Nightingale's younger brother is a very competitive student, he studies hard in the No. [-] Middle School, and his grades are among the best.

Therefore, Bao Yunzhou suddenly understood why Nightingale asked her to help save her younger brother.

Having a very good child is the wealth of a family, so this is why Nightingale wants to save her younger brother.

Nightingale reminded Bao Yunzhou: "There may be many dangers in these two schools, and you will be surrounded."

In fact, before they graduated, some large or small gangs had already been established in the school.

After all, those who go to junior high school and high school, who doesn't have a dream of young and Dangerous in their hearts?

After graduation, they will join some big triad groups in groups or form their own organizations.

Bao Yunzhou looked at this page, there was a man named Li Yuheng on it, the recognized boss of Railway Middle School, and the provincial Sanda champion last year.

Relying on his fists, Li Yuheng has already unified the major organizations of the entire Century Middle School, and has a terrifying force of nearly a thousand people under his hands.

Although he has not stepped into the society, even some social bosses have to be polite when they see him.

Fang Weibo, the recognized boss of No. [-] High School, although he has not participated in any competitions, his strength is indeed good.

He is different from Li Yuheng, Li Yuheng takes the road of competition, while Fang Weibo relies purely on street fights!
He had fought with Li Yuheng twice and ended in a draw.Like Li Yuheng, he has unified the major organizations of the school, and he has nearly a thousand loyal younger brothers under him.

What's more, the two have already started transactions with many gangs, and they have sufficient funds and weapons!

Not to mention anything else, in the battle between high school and Xinchengkou Vocational Technical School, Nightingale said that Fang Weibo actually used 20 shotguns!
Looking at these two reports, Bao Yunzhou couldn't imagine that these people were actually students, they were simply armed forces.

Nightingale said: "You have to be careful, the people in these schools are not normal people, these students have turned into blood crosses."

Bao Yunzhou asked: "So, I'm going to kill the people in the school and save your brother, right?"

Nightingale said, "That's right."

When night fell on the land again, the outside of the No. [-] Railway Middle School building in the central and southern part of the city today was several times more lively than before, but this time there was a bit of murderous intent in the weird bustle.

Because the people around have turned into terrifying blood crosses, they only want to play poker and kill people now.

Besides, there is nothing around at all, and these blood crosses are like cancer cells in the world, which makes people feel a headache.

Just outside the teaching building and the school gate, there are piles of arrogant-looking men scattered scattered but widely scattered.

Blood crosses appeared on their faces, and they were drinking or playing poker like crazy.

Another part of the blood cross big men squatted, leaned, stood, or sat together, seemingly idle, but in fact, everyone's eyes were always aimed at the gate of the teaching building from time to time.

At this moment, someone tried to climb up the teaching building, but was quickly hit in the head by a flying crossbow arrow.

The room is full of students, but these students are not ordinary people, they are more terrifying than Senior Tiansuo.

Moreover, if you count carefully, there are as many as a hundred people.

But at this moment, the person sitting in front of one of the thugs carrying a heavy hammer suddenly saw a dark shadow in the sky.

Blood Cross's sensory ability is very powerful, he is basically a man-made radar, at this time Blood Cross suddenly realized that Bao Yunzhou actually jumped off!

Bao Yunzhou next to him jumped up from the ground with a muffled roar, and his whole body suddenly jumped onto the dining table!
The hammer blood cross suddenly swung the hammer with claw nails and smashed it. He strode forward, and after three steps, his whole body rose into the air!

Bao Yunzhou froze for a moment, now he didn't expect the other party to have such ability!
He picked up the Thomson submachine gun in his hand and smashed the opponent directly!

And the other Blood Cross Thomas, holding two sharp iron hooks for hanging meat, made a full spin, and a gorgeous and fierce 180-degree reversal in mid-air, two huge meat hooks brought two strong winds!
With a roar like a tiger, Bao Yunzhou pulled up the [-]-jin Iron Hook Blood Cross's body with the help of his powerful rotation like pulling out an onion, and drew a full circle in midair.

Killing all directions, Bao Yunzhou used the meat hook and blood cross as a cover to block the opponent's bullets and knives, and then fired with a submachine gun!
At this moment, there is no other way but one word: war!

In the office building of the Railway Middle School, a man suddenly noticed this, with a hint of interest on his blood-red cross herpes face.

The moment Bao Yunzhou spun and landed on the ground, he slammed the opponent's unparalleled strength with both hands to the dining table beside him!


Several blood crosses around were thrown into pieces on the spot, and another blood cross rushed over with two glass bottles filled with feces and urine in his hand!
Bao Yunzhou was shocked, the body of this infected person has a very strong virus, once the body is infected, it will instantly become a blood cross monster!

And at this moment, he killed the blood cross with a single shot, and at this time a terrifying masked blood cross with long knives nailed to both hands rushed out!

Accompanied by a loud noise, Bao Yunzhou threw a slap, and the monster was tragically smashed onto the solid wooden dining table, sending debris, plates and cups flying all over the sky.

He shot directly with a submachine gun, and even if the blood crosses around him could use weapons, they were directly killed by him. He picked up a 92 pistol with a jackknife tied to the blood crosses from the ground, and shot at the blood crosses around him again. !
And Bao Yunzhou, who finished this coherent bloody and domineering action in the blink of an eye, without the slightest hesitation, clenched his right fist fiercely, like a round and thick flying iron, with a terrifying momentum, and ruthlessly smashed towards the huge man who had just been killed. The blood cross bounced up with the shock strength.

However, at this time, the blood cross showed its fangs, ready to bite Bao Yunzhou's arm, but at this time, Bao Yunzhou was also completely angry, and he flung it hard, bang!Kacha, bouncing Shakaraka!

There was a dull crashing sound mixed with the sound of Shen Ren's bone cracking, and everyone's hearts twitched violently!
As if the brain stopped thinking, he stared blankly at the bloody cross on the ground whose head burst like a watermelon hit by a hammer!

With blood on his face and a gun in his hand, Bao Yunzhou stood up from the flames, and he frightened the two blood crosses holding iron weapons to death!

He growled:
"Who else!"

"Who else--"

Incomparably domineering, strong and powerful, strong and powerful!
How many people in history can have such courage as Bao Yunzhou!

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