Terror Resurrection: Gain SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 27 Can the Photos of the Official Seal of the City God Protect Against Evil?

Mo Zixiao is not an Internet celebrity, so only friends and a few people can view her videos.

It didn't stir up any storms!
Cheng Qingchuan, Mo Zixiao's college classmate, was sleeping at home alone.

Suddenly, he was awakened by a knock on the door.

"Who, don't you sleep in the middle of the night?"

Cheng Qingchuan said displeasedly, he was going to see who knocked on the door in the middle of the night.

"No, in the middle of the night, it's impossible for anyone to drop by!"

Cheng Qingchuan said.

This is a weird world, there is not even a ghost on the street in the middle of the night, and the residents of the community also live at home at night, not going anywhere.

Who knocks on the door in the middle of the night!
Cheng Qingchuan didn't intend to pay attention to it, but the knock on the door was faster.

Cheng Qingchuan was a little scared.

I don't plan to ignore it, and continue to go back to sleep, but the knocking on the door is getting more and more intense.

Every sound made him startled.


Asked a question, no one answered!
The knock on the door continued.

Cheng Qingchuan could only bravely go to look at the cat's eyes.

Through the cat's eyes, he saw a pale old man with white eyes knocking at the door.

This is not a living person, how can a living person have all white eyes.

Cheng Qingchuan panicked!
He turned on all the lights in horror, then ran back to the bed and fell asleep with his head covered.

He picked up his mobile phone and wanted to call for help, but he dialed into the number of the night watchman, but the line was always busy.

Cheng Qingchuan was drenched in sweat, he suddenly remembered that Mo Zixiao's high school classmate was night watchman Chu Anxian, and immediately called for help.

"Hey, Zixiao, my house is haunted, and they are knocking on my door non-stop. Your classmate is Chu Anxian. I beg her, come and save me!"

Cheng Qingchuan said in horror.

"Anxian went out to watch the night. I don't know if she is busy. I'll call you and ask."

Mo Zixiao said.

Cheng Qingchuan waited anxiously. In order to alleviate the fear in his heart and save himself, he turned on Douyin to check the video of self-rescue from ghost encounters on it to increase his survival rate.

As soon as I opened it, I saw the video of the city god's official robe and official seal that Mo Zixiao had posted during the day.

A strange attraction aroused Cheng Qingchuan's curiosity, and he seemed to feel calmer.

While he was watching the video carefully, a ghost outside the door entered his home.

After the ghost came in, it immediately looked for the breath of the stranger.

In Qingchuan's house, he found the aura of a stranger, the door couldn't stop the ghost at all, he went straight to Qingchuan's bedside, and stared at Qingchuan firmly.

Qing Chuan suddenly felt as if there was something beside him, and when he turned his head, a terrifying figure appeared in front of him.

"ah,,,,,! "

Cheng Qingchuan's hairs stood on end in fright, his heart almost rose to his throat.

The mobile phone in his hand suddenly fell on the bed, the screen of the mobile phone was facing the ghost, and the video of Mo Zixiao was playing on the mobile phone.

The vermilion official robe and the official seal engraved with the words "City God" are facing the ghost.

This ghost is a lonely ghost who just died not long ago.

When it saw the official robe and official seal in the video, it immediately let out a scream of ghosts and wolves.

"Ah,,,, ah,,,, ah,,,!"

The ghost seems to have met something that scares the ghost.

The Seal of the City God and the Official Robe of the City God are originally artifacts of the underworld, with the power of the Yin God on them. Although they are just photos, they still reveal the majesty and ruthlessness of the iron law of the underworld, revealing an air of inviolability.

The ghost instinctively took several steps back in fright, staring at the screen, as if afraid of something appearing on the screen, and extinguished it.

At this time Cheng Qingchuan was a little confused.

Why are you afraid of ghosts?
Could it be that he looks so scary?Although it looks a little ugly, but it can't even scare people, how can it scare ghosts?

"No, that ghost has been staring at the screen, could it be because of the official robe and official seal?"

Cheng Qingchuan doubted.

Then he picked up his mobile phone and bravely walked towards the ghost. The official robe and official seal were facing the ghost again.

"ah,,,,! "

The ghost ran away in embarrassment.

Cheng Qingchuan immediately felt that the official robe and official seal were not simple. Although it was a photo, it also had the effect of warding off evil spirits.

Then, in order to prevent ghosts from coming again, he connected his mobile phone to the bluetooth TV and uploaded the photo to the TV.

Let the TV show this photo, so that I can feel relieved.

Cheng Qingchuan uploaded this photo and the things that can ward off evil spirits to Douyin.

Then he told Mo Zixiao about this matter, and asked about Mo Zixiao's official robe and official seal by the way.

"I found this at Chu Anxian's home. I was curious so I took a picture and uploaded it. What's wrong?"

"By the way, An Xian may not be free. She has gone out to watch the night. How is your side?"

Mo Zixiao replied.

Then Cheng Qingchuan told Mo Zixiao about it.

"What, a photo can ward off evil spirits?"

"You must still be hallucinating? How can photos ward off evil spirits?"

Mo Zixiao said.

But she knows Cheng Qingchuan, he likes to joke.

Mo Zixiao didn't believe his words, he just thought he was joking.

It is normal for classmates to joke around.

Cheng Qingchuan saw that Mo Zixiao didn't believe him, so he sent a video to Douyin with a photo and words that could ward off evil spirits.

It quickly became popular in Canglan City.

Ghosts are rampant, and everyone wants to know how to ward off evil spirits, so the word ward off evil itself knows heat.

Many citizens have brushed it!
"What? Can a photo ward off evil spirits?"

"Impossible, impossible, an ancient official robe and official seal can actually ward off evil spirits?"

"You said that if it was the real thing, I would still believe it. After all, the official robes and official seals of some upright officials do have righteousness and can play a role in warding off evil spirits, but how can it be possible to ward off evil spirits with just a photo!"

"The official seal is actually engraved with the word City God?"

"Could it be that this is the God of the City God in the myths and legends, the master of the City God who is in charge of ghost affairs in a place?"

"Impossible, this is just a legend. If there really is a City God, how can he watch Canglan City become a purgatory on earth?"

"This is nothing more than a liar, how can there be a city god!"

In everyone's comments, they basically didn't believe it. After all, only Cheng Qingchuan said that it can ward off evil spirits, and no one has proved it.

So no one believes that if there really is a city god, how can they watch these ghosts rampant in the world?

The city god in charge of a place has ghost soldiers, emissaries and other ghost messengers under his command, to maintain order in a place, restrain ghosts and disturb human life.

Treat it as a scam!
But the matter did not die down.

In the next few days, more and more people claimed that their homes were haunted. Under the panic, they had no choice but to act as a living horse doctor. After digging out this video, facing the ghosts, it can indeed scare them away.

This matter is getting hotter and hotter in Canglan City!
Many people came out to speak out, the picture of official robes and official seals can really ward off evil spirits and scare away ghosts.

As it gets hotter!
More and more people came out to prove that the Night Watchman naturally paid attention to this matter.

Li Changan convened a meeting of members of the Night Watch Division to discuss the matter.

Chu Anxian is also in the meeting room!

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