waiting for Kyushu to leave Blue Star and all enter the Manghuang Continent, and then they can dominate Blue Star and do their best."

"But Kyushu's plan, everyone knows that it is to enter the wild battlefield while not giving up on Blue Star, so there will inevitably be conflicts with them in the future."

"Of course we are not afraid of ordinary people in these countries, but the lords of these countries have obtained great benefits in the wild battlefield. If they want to attack our country, Kyushu will definitely be in danger!"

"At this time, the test is us, whether we can take down all the lords of the 21 countries of Blue Star tomorrow!"

Du Feiming raised his hand: "Boss, besides Kyushu, Blue Star has 23 countries left!"

Chuzhou nodded: "Pakistan and country D don't need to fight anymore. Abbas has already made an appointment with Qin Han and me, and signed the vassal state agreement, which has been settled peacefully. As for country D, it has been settled peacefully before. gone."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"there is none left!"

"Okay! Tomorrow, I will send 1000 plant troops to each of you. Now let's discuss which plant warriors we will arrange for you according to the different abilities acquired by different countries!"

Soon, the deployment was complete, and each of the five men had a country to attack.As for Chuzhou, it will sit in the base camp of the Kyushu territory and leave opportunities to young people.

After the arrangements were over, Chuzhou waved his hand and asked everyone to go back to sleep, but how could they sleep!

Although it has been nearly two months since they entered the National Games battlefield, these young people have never really participated in a battle!

Every time I stood behind Chuzhou and the plants, watching everyone fight bloody battles!

Later, when Cedros arrived, they had no chance to make a move. Apart from eating, drinking and lazing, they practiced non-stop!
And now, everyone is full of excitement and excitement to finally be able to apply what they have learned to actual combat!

After tossing and turning all night, finally, the alarm clock rang!

Although the five young people didn't sleep all night, they were all in high spirits and quickly walked out of their respective tents.

Then I saw that Chuzhou had prepared the plants for everyone.

"Everyone, it's up to you next!"

With excitement, the five young people took their own plants and ran towards different directions and countries!

And before that, Blue Star, Kyushu, and Iron Guards who had enough to eat and drink, under the leadership of five different leaders, had already marched towards various countries overnight!
The battle of the entire Blue Star is imminent!

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