Terror Resurrection: Gain SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 45 The ghost tide broke out again, the same as Xiangshan Park

In the Night Watch Division, Li Changan has been checking the magnetic field in Canglan City.

He heard from Chu Anxian that the ghost tide will not end easily, this is Chu Feng's words, so Li Changan firmly believes that the ghost tide will not end easily, and will definitely come back.

At this moment, at the end of Binjiang Road in the northern part of the city, the magnetic field detector in an abandoned logistics warehouse fed back the signal of the Night Division.

The flashing frequency of the warning light gradually accelerated, and the location displayed on the screen was the abandoned warehouse at the end of Binjiang Road.

"It has been two days, and the magnetic field level has been escalating, which is consistent with the ghost tide in Xiangshan Park!"

Li Changan said.

Due to the previous detectors in Xiangshan Park, the situation before the opening of the ghost gate is consistent with the situation in the warehouse on Binjiang Road.

Therefore, Li Changan is highly suspicious that there is a high probability that this ghost gate will appear in the abandoned logistics warehouse.

"Could it be that the ghost tide will come again? Didn't Deputy Gu say that the ghost tide is over?"

"There won't be a ghost tide in Canglan in the near future, so why did it appear again after only a few days?"

Zhang Qianqiao, director of the night watch department, murmured.

He listened to Gu Qing's words before, saying that the ghost tide is over, and there will be no ghost tide reappearing in the short term.

It's only been a few days, and it's happening again.

"Except for Captain Li Changan, all the support from the Night Watch Department has been withdrawn. We alone cannot resist the ghost tide."

Jin Guozhong said worriedly.

The last time the first wave of ghosts broke out, the support from the Night Watch Department was still there, and they were all beaten by the ghosts. What's more, there is no support now. It is impossible to resist the ghosts head-on.

A kind of worry appeared on the faces of the night watchmen and night watchmen, which was the helplessness of being unable to deal with the ghost tide.

Li Changan then called the Night Watch Department for help.

"Is it Minister Song?"

"The ghost tide in Canglan City is not over yet, please Minister Song let the support team come to Canglan immediately."

On the other end of the phone, Song Kui's impatient voice came.

"Li Chang'an, Gu Qing has reported the situation, the Canglan ghost tide is over, and it is impossible for the ghost tide to erupt again."

"I have sent the elite backbone of the night watch department to other cities. Don't worry too much. Gu Qing's vision is right."

Song Kui said.

"However, the magnetic field of the logistics warehouse is gradually escalating, which is consistent with the situation before the ghost tide in Xiangshan Park appeared last time."

"So I conclude that the ghost tide will still erupt, and the scale will be larger than the last time, and the magnetic field level will increase rapidly."

Li Changan said.

"Li Chang'an, don't worry about it. Gu Qing has more experience than you. He is famous in several provinces. He has more experience with ghost tides than you, so your judgment is just an illusion."

"As the backbone elites of the night watch department, we need to rely on facts to deal with ghosts, not just on feelings. I feel that things are sometimes unreliable."

Song Kui said.

"Minister, I will transfer the signal to you."

Li Changan said.

Then the signal was sent to the night watch department.

After some analysis, Song Kui was also sweating profusely.

"Oops, all the people have been sent out, Gu Qing made a wrong judgment, and the ghost tide in Canglan City has come back."

Song Kui murmured.

"Chang'an, you should deal with it first. All the people have been sent out, and I can't go to the rescue for a while. I want to personally deal with the fifth-level ghosts in the provincial capital. This is related to the safety of tens of millions of people in the provincial capital. I can't go to help you." .”

Song Kui said.

Li Changan wanted to say something, but Song Kui hung up the phone.

Li Changan had no choice but to wait for support, and the elites of the night watch department were sent to other cities.

Even if the tide of ghosts broke out in Canglan, they can only fend for themselves, and the Night Watchman can figure it out for himself.

"The Night Watch Department is unable to provide reinforcements, let's discuss what to do next."

Li Changan said.

"Why don't you go to the black market to hire a team? The Yuling team is also very strong. As long as they are willing to take on the task, they can basically solve it."

Jin Guozhong said.

"A team please? The official night watch organization and the private team have never been able to talk together. The night watch organization looks down on the team, and the team is unwilling to serve the country. If we invite a team, it is equivalent to bowing to the head of the civil society. We will be responsible for it at that time." ?"

"What about the funds? The night watch department only allocates how much money each year, and we can't afford to hire a strong team. This is at least a fifth-level ghost wave. If we want to hire a team that can match it, the cost is beyond our ability."

Zhang Nianqiao Road.

This method was rejected.

"I suggest that first use the account of the night patrol department to issue a warning, so that the citizens of Canglan should evacuate elsewhere, and those who should stay at home should stay at home."

Chu Anxian said.

"Okay, you can do it quickly!"

Zhang Nianqiao said that in order to reduce casualties, it is necessary to report the danger first, which can reduce certain losses.

"The last time Bai Wuchang manifested, I don't know if Bai Wuchang will manifest this time."

Jin Guozhong said.

He hoped that Bai Wuchang would appear again to suppress the ghost tide. After all, once Mr. Wuchang made a move, the ghost tide would naturally not be able to cause a storm.

"It's luck to be able to appear for the first time. The world is full of ghosts erupting, and Mr. Wuchang is too busy. Maybe he has gone to other places to help."

Zhang Nianqiao Road.

Canglan City is just a third-tier city, and it's not a major place. Why does Lord Wuchang stay here all the time?

"Let's issue a video announcement first."

"I'm going out for a trip!"

Li Changan said.

He was going to see Chu Feng. If Chu Feng could make a move, the pressure on the Night Watchman would be reduced a lot.

Chu Anxian then posted a message on the video account of the Night Watch Department.

"Canglan citizens, please pay attention."

"Recently, it has been detected that in Binjiang waste logistics park, the magnetic field level has risen rapidly, which is consistent with the situation before the ghost tide erupted in Xiangshan Park, and the magnetic field level has risen faster. There is a high probability that a ghost tide will erupt on a larger scale than Xiangshan Park. .”

"Dear citizens, during this period of time, don't go out casually, prepare dry food and take refuge at home. If you have the conditions, you can leave Canglan and live in a city without ghost tides for a while."

The video account explained the situation, and finally promoted it in Canglan.

It didn't take long for many people to brush up on this video.

"Binjiang Road Logistics Park?"

"The ghost wave is about to erupt again?"

"Impossible. I saw with my own eyes the people from the Night Watch Department evacuate Canglan City, which means that the ghost tide is over."

"The night watch department has always been responsible. Only when the ghost tide is resolved, will it evacuate. It is impossible to leave halfway."

"The Night Watch Department withdrew because it was assessed that the ghost tide was over, so they left."

"It's only been a few days, how can the gate of hell be opened?"

Many Canglan citizens are skeptical, unwilling to believe that the gate of hell will be opened again.

This is almost impossible. Many people began to doubt the authenticity of the news from the Night Watch Division.

The most important thing was that the support from the night watch department had evacuated. After an assessment, it was determined that the ghost tide was over before evacuating.

They trusted the Night Watch more than the Night Watch, and the Night Watch was more authoritative.

Besides, everything is said by the night watch department, and the end is also said by the night watchman, and it is also said by the night watchman if it is not over.

In addition, the Night Watch Division has issued two wrong judgments in a row before, resulting in poor credibility of the Night Watch Division.

It caused a lot of people to feel resistance in it.

However, some people, with a high awareness of prevention, will give early warning. After all, in this era of rampant ghosts, anything can happen.

Some people choose to take refuge in other places, some people stay at home, and some people should do what they want.

The Night Watch Division issued an early warning, only some people accepted the early warning, and some people were still waiting and watching.

After Chu Feng returned home, Mo Zixiao looked at Chu Feng obsessively. He found that Chu Feng hadn't seen him for a few days, and he had a sense of mystery about him.

This sense of mystery is impossible for mortals.

Chu Feng rebuilt the City God's Mansion and established himself as the City God. Although the City God was self-reliant, the City God's City sent by the system appointed Chu Feng as the only City Lord, so Chu Feng was the justifiable City God.

Naturally, there is more spiritual power from the ghost gods on his body.

When a mortal looks at it, it is like a god descending from the earth, mysterious and majestic.

"Chu Feng, where have you been these few days? I heard that a ghost wave is about to erupt in the Binjiang warehouse in the northern part of the city."

"It was announced by the Night Watchman!"

Mo Zixiao said.

"I went to kill some ghosts."

"I also saw the video. What the night watchman said is true. The ghost wave is about to erupt."

Chu Feng said.

"Ah,, the ghost wave is about to erupt, and I see that many citizens don't believe it's real, so what should I do?"

Mo Zixiao said.

She went shopping and saw a lot of people on the street. It seemed that not many people believed it was true.

"By the way, you can buy more food for a few days and keep it in the refrigerator."

"Anxian and I will be very busy in the future. This house has already posted a lot of talismans, and ordinary ghosts will not be able to enter."

Chu Feng said.


Mo Zixiao nodded obediently.

Then Chu Feng took some talismans and left the house.

As soon as he went downstairs, he saw the night watchman's car, and Li Changan was already waiting downstairs.

Seeing Chu Feng going downstairs, Li Changan immediately got out of the car and walked towards Chu Feng.

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