National Destiny: I build a plant army to resist all races

Chapter 38 Nine states are angry, all the people are soldiers

Blue Star, all surviving countries, started watching the live broadcast as soon as they received the notification of the start of the war and the live broadcast!
The first to catch the eye is Kojiro Jiro and others, who wrapped Chuzhou layer by layer with chains!
Then he uttered nonsense, saying that the existence of Chuzhou blocked the development of the entire Blue Star!
Netizens from other countries are mostly silent!

They understand that they can still live without the help of Chuzhou!
But they also know that if Chuzhou still exists, the development of their own country will always lag behind others!

Only Ba Tieguo, after seeing this scene, immediately started to act!
Abbas, the lord of Batie, who was still resting, immediately took all his teammates and teleported to the National Games battlefield!

Declare war on country D directly!
Afterwards, a group of people rushed to the territory of Kyushu!

Save Chuzhou from country D!

Netizens in Kyushu were furious the moment they saw the live broadcast of the National Games battlefield!
Swear on the Internet!
"Fucking little G, try moving Chuzhou, the little boy and the big fat man haven't had enough, have they?"

"It will be today to flatten country D. After hearing his shameless words, I can't stand it anymore. If the government doesn't act, I will act on my own!"

"I'm with you, and I'm going to swim there too, kill them, these little bastards are going to fight us!!"

"Don't swim! I'm from Shadong Rizhao. My family has a shipping company. Let's go by boat together!"

"Look, that bastard is still boasting, saying that killing Chuzhou is a respect for Chuzhou. I bought a watch last year!"

"They've always been so shameless. Without further ado, I've already set off by car!"

"That friend from Rizhao is waiting for me! My Longquan sword-making family has [-] swords in stock, and they are being loaded into a car, and they will be shipped over immediately! Every brother must have a weapon that is handy!"

The whole Kyushu is angry!

Before the official release of any statement or notice, volunteers have already started planning to go to country D to fight back!

In the command post, Qin Han saw Chuzhou being tied up on the battlefield of the National Games, and suddenly got up, his eyes were tearing apart!

The phone rang, and he answered with red eyes!From the other side came the dignified voice of the Great Elder of Kyushu!

"Country D's move is to officially declare war on Kyushu, so act now!"

Without saying a word, Qin Han hung up the phone and connected to the Kyushu Iron Guard!

"Listen to my order, the whole army will attack, and crush country D as quickly as possible!"

"2 hours, within 2 hours, I want to see the result!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't have time to pack anything, and rushed directly to the fighter jets that had already parked at the airport!
Before stepping into the plane door, he suddenly thought of something!
Turning around, he said to his assistant Wang Shuang, "Stay where you are and take command for me for now!"

The fighter jet roars away!

At the same time, on the international social networking site, the Kyushu official account posted two words!
"Go to war!"

Afterwards, along the East China Sea of ​​Kyushu, all warships and nuclear submarines drove to the maximum horsepower and sailed forward!

In the sky, there are hordes of fighter jets and helicopters roaring past!
The arrow points to where country D is located!
Not long after the official combat power was dispatched, one ship after another left the port on the border of Kyushu!
Among them are fishing boats with hundreds of people, and transport ships with a load of tens of millions of tons, all of which are ready to go!
At the same time, martyrs from all over the country also drove to the nearest port!

There are more people on the road, reaching out to stop the car and asking to go with them, as long as there is space in the car, they will stop and take it!

The elderly, women and children had no way to go out, so they took out the few rations and dry food at home and walked to the side of the road!

Give it to these brave warriors!
All of a sudden, all the people in Kyushu were soldiers, and everyone's anger had reached its peak!

There is only one word in my heart, and that is "Kill!"

Kill all the ungrateful people of D country, kill all the shameless little G!
Even those criminals who disturbed the law and order and were locked up after obtaining the power were filled with righteous indignation!
Constantly slapping on the railings and iron gates, demanding to go on the field to kill the enemy!
Fortunately, Kyushu acted quickly, and established a stability maintenance bureau long ago. One after another, high-skilled power awakeners went to various places as quickly as possible!

Crack down on restless prisoners!
These power awakeners have also been out of anger, and they can't wait to go to country D immediately to play their best role on the battlefield!

But now in the territory of Kyushu, combat power is extremely scarce, they must stay in Kyushu, to prevent people with ulterior motives from taking advantage of the emptiness of Kyushu's domestic power, and secretly attacking them!

For example, those prisoners who are restless and rioting, if they are really released, the social order will inevitably collapse!

Because not all of them are people who have a heart for Kyushu, and there may be spies sent by other countries!

For them, it may be a pity that they failed to act collectively this time!

It doesn't matter, after this wave passes, the supernatural being can go alone and vent his anger!
At that time, there will be no more peace on the territory of Country D!
When Wang Shuang returned to the command post, the first order he gave was to move all the nuclear weapons to the teleportation array!
Just after putting it away, five young people appeared in front of the teleportation array!
Previously, the five of them had planted all the land and returned to Blue Star. Chuzhou gave them a long vacation!
So they can go home and see their family, or go downtown, shop, and have a rest!
Therefore, they who live in the hotel in the urban area are far away from the teleportation array on the National Games battlefield!
Even so, within 10 minutes, they still rushed to the scene, and Wang Shuang was already waiting for them!

Wang Shuang looked at the five young men with a serious tone!

"I know you're angry and I'm angry too, but anger doesn't solve the problem!"

"Now that country D and Kyushu are officially at war, the only way you can save Chuzhou is to stay in the lord's courtyard and don't go out to fight!"

With red eyes, Jiang Nan stepped forward and grabbed Wang Shuang by the collar!

"Are you going to make us shrinking turtles? Get out of the way, I have to save him!"

Wang Shuang's expression remained unchanged, and he said in a low voice!
"If you rush directly to fight the people of country D like this, you will die in vain, and Chuzhou will die in vain!"

"You must stay in the lord's courtyard to resist the follow-up attacks of the D people, and don't let them destroy the Kyushu territory!"

"If you are all dead, and the people of country D blow up the territory of Kyushu, Kyushu will be completely swallowed up, not to mention revenge for Chuzhou!"

Du Feiming stepped forward and tore Jiang Nan away, and said to Wang Shuang!

"Don't blame him, what can we do now!"

Wang Shuangyi pointed behind him, 10 hydrogen warheads, and nuclear weapons launch pads were on the teleportation array!
"Use this! Set up the launch pad and bomb with these 10 warheads!"

"The operation manual is here, I believe you can understand it!"

These five young people were originally the pride of heaven. The successful defense of Chuzhou had doubled the comprehension of everyone in Kyushu!
Understanding the operation manual is not a problem for them now!

The five people nodded, and immediately took their things, all of them entered the teleportation array!

However, they discovered that they couldn't teleport to the battlefield of the National Games!
"What's going on?" Wang Shuang turned pale with shock!
The five young men were sweating profusely: "I can't teleport, I remember Chuzhou said that after the war, I can't teleport anymore!"

"Fuck!" Wang Shuang stomped her feet anxiously!

The four boys were all resentful, and the only girl, Li Simeng, burst into tears!
But at this time, on the battlefield of the National Games, there is a sudden change!
Inujiro and the ninjas are divided into two groups, confronting each other with knives!

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