Tranquilizers, bloody sneakers, a lot of food, all signs indicate that this church is not as simple as it seems.

Chu Yang said, "Go to bed first."

The female reporter was a little worried: "But the situation here has not been investigated clearly."

"There are us." Li Ke said, "Miss Jill, you and Brother Hei take turns to rest, and Chu Yang and I will look around."

"Okay, leave it to us." Jill nodded.

"Did he just call me 'Black Brother'?" Peyton asked Jill next to him, "Fuck! How could he call me that?"

"Now doesn't seem to be the time to study this issue." Jill's words made Peyton quiet.

Chu Yang and Li Ke walked on the second floor. They wanted to see what was going on in the church.

When they came to the second floor, the two saw several rooms on the second floor. The doors of these rooms were locked, and the slogan "Tourists are not allowed to enter" was pasted on them.

"Come on, will you do it or should I do it?" Li Ke asked.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Chu Yang smiled.

"Yes." Li Ke stretched out his hand, and the two had a round of guessing games. After winning two out of three rounds, Li Ke lost.

"Well, it seems that I have to bear the bad reputation of breaking into private houses." Li Ke walked to the doorknob and took out a sharp dagger from behind.

"It's a beautiful Damascus knife." Chu Yang praised the knife.

"This knife is a sub-weapon purchased with performance value after the third thriller game." Li Ke seemed to be showing off a little, "What do you think?"

"It looks good. It would be even better if it works well." Chu Yang replied.

"Look, picking the lock is also very fast." Li Ke said with a smile, "The blade of this knife can change shape, that is to say, this thing is like the clear water sword in martial arts novels, very soft."

"That's right, the one that can be transformed into any shape?" Chu Yang said with a smile, "It's really good."

Li Ke easily pried open the door of this room, and the two smelled a musty smell of books. Obviously there was nothing special in it, they were just books.

"It's all books." Chu Yang looked around, "Wait, what's on your bookshelf over there?"

"Confucius's family is all books." Li Ke said, covering his mouth and nose with his hands.

"No, I'm asking you what type of book you read." Chu Yang asked.

"It's all about medicine." Li Ke said, "No, why does a priest in a church read so many medical books?"

"Anatomy...neurology...and Chinese medicine." Chu Yang simply read out the types and names of these books, "This priest has a wide range of subjects."

"By the way, boss, have you been exposed to the game version and the movie version of Resident Evil?" Li Ke asked.

"That's right." Chu Yang said, "I'm a fan of Resident Evil."

"This priest's book was bought during the period when the virus infection just broke out in Raccoon City." Li Ke said with a serious expression.

"According to the setting of the plot, the police interpreted the zombie attacks that just appeared in Raccoon City as wild beast attacks, so from the first corpse, people have already turned into zombies." Chu Yang said.

"Yes, the timing of this priest's purchase of books is simply too coincidental." Li Ke's face was serious, "It's a bit too coincidental."

"Let's go to the next room to have a look," Chu Yang said.

The two used a dagger to pry open the door of another room. As soon as the door of this room was opened, there was a strong stench.

"Damn, is this a garbage dump?" Li Ke couldn't help cursing, "This guy is really dirty."

"Old Eight Happy House." Chu Yang checked the layout of the room, and he found that there were only boxes and cabinets in the room. It seemed that this room was specially used for storing things.

"The smell is really strong." Li Ke turned on the flashlight, "Damn it, how sloppy people can live in a house like this."

Chu Yang walked to the outermost box. He stretched out his hand and patted the cardboard box. He found that there were not many things inside, and there was a crisp sound on the surface of the box.

"What is this?" Li Ke walked over and opened the box with a dagger.

Chu Yang took a look and turned around quickly.It's not that the things inside are terrible, but the taste inside is too strong.

It was a musty smell, bloody smell, and sour smell that could only be emitted when soaked together. Just one sip already made people feel dizzy.

Li Ke said: "It looks like someone else's clothes."

"I believe the priest will not have the evil taste of collecting other people's clothes," Chu Yang said.

"Some of these clothes have bullet holes and bite marks on them." Li Ke found it tricky. "Normal people would never wear such clothes. These are people after being attacked by zombies."

"So, this priest brought these people who were bitten by zombies back to his church." Chu Yang seemed to understand something.

"I bet, he definitely didn't bring it back for salvation." Li Ke said.

"You're right." Chu Yang nodded, "The next room."

The two came to another room, and they suddenly discovered that the other room was even more terrifying!
Because the whole room inside is filled with medicine cabinets of all sizes!

Except for the medicine cabinet, the rest are specimen bottles, and each specimen bottle contains a human organ!
"These organs have turned dark brown," Chu Yang looked at them, "it's more like the internal organs of a mutated zombie."

"Damn, can't it?" Li Ke couldn't help but take a few steps back, "This priest is so perverted that he still wants to collect such things."

"He seems to be doing some kind of experiment." Chu Yang pondered.

At this moment, suddenly there was a sound of glass breaking outside.

"Go and see!"

When the two went out, they happened to meet Li Yue who had just come out of the bathroom. At this time, Li Yue was only wearing a vest. She had obviously just taken a shower, and she still had a samurai sword in her hand.

"Did you hear anything?" Li Yue asked.

"We heard it. It seems that something is about to come in." Li Ke said, "The bath water is so loud that you can even hear it?"

Chu Yang looked at Li Yue and began to analyze: "Since you are taking a bath and you can hear the sound of the water, it proves that the broken glass is very close to us."

Li Yue immediately reacted after hearing his words: "Okay! Then let's go and see what's going on!"

The three of them walked directly in the direction of the sound without any delay. Chu Yang saw that there were signs of broken glass on the side near the corridor, and the curtains were also blown by the wind.

Li Ke walked over and looked at the ground: "This is mucus, it seems that something has crawled in from outside."

Li Yue checked the surroundings and said, "But nothing passed by just now..."

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