The windows in the surrounding corridors were all smashed, and then a few flash bombs were thrown in!

A group of players also quickly put on the goggles. Chu Yang felt his eyes go blank, and then heard footsteps.

"lay down your weapon!"

"do not move!"

Chu Yang stood up and found that a heavily armed special forces appeared in front of him.

This special force is the special force that appeared in the movie "Resident Evil 1"!
"Are you the advance team?" The leader of the special forces took off his gas mask, "I'm Chris, Chris Redfield."

Chu Yang couldn't help but feel happy. In the movie version of Resident Evil, the captain is not Chris.

Obviously, the horror game made changes in the copy of Resident Evil, and Chris became the captain of this task force.

"Chris?" The man with glasses smiled, "Did you run from the game to the movie?"

"What?" As an NPC, Chris obviously didn't understand his question.

"By the way, this is Alice." Chu Yang introduced, "She is a survivor in the mansion."

"You know me?" Alice looked at Chu Yang and said in surprise.

"Who are you?" Chris looked at Chu Yang, "Your equipment is not the standard equipment of the advance team."

"He is the martial arts consultant we invited." Zheng Lei made up a lie, "For the human-eating cases around Raccoon City, we suspect that the murderer has a serious mental illness and is good at close-range sneak attacks."

"Okay." Chris believed Zheng Lei's lie, "At present, according to our information, the T-virus is stored in the nest of Umbrella Corporation under the mansion."

"Report the situation, do you know the way to enter the brood?" Chris asked Alice.

"I, I lost my memory." Alice frowned, "I only have some vague fragments in my mind, but I can't reorganize these memories..."

"We know where to go." Zheng Lei laughed.

"Okay, let's go quickly." Chris said.

Along the way, the atmosphere of the crowd was rather awkward. Chu Yang was walking in the middle of the team, but Xia Bing was very interested in him.

"Did Zhang Qiling give you your black gold ancient knife?" She asked.

"The reward after the game is over," Chu Yang said.

"Don't talk too much, so as not to attract the attention of the zombies." Zhou Xue was not interested in him.

"Yes, let's be quiet." Several other male players were obviously applauding Zhou Xue's stinky feet, "Be careful of zombies."

Soon, under the guidance of Zheng Lei and Xiang Yu, several people came to the center of the train leading to the underground brood.

"This is where Umbrella Corporation developed the T virus." Xiang Yu said to everyone, "I believe you all know what is being researched here."

"How do you know?" Chris asked, "This is Umbrella's secret!"

"We don't know if we are looking for death here?" Zheng Lei smiled, "I said, Chris, you can even work for Umbrella, and the sows in this world are about to climb trees."

"What are you talking about?" Chris was confused.

Chu Yang smiled and said, "Okay, let's get in the car quickly, I still want to see what the brood looks like, so don't tease Chris."

After getting in the car, Chu Yang found a seat and sat down. Among them, Chris came over and asked, "Where's your gun?"

"No gun." Chu Yang smiled.

"Is your team Umbrella's advance team?" Chris asked.

Chu Yang hadn't answered yet, when suddenly the task sent out a reminder!

"Mission update, enter [Umbrella Brood Laboratory]!"

"Side Quest: Find the Doctor!"

"Hint: Protect Chris!"

Chu Yang laughed dumbfounded in his heart. According to Chris Redfield in the game, that physical skill is unparalleled in the world, so he still needs protection?

But thinking that Chris is the core character of this round of horror games, Chu Yang didn't slack off and sat down beside him.

"We just received a distress call from Umbrella. Due to the negligence of an employee, this underground laboratory dropped a petri dish containing the virus on the ground, which then triggered the self-destruct system of the entire base." Chris said .

"The Red Queen," Chu Yang said.

"Of course." Chris took out the tablet. "The situation is very complicated now. The electrical appliances and water supply system of the entire base are completely out of control."

"What about the number of people?" Alice asked.

"Based on a preliminary analysis based on the current data and situation, all the personnel in the entire underground base... died."

Chris said this with a slightly heavy voice.

There was a gradual silence in the train carriage.

"So, what do we need to do now?" Zhou Xue asked.

"Enter the underground laboratory and turn off the Red Queen system." Said the female player next to Chris.

"Is this female player the wife of Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious?" A player asked with a smile.

"It should be." Another player replied.

"What are you talking about?" the female team member looked at Chu Yang and the others and asked.

"It's okay." Those players immediately held back their laughter and coughed twice.

As the train arrived at the station, the Umbrella company's in-car announcement sounded, and various circumstances proved that they had now arrived at the underground brood.

Looking at the fully modern self-controlled underground laboratory, the players all felt a burst of excitement and excitement.After all, watching a movie is one thing, experiencing it for yourself is quite another.

Xiang Yu said: "Everyone, be careful, separate the sides, lean against the wall as much as possible, keep your feet steady, and install the muffler!"


These players actually prepared mufflers in advance, and Chu Yang couldn't help feeling that their tactical level was indeed quite high.

And unlike the novice players who were in a hurry in the first game, these veteran players can be ready at any time and deploy equipment according to the characteristics of the enemies in the copy, which is really rare.

"You guys are well prepared," Chris said.

"Chris Redfield, I don't know if you have heard of the living dead, that is, the zombies in Haitian voodoo culture." Zheng Lei laughed.

"It's just some folklore. It's like there are aliens in Area 51. But who would believe this kind of nonsense?" Chris shook his head.

"It's hard to imagine that this sentence can be said by Chris, the biochemical male number one." Zheng Lei looked at Chu Yang, "Interesting."

"Do you want to continue talking to this NPC, or do you have to do the mission?" Zhou Xue reminded mercilessly.

"I said Xiaoxue, we are all friends. We are playing horror games, not soldiers." Xia Bing reminded his companions in order to ease the atmosphere, "It has been so long, and you are still as strict as ever."

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