National Destiny: I build a plant army to resist all races

Chapter 135 The Heavenly Gate Opens, Chuzhou Becomes Immortal

There is endless darkness in front of my eyes, like returning to the beginning of the universe, and like being soaked in a dark sea.

Can't tell east, west, north, south, up, down, left, right.

Chuzhou couldn't see the plant army, and he didn't even know whether he still existed.

His consciousness is also slowly drifting away.

But at the same time, an incomparably weak light of enlightenment appeared, recontaining Chuzhou's slowly drifting soul and consciousness.

However, at the moment when consciousness recovered, Chuzhou felt endless pain coming from his body.

The whole person seemed to be put on a pulverizer, the skin, muscles, bones, and nerves were ground to pieces and turned into powder.

Almost collapsed.

But the light of Enlightenment once again exerted its effect, so that Chuzhou would not collapse because of this, and remained awake, consciously perceiving the infinite pain, and would not sink in this pain.

At the same time, Chuzhou also saw the surrounding situation clearly. The surroundings were neither dark nor the sea, but made up of endless resentful spirits.

Howling desperately, they devoured and entangled each other, tearing apart everything within their reach.

There are also endless resentful spirits grabbing Chuzhou's arms, legs, and hair, tearing them desperately.Although it didn't cause any damage to Chuzhou's body, dripping water wears away rocks, and these resentful spirits are becoming stronger and stronger. After a long time, Chuzhou will definitely be torn apart and become one of them.

Chuzhou waved his arms and fists, trying to drive away the wraiths, but after one was driven away, ten more appeared in an instant, tearing around Chuzhou.

Fortunately, Chuzhou has gradually adapted to the painful feelings here. He tried his best to stabilize his mind and calm himself down.

Chuzhou came to the ten-thousand-foot-tall stone gate again, and this time, he brought gifts from the immortals and Buddhas, and held a golden hoe in his hand.

Behind him, there is an army of plants with millions of demigods.

Before the evil thoughts hit, Chuzhou housed all the plants in the Zen Garden and the Mushroom Garden, and did not let them be devoured by the evil thoughts.

Now, he wants the plants to break the door for him.

The wall of nuts gathered together and unfolded in a magical manner, turning into a huge phantom with a height of [-] feet.

The phantom of the nut wall composed of tens of thousands of nut walls waved its muscular arms and pushed towards the giant door.

Nearly Wan Caiwen and the guard of Winter Melon also condensed phantoms, and Cai Wen punched Shimen millions of times in a second.

Although the phantom transformed by the melon guard is half shorter than the nut wall, it is also extremely powerful, and can also loosen the stone gate through vibration.

At the same time, pea shooters, corn pitchers, cacti, cabbage pitchers, all plants began to fire shells and bombard the huge stone gate.

Chuzhou himself also showed his magic, became a hundred feet tall, and possessed the power to move the sky and the sea, he is not what he used to be.

The plant shells bombarded the stone gate, and the mysterious magic circle rippled.

After all the plants and Chuzhou tried their best together, Shimen finally began to loosen a bit.

Chuzhou was overjoyed when he saw this, he raised his hoe, inserted the blade of the hoe into the gap, and pried it vigorously.

The huge door made a loud rumbling noise, and was finally slowly pushed open.

Chuzhou stepped in, and on the other side of the gate was an endless wilderness.

The space between heaven and earth is empty, and endless primordial energy floats and circulates in it.

In the sky, one after another avenues intertwined with emerald green and dead gray stretch across the north and south, which is extremely spectacular.

Chuzhou only felt that the boundaries of his own realm were constantly loosening with each breath.

The army of millions of plants also passed through this door and entered this world.

Greedily breathed the majestic purple energy that existed at the beginning of the world's birth, and comprehended the law of the great way that runs through the world.

At the same time, in Chuzhou's mind, the system began to be gradually peeled off.

A voice came into the sea of ​​consciousness: "Congratulations young man, you finally discovered the mystery of becoming a god."

"I am the God of Agriculture, who appeared on the Manghuang Continent at the beginning of the birth of the last era."

"However, the heaven and the earth here have already been restricted by the Zhuxian God and Buddha, and it will be difficult to advance after becoming a true god."

"That's why I keep this vast universe, use my body as a cause, turn it into a system, and look for people with predestined relationship in billions of worlds."

"Fortunately, you did not live up to my expectations, and I finally got what I wanted."

"Swallow this world, and the law of reincarnation here will help you become an immortal and attain the Tao."

"In the future, you will be the god of agriculture, and the god of agriculture will be you. I hope that you can break the restrictions and open the gate of heaven for the millions of creatures in the wild land, so that everyone has the hope of ascension."

Systematized into a little bit of starlight, dissipated in the air, and merged into the avenue of life and death in the sky.

Chuzhou only felt that his body was much lighter, but he became a little empty.

But without thinking for too long, there are still evil thoughts spreading outside.

Chuzhou and the army of millions of plants performed the "swallowing the sky and devouring the earth" technique one after another, and began to devour the world, condensed the rhyme of the Tao, explored the laws, and became immortals and attained the Tao.

In the Manghuang Continent, Pan Wu sent everyone back to the Kyushu territory, soared into the sky, and returned to the place where evil thoughts spread.

The overwhelming evil thoughts are still spreading on the Manghuang Continent. Countless creatures are being polluted, invaded, merged into the evil thoughts, and become insane.

Among them, Chuzhou was no longer visible.

"Is this the end of the Manghuang Continent?"

He issued a summoning order for the world lords, and all the world lords in Manghuang Continent paid attention to the spread of evil thoughts at the same time.

The Central Continent is noncommittal about this. Among all the realms, they are the only ones who have the passage to ascend to heaven. In the Central Continent, those powerful races can just take this opportunity to ascend to the Upper Realm.

As for the less powerful races, who cares about you?
After Pan Wu released the news, the surrounding world leaders, including the Yaozu, Sword, Zerg, Lingyin, Woodling, Saiyan, etc., came and gathered in one place to discuss a solution.

However, in the face of problems that even immortals and Buddhas cannot solve, they also have no good suggestions.

Some proposed to build a city in the sky, but this evil idea is not only spreading on the ground, a huge barrier is still gathering in the sky, and there will be no way to go to the sky, and no way to escape to the ground.

There are also some racial proposals that can escape to other worlds through connecting channels.

But in order to prevent the infestation of evil thoughts, the passage must be locked. It is still unknown whether he can return to the Manghuang Continent in the future.

What's more, after joining the Manghuang Continent, the vast majority of races chose to integrate their original small worlds and planets into the land of the Manghuang Continent, and they no longer have a base camp.

On the other hand, those small worlds do not have enough aura, and are limited by the control of heaven, their level will slowly drop, and their lifespan will also be greatly reduced.

The nearly infinite life on the Manghuang Continent is likely to come to an end after tens of thousands of years.

And tens of thousands of years is just a flick of a finger for an era, and they will definitely not be able to survive the arrival of the next era, nor can they return to the Manghuang Continent.

The world lords are like headless chickens, arguing non-stop, and every proposal will be rejected.

And at this moment, someone suddenly discovered that the scope of evil thoughts seemed to no longer expand.

He stopped suddenly, as if he was thinking about something?
Several world masters immediately checked, but a black mist filled the air, and the evil thoughts blocked all eyes that wanted to explore its secrets, so they couldn't see anything.

Pan Wu pondered: "Although this evil thought has produced spiritual wisdom, it has already been integrated into this world at this moment. It only needs to continue to spread and devour it. There is no need to stop, go, and think?"

Master Cen, the leader of the Sword Clan, also frowned: "I don't know what the hell this evil thought is doing, is there something blocking its spread?"

As soon as the words fell, the evil thoughts suddenly began to expand wildly.

Master Cen touched his face in embarrassment: "It seems not."

That's right, during the crazy expansion of the evil thoughts, I suddenly felt an indigestible object appear in my body.

It is Chuzhou!After he pushed open the stone gate, he devoured the world inside the gate. At this moment, he is constantly using the cycle of life and death to temper himself under the blessing of evil thoughts.

As for the plants, he had already placed them in the Zen garden, and he was also meditating in Momo.

After Xie Nian discovered Chuzhou, he checked the state of Chuzhou and found that Chuzhou was constantly undergoing a cycle of life and death.

Although the evil thoughts possess spiritual wisdom, they are not omnipotent. From its point of view, Chuzhou may have some kind of secret method to extend life and restore vitality, and is using the secret method to resist the infection of its own evil thoughts.

So the next moment, it ignored Chuzhou and continued to expand.

The world lords discussed for a while, and each tried every means, but they couldn't expand the evil thoughts.

They can only go back to each house, close the mountain gates, shrink the mountain protection formation to the minimum, and adjust the defense to the maximum, hoping to resist the invasion of evil thoughts.

The masters of all walks of life ran over the evil thoughts from time to time to check the status of the spread, but they couldn't do anything except worry.

Seven days later, Pan Wu suddenly discovered that the evil thought suddenly stopped spreading and began to remain motionless.

Exercising the God's Eye Technique to check, it can also be found that the energy of evil thoughts is constantly gathering in a certain direction.

At the same time, there is a strange energy fluctuation in the distance, which continues to spread regularly.

Looking far away, Pan Wu found that it was a touch of greenery full of infinite vitality!

A wave of greenery filled the world, spreading from afar.The original purple-black evil thoughts, as if being chased by a deadly natural enemy, began to spread and flee desperately.

However, the green in the back is faster, endless green trees, weeds, and flowers grow, spread, and bloom on the earth polluted by evil thoughts.

In just a few minutes, the overwhelming green completely covered the ground polluted by evil thoughts.

A gust of vitality and incomparably fresh wind blew over, which lifted Pan Wu's spirit.

Just when he was wondering why the evil thoughts were resolved, a figure appeared beside him.

It's Chuzhou!
The current Chuzhou has a mysterious and mysterious aura constantly evolving from his body. He is clearly by his side, but he seems to be in a different time and space.

Pan Wu exclaimed: "You, you have become a fairy!"

Chuzhou nodded lightly: "Evil thoughts have escaped into reincarnation, and I solved them."

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