At this time, the entire underground laboratory is full of zombies.The skin of these zombies has rotted and hardened, bloody and bloody, but part of the cuticle and chitin have grown on the body, and the bones of the fingers are gradually exposed, turning into sharp bone claws.

Alice was also assigned a pistol, and she and Chris were frantically shooting at the enemy at the tide of corpses, but these zombies were extremely resistant, their bodies were sieved by bullets, and their heads were also sieved. It took a shot, but it was still able to keep moving!

"These things are no longer zombies." Xia Bing pulled the bolt nervously, "Headshots can't hurt them."

"What kind of demons are they!" Alice also felt pressured. These zombies looked hideous and invulnerable, just like undead King Kong.

Chu Yang said calmly: "Break their spines, this is the only way to kill them."

Seeing the surrounding zombies approaching the crowd even more crazily, Chu Yang struck out instantly, cutting off the backs of seven or eight zombies by himself.

"There's an elevator over there!" Kaplan shouted, pointing to the side.

"I'll open it." The cheerful technician immediately walked to the elevator, entered the password, and opened the elevator door.

"Such a simple operation." The technician said with a smile.


As the elevator door opened, everyone was surprised to find that there were zombies inside!


Xia Bing was about to remind him, but it was too late.Countless sharp flesh and blood zombie claws directly dragged the technician in.

Numerous sharp fingers directly grabbed the technician's mouth, and with one stroke, his entire jaw was split open in an instant, revealing the bright red flesh and tongue inside.

"Grenade!" Ryan threw the grenade in without saying a word, and there was another burst of blood and flesh flying inside the elevator.

Chu Yang led Zhou Xue, Xia Bing and Alice backed away while attacking those ferocious zombies.

"Ding! Mission update!"

"Lead [Alice] to find [Detoxification Sample]!"

"Complete the side mission [Alice's Memory Recovery]!"

"Let's go quickly, don't love to fight." Chu Yang said, "According to the plot of the movie, we act separately here, so there is no problem."

"We have to walk together." Zhou Xue said, "We can't leave any teammate behind."

"But Xiaoxue, this place itself is very dangerous. If we stay any longer, we may be wiped out by zombies." Xia Bing said.

"But let me abandon my teammates and run away by myself, I can't do it." Zhou Xue said still with a cold face.

"Be careful!" At this moment, a black shadow suddenly came, Xia Bing resolutely stretched out his hand to block the shadow in order to protect Zhou Xue.

Unexpectedly, that black shadow turned out to be a zombie with an arm connected to a fire axe. When the zombie's arm fell, it immediately cut off Xia Bing's shoulder.

"Xia Bing!" Zhou Xue panicked at this moment, "You..."

"Let's go!" Although Xia Bing is a girl, she is also someone who has experienced horror games. She immediately pushed the two away, and then used the remaining hand to pull away the grenade, and rushed towards the zombie behind her.

"Don't!" Zhou Xue had tears in her eyes, but her friend had already rushed towards the zombie in an instant, and as the grenade detonated, everyone's vision was blurred by the shock wave and dust.

"This is what you chose." Chu Yang said, "If you delay for a second, someone will die."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yang grabbed the zombie holding the axe, pulled hard, and pulled his head and spine out of his body with one hand.

Zhou Xue looked at Chu Yang and said, "I know, I was wrong."

"It's useless to know you're wrong." Chu Yang pulled her up, "Leave here quickly, complete the mission, find the detoxification serum, and help Alice recover her memory. Our mission is complete."

Zhou Xue looked at Chu Yang and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The three of them walked all the way, bypassing a large number of zombie groups, and came to a door leading to the inner laboratory.

"Can't open it." Zhou Xue glanced at the door, "This requires pupil entry."

Chu Yang looked at the corpses of several zombies on the ground. He picked up one of them, and picked out its eyeballs with his hands.

"This?" Alice frowned, not knowing what to say.

Zhou Xue was also very surprised. She didn't expect Chu Yang to be more cruel than those old players.

Those who watched the horror game in the live broadcast room couldn't help but admire:

"This little brother has a future in the future."

"It's true, it's ruthless, it's awesome!"

"If there is a reward, I will give him tens of thousands of dollars."

"It's a pity that he has just participated in two games, and he is not yet qualified to open the reward channel!"

Chu Yang picked up the zombies on the ground one by one, and then used his hands to pick out the zombie's eyeballs and scan them directly on the scanner.

"It's useless." Chu Yang threw away the last eyeball, "These zombies should be infected, and the pupils and irises have mutated."

"Wait, I seem to be the security guard." Alice said, "I'll try."

Alice put her eyes in front of the scanner, only to hear a crisp sound, and Alice's eyes opened the door directly.

"Great." Chu Yang smiled, "As expected of you."

"I should be from here." Alice said, "The moment I opened the door just now, I seemed to remember something. There is a kind of medicine here. I remember a doctor talked about it before."

"Okay." Chu Yang said, "My task is also to get the antidote. As long as I have the antidote, Lei En will probably be fine."

"Will Ryan turn into a zombie?" Alice asked.

"What do you think?" Chu Yang said with a smile, "This place is not what it used to be, and now the entire base has been turned into zombies by the queen."

"The Red Queen's intention should be to protect the virus from leaking, because the purpose of its invention is to protect the base." Alice said.

"Wrong, I didn't say that the Red Queen is wrong, what I said is that someone must be manipulating this, otherwise why do you think the people here turned into zombies?" Chu Yang asked.

Alice opened the door, and everyone found that the laboratory inside was even more chaotic.

"This is the work area, and it's all senior working researchers." Alice said, "It can be said that this place should be the secret of the entire Umbrella."

"What did you remember?" Zhou Xue asked.

"I really remembered something." Alice said, "Let's continue walking. Here is a sketch for the leader to use when inspecting the work."

Alice took out a map from the wall next to her, and holding the map, she had a panoramic view of the situation in various regions.

"Let's follow this path, and then go to the wall to get the flamethrower." Alice said, "Without this thing, we probably can't move an inch."

"Flame thrower?" Chu Yang was taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Xue asked.

"Have you played "Resident Evil 2 Remake"?" Chu Yang smiled, "There is a level there, which requires the use of a flamethrower."

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