"What are you doing..." Leon realized that the man who was bitten had also turned into the man just now!
The bitten person rushed towards Leon quickly. This time, Leon was caught off guard and missed his shot. He was about to be thrown to the ground by this beast-like monster.

"Puff, crack, crack!"

Suddenly, a powerful crowbar pierced through the beast man's brain, and the other end of the crowbar burst out, carrying brains and blood.

Chu Yang used a crowbar to help Leon kill the man who turned into a dead body. He said involuntarily, "The speed of the dead body has sped up. It's really different from the dangling zombies in the game."

Leon looked at Chu Yang and asked doubtfully, "Why are you so proficient?"

It was only then that Chu Yang realized that Leon was an NPC, and for him, some of his actions would become the focus of attention.

"I never thought I would kill someone." Chu Yang immediately pretended to be very flustered. He threw away the crowbar and looked at his hands, "I just want to help you."

"Thank you. This is an emergency avoidance, which is in line with the laws and regulations here." Leon looked at him and nodded, "Anyway, I want to know why these two people are biting people like crazy."

"Don't you think they, no, their appearance has undergone completely different changes from humans?" Chu Yang picked up a straw and fiddled with the two corpses.

"You mean, what external or internal factors are interfering with these people's bodies and causing their bodies to change?" Leon asked.

"What I know now is that we need to get out of here quickly." Chu Yang reminded when he heard some rustling sounds coming from outside.

Chu Yang and the others ignored the corpses for the time being. When he and Leon came to the warehouse, they were surprised to find that many zombies had stood up.

"Shit, they didn't move just now!" Leon raised his pistol and looked around cautiously.

"These guys are no longer human." Chu Yang dispelled the last trace of worry in Leon's heart, "Shoot to the head, otherwise we will all die."

"I will." Leon said.

At this time, more and more zombies are entering the fighting state. These zombies still hold paper knives, iron hooks, crowbars and other things used for unloading goods.

Many blood vessel-like objects spread out from the zombie's weapon-holding hand, entwining the entire arm and the knife.

"Damn it, these zombies are too fast!" Leon kept shooting, but he didn't stop the attack of the zombies.

"It seems that someone here needs help." Chu Yang quietly wrapped the flesh armor around his arm.

It was a layer of blood-red armor with a hideous shape. Even if it only covered the arms, it looked as terrifying as an extremely sharp boxing armor.


With one punch, Chu Yang sent the zombie on the opposite side flying five meters away, smashing the glass and flying out on the spot.

"What?" Leon looked at Chu Yang incredulously, "What did you eat to grow up?"

"Chinese Kung Fu." Chu Yang looked at him, "What? Have you never heard of Bruce Lee?"

"Is it true that all Chinese people know kung fu?" Leon showed an expression of disbelief.

"Just look at it." Chu Yang walked over and punched one by one, hitting the flesh, almost smashing the zombie's head with one punch.

The two of them had nothing to say but fights and kills all the way, and finally reached the front desk, when suddenly the sound of a motorcycle came from outside the window.

"What's the situation?" Leon looked outside, "Is anyone here at this time?"

Chu Yang held down the zombie that the cashier had turned into, grabbed the shotgun from his hand, and smashed the guy's head with the butt of the gun.


A young woman's voice came from outside.

Leon opened the door to find a beautiful young girl in a biker suit and ponytail outside, who obviously came to ask for help.

"Get down!"

Leon yelled and squatted down, and the girl was also very witty, and squatted down on the spot. At the same time, Leon shot, blowing the head of a zombie behind.

"Are you okay?" Leon asked immediately.

"It's okay, thank you." Claire looked at him, "What are these?"

"Zombie." Chu Yang walked over, "This thing is similar to the undead of Haitian Voodoo, but it looks more powerful than that."

Claire asked, "Who are you?"

"Chu Yang."

Probably because of the gunshot just now, zombies from all directions rushed over.

"Damn, so many?" Leon didn't know which zombie to target for a while.

Chu Yang said: "The zombies this time all have bone spurs on their backs... and some with elongated arms..."

"How did they come out?" Claire looked at the car next to him, "That car should be able to drive!"

"Go!" Leon said.

"Wait, we're surrounded!" Claire yelled.

There are too many zombies in all directions, and these zombies seem to be difficult to deal with. Zombies with elongated arms have a wider attack range, and zombies with bone spurs are difficult to kill.

Chu Yang said, "Get in the car and leave me a window."

Claire said, "You want to sacrifice yourself?"

"No." Chu Yang smiled, "There is still some courage."

Chu Yang opened the way with both fists, and this time he will not keep them. Flesh armor wraps both fists, one punch at a time, and all the zombies will be beaten into meat paste in the future.

Leon and Claire didn't say much. The two of them were very fast, and they came to the front of the car in an instant and started the car.

"Quick, come up!" Leon shot and killed a spiked zombie approaching the car, "We're running out of time!"

Chu Yang quickly got into the car window with a smooth gesture, the car started, and the three of them set foot on the unknown road.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, before Chu Yang could warm the car seat under his fart, he suddenly received a reminder from the general system of the horror game in his mind!

"A new round of horror games has begun, players please get ready!"

"The duration of this game: 10 hours!"

"Special requirements for this game: find other players as much as possible!"

After Chu Yang received two instructions, there was nothing else to say.

Claire asked, "How did you get here?"

"I'll come by car." Chu Yang said, "The car broke down."

"My God, you are miserable." Claire said.

"It's really miserable." Leon said, "But I'm more curious, how did he manage to smash the head of a zombie with one punch."

Having said that, Chu Yang couldn't help showing a smile on his face.Indeed, people from the motherland will silently give him a thumbs up after seeing his performance just now.

And it's the kind of one-button triple connection.

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