National Destiny: I build a plant army to resist all races

Chapter 24 The lottery draw is over, the night raid

【Ding!Congratulations!Obtain pink epic items, golden cicadas give birth to chrysalis! 】

"Another pink epic item, check it out!"

[Golden Cicada gives birth to a chrysalis: After receiving a fatal attack, the user's Golden Cicada can escape from its shell, and its power is further improved! 】

"Fuck! This is an extra life, good thing, absolutely good thing!"

Among so many prizes, this is the one that Chuzhou is most satisfied with!

A golden light flashed, and a golden cicada symbol appeared on Chuzhou's arm, shining brightly!
Then gradually hide under the skin!

【Ding!Congratulations!Get the purple rare item, Millennium Immortal Ginseng! 】


[Thousand-year immortal ginseng: The old ginseng that has grown for thousands of years has opened its spiritual wisdom, can live to the death of human flesh and bones, and can prolong life for a hundred years! 】

"Good old ginseng, plant a hundred acres and arrange it for Kyushu. Everyone will live a few hundred years longer!"

【Ding!Congratulations!Get Purple Rare Items!The complete Lingquan spring eye! 】

[Lingquan spring eye: the connotation is rich in aura, and it can produce 1000 cubic meters of water per hour! 】

"Huh? It's a good thing again! Don't worry about running out of water in the future!"

At this time, the lottery draw is finally over!
13 lucky draws, 30 pink epic items and 3 purple rare items were drawn!Everything else is rubbish!
And Thor's Hammer can't even be lifted, so it's useless to me!

It's really black to a certain extent!

Chuzhou directly destroyed all gray, white, and blue items!
【Ding!A total of 13 items were destroyed! 】

Seeing the extremely low shipment rate, Chuzhou made up his mind that there will be no more lottery draws unless it is absolutely necessary!
This is completely a loss-making business, and you can upgrade and become stronger by farming the land!

Draw a wave of prizes, but some good things came out, but I didn't improve much!

The most important problem now is to deal with the problem of the spring, you can't just find a place to bury it!
One thousand cubic meters of water per hour, if the drainage is not done well, it may flood the lord's courtyard!
"Let's put it in my Zen Garden first!"

Chuzhou entered the Zen garden, and with a thought, a huge winding river appeared on the ground out of thin air!

Chuzhou took out the spring of Lingquan and buried it in the land of Zen Garden!
The water gushed out like a fountain and flowed down the river!

It also passed through the high wall that trapped the white apes and wild boars!
The white apes and wild boars were trapped for so many days, hungry and thirsty!

Thanks to the fact that they are all high-level monsters, even if they are really hungry for a month, they will be fine!
Otherwise, you will definitely be starving to death!
Seeing the water meandering over now, the monsters suddenly went crazy!

They scrambled to drink the water, and were surprised to find that the aura in the water seemed so strong that it couldn't be melted away!

Drinking a sip of water can quench your thirst and hunger better than eating fairy peaches and fairy fruits!
All of a sudden, the fight became more fierce!

Chuzhou nodded in satisfaction, and returned to the lord's courtyard!
At this moment, a voice came from the sky!

"The third attack is about to begin!"

In an instant, the global broadcast followed!

"The teleportation channel is closed, and the lords are forced to teleport back to their territories!"

"After 30 minutes, the second attack will start!"

"Sure enough! This time we will attack at night, thanks to my preparations!"

Chuzhou smiled slightly, not flustered in his heart!

And the five young people who just came to the battlefield of the National Games got out of the tent in a panic!

The face is full of excitement, worry, and anticipation!
They surrounded Chuzhou cautiously, and asked, "Can the plants hold the attack this time?"

Chuzhou smiled confidently and waved his hand!

All the attacking plants in Zen Garden have been released!

The Sunshine Mushroom instantly and silently bonded to these sleeping plants!
"Buy coffee beans! Eight thousand grains!"

【Ding!Consume 160 million energy points and get 8000 coffee beans. Do you want to use it now? 】

The coffee beans of the system are very thoughtful, and they don’t need to be planted by Chuzhou himself, they can be used directly after purchase!

Afterwards, the plants all blinked their sleepy eyes, yawned, and woke up!
Bluestar Kyushu, the netizens who were awakened by the broadcast of the National Games battlefield cheered up and began to watch the live broadcast!
"Damn it! They come to attack at night, and they don't let people sleep!"

"Be content, it's fine if you didn't sneak attack!"

"Will the plants in Chuzhou sleep at night! Wow, is that yellow glowing one like a lamp a mushroom? It's so cute and warm!"

"These plants are really smart. They were still sleeping, but when they heard that they were about to fight, they immediately woke up!"

"Look, there are many unknown things appearing again this time. There are many things flying in the sky, like helicopters!"

"There is also a green fighter jet. What is the red plant over there? It seems to be discharging. It's amazing!"

Netizens from other Blue Star countries also started to watch the live broadcast!
Although it is daytime in the Blue Star Lighthouse Country at this time, the Lighthouse Territory on the National Games battlefield is in the night!

The plants rented out by Chuzhou are all in a dormant state!
No matter how the lords slapped them, these plants were still sound asleep!

Fortunately, after two defenses, the strength of the surviving lords has been greatly improved, and they have enough experience to deal with the attack!
In addition, this time brought more teammates, who can help defend the city!
Therefore, the lords did not feel at a loss!
Start to prepare in an orderly manner!

Time went back to an hour ago, to the west of the National Games battlefield, hundreds of millions of kilometers away!
A giant tree with a boundless body stands between the sky and the earth!

An ordinary branch of it is as majestic as a mountain stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles!

One of its leaves is a huge land!

Its canopy is even more boundless, as if stretching across hundreds of millions of miles of land!
On its trunk, it seems that countless stars are carved, and they are constantly reincarnated!

On each leaf of the big tree, different races such as elves, gnomes, ordinary people, zombies, and Zerg live!

The top of the canopy is the realm where the gods live!

Half of this world tree is stationed on the ground, and half of its roots are deeply rooted in the sea!
At this moment, there are huge waves hitting the sky in the sea, constantly crashing into the giant tree!
In the sea waves, there are countless ferocious frost giants floating up and down!
They are nearly [-] meters tall, pushing huge waves, and attacking big trees!

However, a god who is only two meters tall and holds a giant hammer is standing on the edge of the canopy!
With his own strength, he blocked all the attacks of the giants!

It's Thor!

He looks like an ordinary strong blacksmith, gently waving a giant hammer in his hand!

With the swing of the hammer, the thunderbolt fell from the nine heavens, and the huge waves that covered the sky and the sun exploded, turning into dust and falling back into the sea!
The giant hidden in the waves suddenly blood flowed like a waterfall, dyeing the sea red, and let out a sky-shattering roar and scream!
Another huge wave hit, and Thor raised his hammer and was about to swing it!
Suddenly, with a light hand, the hammer was gone!

Thor was shocked, as if he understood something!
Immediately, he burst into anger, roaring like the sky and the earth splitting, resounding throughout the entire World Tree!
"Loki! It's you! Give me back my weapon!"

It turned into a thunderbolt and went straight to Loki!

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