At this time, all the militants appeared, and Bao Yunzhou kept defeating the enemies with live ammunition all by himself. He fought all the way, and an assault rifle was out of bullets.

Bao Yunzhou picked up a Type [-] submachine gun from the corpse he had killed, and continued to move forward. He found himself in a square.

So he tied the submachine gun to the surrounding fixed walls with ropes, then pulled out his combat pistol, and hid in another direction.

At the same time, Lao Hei also came with people. His speed was very fast. This time he brought his own personal guards, armed with the AK tactical version, and the machine gun was also an L4 Bren light machine gun.

At this moment, Bao Yunzhou pulled the trigger.

Bursts of bursts of blood sprayed with screams of anger and helplessness made the whole square instantly become a battlefield of massacres!
Lao Hei immediately pulled out the two gold Uzi submachine guns on his waist, and led his men to fight back.

However, Bao Yunzhou slammed with a pistol, turning this ordinary moonlit night into a bloody night of slaughter.

Lao Hei and his soldiers didn't have any cover, and all the lives standing there were killed by the angry bullets.

Bao Yunzhou later put the last spare magazine into it, and fired wildly with the silencer M4, and those people could only lie down in despair!

The old black man glanced around in pain, watching those desperate lives falling down in pain, and finally closed his eyes in pain, waiting for the moment when his life ended.

Bao Yunzhou's killing didn't show any face. In an instant, the corpses piled up like a mountain!The sea of ​​blood floats!
Hei regretted it, and later became afraid. He once betrayed the boss who had endless kindness to him. Although there was a reason for the incident, when he returns again and wants to soar into the sky, it doesn't matter to contribute to his career!

Bao Yunzhou didn't stop at all, until all the bullets in the machine gun in his hand were fired, until all the standing guards fell down in pain, until all the fallen people could no longer shout.

Old Hei said angrily, "Where are you, get out!"

Bao Yunzhou broke his leg and limbs with a single shot.

He asked: "Galan Kingdom Ji, what are you preparing for?"

Lao Hei endured the pain and said, "Of course it's the end of the world!"

Bao Yunzhou was taken aback: "What? Mieshi? What do you think?"

Old Hei smiled coldly: "Of course we are, we want to spread the blood cross virus."

Bao Yunzhou was surprised, he never expected such a thing to happen.

The opponent actually released the blood cross virus directly.

Once the blood cross virus spreads, the consequences will be disastrous.

Because this virus will spread people's evil thoughts unlimitedly, turning the world into a terrifying hell!

Bao Yunzhou questioned, "What channel do you use to spread the word?"

Old Hei didn't speak, he had lost too much blood and died.

Bao Yunzhou came to a city in an instant, and there were traces of books on his body, as if someone had written some words on his body.

City A is known as the number one entertainment center in China, and countless men linger here.

My nightmare comes from you, my butcher knife starts from you, and my life changes from you.

This is a famous saying in all entertainment venues in City A.

And tonight, the revived evil virus Blood Cross will use it again to swear to the world that the dark side of the world will rise.

Ignorant and fearless people, use your blood to pay homage to the most terrifying butcher knife in the world, and the whole world will tremble under the drift of this blood.

At this moment, the three of them walked into this place of intoxication, which was full of lead, and glanced at a person sitting in the corner.

That person was really powerful, and the cold murderous aura that could not be concealed at all naturally made a big hole around them, even the bold and open ladies did not dare to set foot in it.

The three of them all carried a backpack on their backs, and no one knew what was in their backpacks.

As for these people, even the girl who occasionally delivered the wine was trembling, put down the wine glass, and ran away immediately.

They are the Alex special forces, a notorious special forces.

Of course, this army is full of such gloomy and cold horrible killers who only enjoy killing in this life.

Then they all started to untie their backpacks when one of them bumped into another.

"Get in your grandfather's way, you bastards, do you know whose territory this is?"

The group of people who came in suddenly saw three young men blocking their way. First, a fat man with a fleshy face and wretched eyes raised his eyebrows, pointed at the tip of the other's nose and cursed.

And the eyes of the audience were all on these few people, they were also gloating and wanted to watch a good show.

And one of them directly skipped the fat man, took the backpack, and he was going to open the bag.

The machete handed over was compared with the man with white hair dyed around 30 years old next to the three of them.

One of them said: "You are the third in command of the Xilong Gang today, Shen Wan?"

The fat man smiled and said, "You fucking know who I am, and you still dare to be presumptuous here. Do you want to live, kid?"

The three actually sat down, and they didn't respond at all.

Someone actually ignored his own existence, Shen Wan was furious immediately: "Fuck you, hack him to death!"

Before he finished speaking, a long and narrow Kaba knife pierced his heart in an instant. Due to the high speed, there was not a trace of blood left on the tip of the knife exposed outside.

The people around were stunned, they never expected such a thing to happen!

These three people are simply not human, they are demons!

Shen Wan spat out blood, he looked in disbelief at the point of the knife that was rapidly draining his energy, his eyes were full of unwillingness and he lowered his head.

The three of them suddenly opened their backpacks. At this time, there was actually a red special liquid bomb in the backpack!
With a scream from a girl in bunny makeup delivering wine, the crowd was in a commotion!
After someone around said "Killed", everyone screamed and fled.

Soon, there were no more people left in the originally noisy entertainment center...

The explosive music continued to echo in the empty bar, and the waiter hid in the corner tremblingly.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Three people, start detonating bombs!
"Skull Offering Skull Holder!"

With the sound of the explosion, the surrounding area really became a hell on earth!
Someone, like crazy, suddenly grabbed a table knife and threw it sideways, right between the eyebrows of a guy who wanted to call the police.

And at this time, a huge red cross appeared on the faces of basically everyone!

When Bao Yunzhou came here, it was already in chaos.

The killing around was going on like a raging fire.

A man, holding a knife and fork, rushed towards him!
"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

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