The City God's Mansion was established throughout Yanxia, ​​and there were far fewer supernatural events in Yanxia than before.

But the underworld is a world that dominates the entire universe.

Compared with the entire universe, Yanxia, ​​the size of a palm, is not even a speck of dust.

In the entire universe, countless civilizations cultivating immortals are dominated by the underworld.

Although the current Chu Feng only controlled Yan Xia with his power.

There is still a long way to go to shake the entire underworld.

Even Yan Xia hasn't made a thorough assessment yet.

There will be more powerful ghosts coming to Blue Star at any time, and it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Everything is just the beginning, Chu Feng at this time has only just begun to have decent strength.

There is still a long way to go if you want to break into the underworld. At least you have to take down this blue star, establish a new underworld order on the blue star, and then find a way to break into the underworld.

With the protection of Emperor Yin in Yanxia, ​​there are many things missing.

However, the international forces are even more severe.

The underworld is in charge of Blue Star's power, and seeing that Yan Xia is so difficult to deal with, he makes a move from the crooked fruit.

Crooked Nut Kernel was almost vulnerable to a single blow, so it became a kingdom of ghosts, and almost all of Blue Star fell except for Yan Xia.

In a country reduced to ghosts, countless human races will turn into ghosts.

Immediately these ghosts established a kingdom.

This country is the ghost country.

A kingdom established by dozens of ghost generals, and millions of ghost soldiers.

Including the purpose of destroying everything has been preliminarily achieved, this is the specific reason why it cannot be achieved any time.

Except for Yanxia, ​​the entire Blue Star has been reduced to a ghost area.

Civilization dies.

A new civilization will rise in the heat of summer.

Millions of troops surrounded Yan Xia, and they might break into the realm at any time, and then everything would become a ghost zone.

"My lord, the current situation is very serious. Millions of ghosts are staring at us."

"Once we rush in, we will be under a lot of pressure."

"Fortunately, after a period of development, the city gods' cities in various places already have more than ten thousand or even tens of thousands of mercenaries. We also have millions of mercenaries in total. "

"There is not much difference in numbers, but there is still a big difference in overall combat power."
"According to the information we provided, there are at least dozens of ghost generals in the underworld, as well as at least one ghost in the ghost king realm."

"I guess, it is this ghost king who is responsible for conquering Blue Star."

News came from the city gods on the border.

After discussion, I learned that it is a ghost king, responsible for commanding ghost generals, and then responsible for conquering the blue star or the Milky Way.

Through the mutual dialectic of data from satellites and myths, there are dozens of superhuman civilizations in the Milky Way.

During the prehistoric period, the human race spread all over the prehistoric area, and finally the prehistoric region was blown up and shattered into countless fragments. These fragments evolved into planets, so in principle, there are countless human civilizations in the universe.

The level of scientific and technological development of these human civilizations is very different.

Some are still primitive tribes, some are already several levels of civilization, and some are still in ancient times.Some have inherited the civilization of cultivating immortals.

and many more.

Although the starting line is basically the same, the opportunities before the major civilizations are not the same, resulting in uneven levels of all civilizations in the end, and Blue Star has not even reached the first level of civilization.

In the entire Milky Way, there are dozens of civilizations, and there may be hundreds of millions of Yin Soldiers. These Yin Soldiers are responsible for destroying the civilization of the Milky Way, and then completely reducing them to a paradise for ghosts.

The ambition of the underworld is not just Blue Star, but the entire human universe.

Perhaps many ghost kings are in charge of the Milky Way, and then thousands of ghost generals will confiscate various civilizations, and perhaps only a few million ghost soldiers will be assigned to Blue Star.

Each ghost king is responsible for the corresponding planet.

However, the pressure on Blue Star is huge, once the fight is successful, the ghosts on Blue Star will be defeated.

But in the end, you will still face a steady stream of support forces from other planets in the galaxy.

The overall situation remains dire.

"Well, pick up some elites and station them on the borders of various places to deal with the attack of the ghost country at any time."

Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng knew that it would be very difficult for him to sleep peacefully.

It's not about how holy he is or how great he is, it's about the human race.

But he is the Son of Heaven, which is given by the system.

He has been regarded as a threat by the underworld. Even if he doesn't trouble the ghosts at this moment, the ghosts will continue to trouble him. It won't be over until Chu Feng dies.

Everything will be life and death reversed, only by moving forward, attacking the underworld, and then unifying the underworld, becoming the supreme god, all this is over, and you can sleep peacefully.

"Ding, issue a mission, assassinate the ghost king of the ghost country, and get random rewards."

The system prompts.

This is a beheading operation. If the king of the ghost country can be assassinated, it will make the ghost country turbulent, and then it will not attack Yanxia on a large scale in a short time.

Although after killing the ghost king, there will be a new ghost king who will continue to take over it and continue to conquer the blue star.

Ghosts are actually a race, that is, the ghost race, just like the human race, is also a race.

Now the forces that rule the underworld want the ghost race to dominate the universe.

In the prehistoric period, the way of heaven, the way of authenticity, and the way of humanity were all equal.

Showing a three-legged force.

The way of heaven is God, the biggest boss in the prehistoric world, but the way of heaven is damaged and insufficient. In the end, the way of heaven gradually weakened, so that now the way of heaven does not appear, the saint does not come out, and the way of heaven is completely over.

The fate of humanity and the shattering of the prehistoric world have gradually declined and split into countless civilizations. These civilizations are not united at all, and they cannot be united. The level of technology is not enough to travel across the stars. How can they unite?

After the decline of humanity, the aura is exhausted, and the ability to cultivate into a fairyland has almost reached its peak.

Even land gods can only play on the blue star and cannot go out of the universe.

And the strongest is now authentic.

There is almost no major loss in the tunnel. The tunnel and the flood are not in the same space. When the tunnel is destroyed, the flood is not destroyed.

Although the Heavenly Court and Buddhism also suppressed the Tunnel, and the Tunnel used to be one of the princes of the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Dao has declined, and the ancestor Hongjun has become a mortal.

What can the gods of heaven and Buddhism do?
The underworld has basically become the biggest winner. The previous underworld was basically harmonious with the human race and the six realms of reincarnation. It would not participate in the affairs of the yang world, and would only manage the soul after death.

But after the current tunnel is captured by new forces, this peace no longer exists.

After Chu Feng received the task from the system, he assassinated the ghost king of the ghost country.

The ghost king ruled the ghost country, led the attack of Blue Star, and assassinated the ghost king, which will temporarily plunge the ghost country into chaos, and then there are opportunities to follow.

"Bai Fang, follow me to assassinate the ghost king."

Chu Feng said.

Upon hearing this, Bai Fang geared up and said, "Is that the Night Traveling God?"

"I nearly smoked it last time."

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