Chuzhou actually has pumpkin covers, but he didn't cover all the plants!

He didn't expect that the monsters attacking this time were not only powerful, but also possessed special skills!
Of course, the main reason is that his energy points are not enough!
I distributed more than 1000 seeds to other countries, and planted more than 2000 plants myself, which resulted in the pumpkin sets not being able to be arranged in the end!

So he only set 50 big mouth flowers that are fragile and have a long cooling time!
The pumpkin set of the system looks very similar to the one in the game, but it seems to be sleeping all the time!

When the white ape approaches, the pumpkin sleeve will suddenly grow up, covering the big mouth flower from head to toe, and showing a ferocious face to scare the monkeys!

Whether the white ape scratches with its claws or gnaws with its teeth!
Only a shallow claw mark was left behind!

There is no way, the white ape can only shift the target and attack other plants!
At this moment, Big Mouth Flower finally consumed all the white apes it had eaten!
It took aim at the boar wrestling with the wall of nuts again!

"Aww!" He poked his head forward, opened his mouth wide, and the wild boar, which was like a mountain of meat, was swallowed directly!

The big mouth flower is only one meter high, and the mouth is opened to the extreme, and it is only the size of a washbasin!
But it can swallow a wild boar as strong as a mountain of meat in one gulp!

Even Chuzhou couldn't help admiring such an ability!
The white apes rushing into the plant army are destroying the peashooters and sunflowers one after another!

Chuzhou commanded in an orderly manner!
"Cacti, cattails, forget about those birds, get rid of these annoying monkeys first!"

The cactus and cattails took the lead and started attacking the white ape immediately!
Although the seemingly light spikes are not fast, they are floating in the air with extremely high density!
As long as it hits it, it will explode immediately!
If the spiked part pierces the white ape's body, it will pierce through immediately!
After a wave of defensive attacks by the plants, the white apes were all missing arms and legs, and some of them had trouble moving!

Cacti and cattails are mainly attacking flying units, and the white apes rushing into the plant positions!

Other pea shooters, cabbage pitchers, watermelon pitchers, and corn pitchers attack the rough-skinned and thick-fleshed wild boars from a distance!
It's a pity that although the wild boars were knocked dizzy, the number of wild boars was reduced very little, and it didn't die as much as the shadow white ape!

No way, the defense of these wild boars is too abnormal!

Chuzhou was still thinking about whether it was necessary to use cherry bombs or hot peppers to clear the field in one go!
The injured white apes suddenly grinned and roared!
Afterwards, a completely new pair of arms, legs, and tail wounds grew out of the blasted parts!
"Regeneration of severed limbs? How do I feel, this is very similar to the ability obtained by the Lighthouse Kingdom!"

But Chuzhou didn't think much about it. After all, the battle was urgent, so let's think about which hole card to use!

Finally, he decided!

"Just show your face, corn cannon, and blow up those wild boars for me!"

The ten corn cannons that had been placed in the rear were slowly raised following Chuzhou's thoughts!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The huge corn flew into the air with a long tail flame, and fell to the place where wild boars were densest!
"Boom!" Like a nuclear weapon exploding, mushroom clouds rose up one after another!

A huge air wave swept across the earth, the earth shook, and the soil flew up!
No matter the attacker or the defender, they couldn't help but stop under this huge momentum!
The white apes stared blankly at the rear, countless wild boars were blown to pieces!

The white ape who failed to rush into the plant army was also blown to pieces!
When the explosion was over, the first thing to react was the Thunder Wing Eagle flying in the sky!

After a roar, the eagles turned around, flew farther and farther, and disappeared!

He ran away directly!
Afterwards, the white apes and wild boars also reacted and began to run away with their lives!
They quickly escaped from the attack range of the plants, only dared to look at them from a distance, but never dared to attack again!
"It seems that my guess is right, monsters are really afraid of explosions!"

Chuzhou thought calmly.

Earlier, he observed the energy value he obtained in battle!
Kill a wild boar or white ape, and you can get 500 energy points!
As for the Thunder Wing Eagle, because it flies too fast, unfortunately none of them can be killed, I don't know how much energy points it can provide!

Chuzhou checked the harvest, defended the attack, and only gained a little more than 15 energy points!
"This wave of blood loss!"

Chuzhou looked at the monsters hiding far away, and his brows were frowning!
However, at this moment, a strong aroma hit!

Then, huge white popcorns fell from the sky like a rainstorm!

After the corn cannon goes off, there's popcorn?
"It smells so good!" Chuzhou picked up a piece and ate it into his mouth!


Fragrant and crispy, sweet but not greasy, Chuzhou couldn't help but pick it up and eat it!
"This shows that the corn bomb of the corn cannon is very sweet!"

The zombies who have been weaving fences in the small yard stared blankly at the popcorn falling from the sky!

Their faces were full of longing, but without Chuzhou's order, they dared not eat it!
Chuzhou waved his hands generously: "You guys have been working for a long time, pick up some popcorn and eat!"

The zombies immediately cheered, put down their work, and started chasing and picking up huge popcorns to eat!

Netizens watching the live broadcast were also shocked by the huge power of the corn cannon!
"What did I see just now, did the nuclear weapon explode? Absolutely, the mushroom cloud has appeared!"

"No, it seems to be an explosion of popcorn. Didn't you see the popcorn falling from the sky!"

"Your popcorn explodes, it can explode a mushroom cloud!"

"I'm really laughing! Other countries are fighting monsters with their lives to resist the attack, and Chuzhou is listening to music and eating popcorn here?"

That's right, after being shocked by the explosion, the monster retreated, and the plants came back to their senses, and continued to dance and dance while singing!
"The ancient city where the rain fell!"

"I am in a good mood on the National Games battlefield!"

"Today, like, a written post!"

"Waiting for a new postage stamp!"

"I would rather have no peace in my heart, and forget only good things!"

Listening to the dynamic and soothing music, even Chuzhou couldn't help shaking while eating popcorn!
Shaking and shaking, Chuzhou suddenly discovered that those monsters who had escaped originally!

He even sneaked back!
"What's the situation, do you still want to continue fighting?"

However, the wild boar and the white ape did not attack, but ran to the edge of the plant's attack!
Grab the dropped popcorn, run away like crazy, and gobble it up!
"So I wanted to eat popcorn!"

Seeing the sneaky behavior of wild boars and white apes, Chuzhou thought he could take advantage of them!
At this moment, the big mouth flowers finally digested the swallowed wild boar!

Suddenly, Chuzhou felt that a restriction in his body seemed to be broken!
The level instantly breaks through the black iron 9 star!
One Bronze Star!Two bronze stars!Samsung!Four stars!

It has been upgraded to a bronze four-star before stopping!
With the upgrade of Chuzhou, the plants have also started to upgrade!
Breakthrough black iron 9 stars one after another, rose to the peak of bronze three stars!
After breaking through the bronze, the plants seemed to be enlightened, and even the music slowly stopped!

In Chuzhou's perception, the plants are undergoing some changes, seem to be evolving, and will eventually evolve various abilities!

As for the abilities, we have to wait until the evolution of the plants is over!

【Ding!Congratulations to the master for being promoted to the Bronze rank! 】

[Zen Garden has been unlocked! 】

"Zen Garden?" Chuzhou was overjoyed!
After checking the Zen Garden, Chuzhou found that this was clearly his own independent space!

The Zen garden is so huge that you can't see the border at a glance, and the soil is fertile and full of aura, you can grow crops and magical plants!

Look at the wild boars and monkeys who have let down their vigilance and started picking up popcorn on the ground to eat!
Chuzhou has an idea!

He wandered through the army of plants to the boars and the white apes!

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