
Kane swung his fist at Chu Yang. This fist carried the Ouroboros virus. Countless black tendrils wrapped around the fist, increasing its power!

But Chu Yang's punch directly shattered his fist, his arm, and finally his head.

Kane, death!
Chu Yang and others came to the top of the building. They took a helicopter to leave here quickly, but the helicopter was destroyed as soon as they went upstairs!

"Chaser, is he still alive?" Jill was stunned, "It seems to have evolved!"

At this time, the pursuer actually grew a tentacle-like arm, and the outer side of the arm was covered with bone knives like fish fins!

In the other hand, a flamethrower was installed from nowhere, and a long knife was embedded in it!

The pursuer came step by step. Chu Yang smashed the pursuer's head with one punch, but the pursuer quickly repaired himself.

Just when everyone was about to board the plane, Chu Yang suddenly received a new task:
"Exclusive game mission update: Enter Umbrella's underground laboratory."

"Side task: find Leon."

Chu Yang didn't expect that this game would activate his exclusive mission, which only he could see, Li Ke and Li Yue couldn't see it at all.

"Here!" cried Alice.

"You guys go first, I still have something to do." Chu Yang didn't say anything else, and entered the elevator leading to Umbrella's underground laboratory without looking back.

It was an independent elevator, just from the inside of the independent elevator, which could lead directly to the underground hive tunnel.

Chu Yang found out that the elevator had to be swiped, and he got this access control card when he happened to save Shirley Birken at school.

After swiping the card, the elevator went down normally, and Chu Yang was bored. After all, there were no monsters to fight when taking the elevator, so he leaned against the elevator door to rest.

After a long time, Chu Yang gradually felt a little cold inside the elevator.

And in the elevator, a happy birthday song actually sounded.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange. Generally speaking, it is reasonable to have TV commercials in the elevator, but playing the happy birthday song seems a bit wicked.

Chu Yang opened his eyes, and he saw that a layer of frost had condensed on his boots.


Suddenly the top of the elevator began to bleed, and a drop of blood flowed down the gap at the top of the elevator and slid down the wall of the elevator.

"Welcome to……"

The display screen of the elevator began to distort, and the face of the host inside also swayed in a terrifying posture following the failure of the screen.

The lights inside the elevator flickered on and off suddenly, it was terrifying!
"Welcome to……"

Suddenly, on the display screen of the elevator, the female announcer of the TV commercial suddenly shed two lines of blood and tears!
Chu Yang felt a shock all over his body, a strong sense of weightlessness came, and the entire elevator was covered with a layer of frost!

"Welcome to...hell!"

After the last sound was played, the entire elevator fell in a terrifying posture, and the floors above the elevator also gradually fell from the B1 floor!

Chu Yang hurriedly supported the handrail of the elevator next to him, and then stabilized his body.

"-8 floors!"

"-9 floors!"

"-11 floors!"

"-15 floors!"

"-18 floors!"

Chu Yang stared at the screen of the elevator. At this time, the screen of the elevator was showing that the elevator had reached the underground area!

And now, he is about to reach the eighteenth floor of the basement!

"It's really an uncomfortable number." Chu Yang laughed at himself.

The eighteenth floor, generally speaking, in the eyes of many people in China, even the top executives on the eighteenth floor would not buy it!
Because eighteen floors, in traditional folk culture, imply eighteen floors of hell!

The eighteenth floor of the basement has arrived, but the elevator door has not opened for a long time.

It seems that when reaching this floor, the elevator doors malfunctioned.


The elevator's broadcast has completely failed at this time, and there are only bursts of announcements.

After thinking about it, Chu Yang decided to open the door himself.

He used a black gold ancient knife to penetrate into the crack of the elevator door, and then pried it open with all his strength, directly opening the elevator door.

Chu Yang stood at the door of the elevator. What he saw was a deep corridor, surrounded by pipes. This place basically looks like a sewer.

"Sewer? But it's not exactly like a sewer." Chu Yang shook his head. He walked forward and found that the ground was covered with blood and there were some paw prints.

Chu Yang walked along the blood, and he found several dead zombies on the ground, all of which they had seen before.

"9mm bullet." Chu Yang checked the zombie's bullet holes, "Leon?"

Chu Yang found that all the corpses kicked their legs first, then their heads, and finally broke their spines. The technique was very mature.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of something crawling over in the distance, but when he looked back, there was nothing.

"New Mission: Find Leon Kennedy!"

Chu Yang immediately pulled out his pistol and searched along the road. There was only one straight road in front of him, and most of the rooms on both sides were locked, so there was no need to open it.

At this moment, a long bloodstain suddenly appeared in front of him, and this bloodstain looked more like it had just been left.

When I reached out and touched it, the blood hadn't dried up, which proved that someone had shed blood on the ground not long ago.

"It's not far away." Chu Yang searched for blood all the way, and the blood became thicker and thicker, and finally gathered in a room.

Chu Yang walked into the room, which was an equipment debugging room. There was a row of cabinets with some equipment on it.

In addition to these cabinets, there is a bed in the whole room. The bed is divided into upper and lower layers, and there is a table.

Chu Yang found a person lying on the table. This person was wearing a white coat and looked like a woman with blond hair and a clean body.

"Hello?" Chu Yang patted her, "Eldest sister?"

The woman got up, looked at Chu Yang and said, "You, are you from Huaxia?"

"En." Chu Yang nodded, "Do you speak Mandarin?"

"I've been there before." The researcher looked at Chu Yang, "I've been trapped here for a long time, how did you open the door?"

"The door isn't locked?" Chu Yang said.

"What?" The female researcher immediately showed a particularly terrified expression, "I, I locked the door just now, how could I open it by myself?"

"Maybe it was caused by zombies." Chu Yang replied casually, "By the way, have you ever seen a man with yellow hair and split heads?"

"No." The female researcher denied it flatly, very resolutely.

"Then did you hear the gunshots?" Chu Yang thought for a while, then suddenly changed the question.

"Ah?" The female researcher didn't understand why Chu Yang asked.

"I killed a few zombies just now," Chu Yang said.

"I heard it, I heard it." The female researcher repeated it twice.

"Okay, then I'll take you out." Chu Yang probably understood in his heart that this female researcher is not human!

That's why Chu Yang asked her if she heard the gunshot just now!

Just now, she obviously didn't shoot, but the female researcher said she did!

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