A special drone is shooting the situation on Huangquan Road from a high place.

When the people in the live broadcast room saw pairs of red eyes, more and more, more and more dense.

My heart is in my throat!
If they were shocked by Huangquan Road before, the red eyes now made them feel the fear of the ghost.

"What are those?"

"It's really scary! Just looking at the red eyes through the screen a few times, I feel uncomfortable all over, as if I am the prey and being stared at by a predator."

"Chu Feng and Song Xiaohui finally met the undead who are difficult to deal with. They walked so smoothly before that there was no winner."

"The army of the undead will crush everything!"

"Will this army of undead be enraged and come to the world through the gate of hell? Xinyuan City will be in danger then."

The audience in the live broadcast room trembled.

At this moment, the red eyes in the mist surrounded Chu Feng and Song Xiaohui in two groups.

When these ghosts came out of the fog and surrounded people, everyone could clearly see the appearance of these ghosts under the red eyes.

They are all undead beasts, tigers, leopards, wolves, and giant bears.

These ferocious undead spirits were haunted by ghostly aura, their eyes were scarlet, their mouths were bared, and their huge fangs were turned outwards. They circled around the two of them, and they might pounce on them at any time.

There are two armies of undead, each of which has more than a thousand ferocious beasts. Among these beasts, there are many beasts in the realm of fierce ghosts, green ghosts, and even undead beasts in the realm of red ghosts.

"Oh my god, these undead beasts look fierce and fierce, as if they are about to pounce on them at any time."

"Don't worry, the soul of the beast king lives in Minister Song's body. As long as the beast king shows up, the domineering spirit can deter these beasts and subdue the beast soldiers without fighting."

"These ferocious beasts are nothing to worry about. When the soul of the beast king appears, everything will be bowed down."

People from the night watch department are also watching the situation inside.

"Hoo ho ho."

"Hoo ho ho."

"Hoo ho ho."

The howling of ferocious beasts one after another spread far and far along Huangquan Road, attracting wandering souls wandering on Huangquan Road.

But these wandering souls were isolated by the barrier and could not leave Huangquan Road.

"Ho ho ho!"

A tiger spirit rushed towards Song Xiaohui.

Song Xiaohui swung his long knife and chopped off the tiger soul with one blow.

Immediately, the ferocious beasts began to attack one after another.

Song Xiaohui met the enemy left and right, and the beast souls were beheaded one by one.

More and more beast souls rushed up, Song Xiaohui had a hard time coping.

"Minister Song has already started."

"Minister Song was very active at the beginning, but afterward, more and more beast souls were attacked, and his energy was exhausted."

"Minister Song doesn't seem to be able to last long. These undead beasts are too powerful, especially ferocious."

"Minister Song's trump card hasn't been used yet."

Everyone was still discussing how Song Xiaohui would meet the enemy.

Song Xiaohui saw that it was very difficult to fight like this, so he immediately made the soul of the beast king appear.

A burst of black air appeared behind him.

The black air condensed into the head of the wolf king and the head of the tiger king.

Two beast king figures appeared behind Song Xiaohui.

With scarlet eyes and a huge animal head, it exudes the air of a king.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

The two beast kings roared.

A large number of ferocious beasts around were deterred, and immediately stopped attacking, and then bowed down to the soul of the beast king.

Nearly one-third of the beast souls surrendered and bowed to the Dharma figure behind Song Xiaohun.

Immediately, the soul of the beast king roared again.

The surrendered one-third beast soul immediately launched an attack on its companion.

This is the order of the soul of the beast king, Song Xiaohui's order.

Song Xiaohui ordered these surrendered undead to launch an attack on the unsubmitted undead.

This Song Xiaohui easily obtained an army of ferocious beasts!
"Hoo ho ho."

"Hoo ho ho."

The screams of the ferocious beast continued.

Song Xiaohui is like a divine general, leading an army of beasts to fight against the undead.

There were screams from the undead.

The advantage was immediately on Song Xiaohui's side.

This scene was seen by the audience in front of the live broadcast room, and they almost worshiped Song Xiaohui.

"Song Xiaohu has already killed hundreds of undead beasts. It seems that he won today, and Chu Feng's side hasn't started yet."

"Song Xiaohui can easily obtain the undead army, this strength is too strong!"

"How will Chu Feng fight next? Fighting alone is not efficient at all. It is impossible to surpass Song Xiaohui in the same time."

"So this time the bet against Chu Feng has been able to predict in advance that he will lose."

"Chu Feng's hell girl will change hands, and will be won by Song Xiaohui. If Song Xiaohui gets the blessing of the hell girl, his strength will definitely rise to another level."

"And Chu Feng lost the hell girl he was proud of, so his strength will definitely suffer."

Song Xiaohui led the army of undead, almost crushing the ghosts around him. These ghosts were gradually divided and surrounded, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

"Chu Feng, why haven't you started yet? I've already killed almost half of them!"

"That hell girl will soon be mine."

Song Xiaohui glanced at Chu Feng who was surrounded by more than a thousand undead beasts.

There was no movement from Chu Feng's side for a long time, and more than a thousand undead still circled around Chu Feng, as if there was no movement.

According to this efficiency, Chu Feng can't compare with Song Xiaohui at all.

Song Xiaohui can command ferocious beasts and undead to kill each other.

It seems that Chu Feng has no way to compare with this almost superb efficiency.

Chu Feng hadn't killed a single beast soul yet, and those beast souls didn't intend to attack Chu Feng, they just kept circling around Chu Feng.

They kept circling around Chu Feng, the thunder was loud and the rain was little.

"Chu Feng, come on, or you will lose."

Mo Zixiao said anxiously.

"Chu Feng hasn't killed a single Tiger Soul so far. It doesn't seem too good. Song Xiaohui has already far surpassed him. If this continues, he is doomed."

Chen Anni said.

Chu Anxian kept watching the live broadcast room, and she couldn't figure out why her brother didn't move and let these beast spirits circle around him.

Seeing Song Xiaohui's efforts to kill, the people in the night watch department already regarded Song Xiaohui as the winner.

"Minister Song came from the night patrol department. He has made great achievements in battle. He subdued the army of undead and used it for himself. This kind of strength can be called unique."

"Minister Song is sure to win, and he is already far ahead!"

"If Minister Song wins, he will be able to obtain Hell Girl, and his strength will be greatly improved by then."

People in the night watch department are more optimistic about Song Xiaohui, or most of the live broadcast room are more optimistic about Song Xiaohui.

The temporary record is there, already far surpassing Chu Feng, and it is almost difficult for Chu Feng to win alone.

Just when everyone thought Chu Feng was doomed.


Chu Feng shouted towards the undead beasts surrounding him.

It doesn't matter, the souls of more than a thousand beasts around them all knelt down towards their forelegs and bowed their heads towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng possessed Leopard Tail, with the aura of a hellish commander on his body, Leopard Tail was in charge of beast souls.

It was because of the aura of the Yin Shuai Leopard Tail and the aura of ghosts and gods in the underworld that the thousand beasts surrounding Chu Feng did not dare to make a move.

Didn't dare to attack Chu Feng for a long time!

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