At this moment, Chu Yang, countless profane and obscene thoughts hit his brain, making him feel extremely painful and excited for a while. The reason for the excitement is that these thoughts are illusions that directly stimulate human nerves. Humans secrete a large amount of dopamine, thus achieving a kind of neurological high.

The painful part is that Chu Yang clearly understands his situation. He knows that this kind of dreamy hallucinations and gentle sweet words are much more terrifying than the worst sugar-coated bullets. Any word may make Chu Yang himself Falling into the abyss of hell, which is beyond redemption, it is the best cage for the weak-minded.

Chu Yang can't stop fantasizing now, his spirit is tense, and he can't get rid of the shackles of this horrible thought, but now he is working hard to fight against the thought of Slaanesh, this is a battle without any smoke The war, this war only stays in the mind.

Chu Yang's current thinking is on the verge of being breached at any time. It is an extremely terrifying existence. Even a monster like Scarbrand can block the corruption of Slaanesh, not to mention the Great Keeper of Secrets. In front of him, Chu Yang didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, he thought of the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra", which is the most powerful and sophisticated scripture in Buddhist legends. Although it is useless to read it usually, but in this situation, it just needs to be read in the heart. In the case of fighting various demons, if you read it here, the effect will be very different.

As Chu Yang recited the Heart Sutra, he suddenly felt that the evil soul power in his mind had been greatly weakened. It was like a person surrounded by a hot summer, but suddenly an air conditioner was working, blowing out cold air. The wind makes people feel good instantly.

Chu Yang has gained strength now. This strength is iron, this strength is steel, and this strength comes from the spirit, which makes him sublimated and peaceful. He can now face up to the spirit of Shalishi erosion.

Soon, the Great Keeper of Secrets also found out what was wrong with Chu Yang. He looked very calm and sober. This kind of pheromone can make all creatures see that the Great Keeper in front of them is extremely beautiful, beautiful, and graceful.

During the interstellar wars at that time, countless elite soldiers of the Astral Army relaxed their vigilance because they saw the Great Keeper of Secrets and became their lovers in front of them, and were directly cut with sickles by the terrifying Great Keeper of Secrets. Lost their heads, or were directly pierced by the sword of Slaanesh.

Chu Yang was unmoved, because at this moment, there was only the sound of the mantra in his heart, which was a pure inner voice, a peaceful inner voice, an extremely powerful inner power, and the pinnacle of human spirit. It is the glory of human beings, and it is also the highest manifestation of human psychology. Wang Yangming's psychology back then was actually created to fight against the subspace.

Chu Yang suddenly understood. He understood why Wang Yangming created such a study, because this study was aimed at the erosion of the subspace that had occurred at that time, and all religions were trying to avoid the erosion of the subspace.

Not for anything else, because the erosion of the subspace is too powerful.Chu Yang faced the Great Keeper of Secrets and pulled out his power sword. Now, this power sword of the emperor and the real Xuanyuan sword, that is, Huaxia's ancestral sword, have released an extremely powerful power. This power directly rushed into the sky , like the power of God.

The Great Secret Keeper hardly expected that Chu Yang would actually defeat him in this way. Its body was cracked by the divine sword almost instantly. At this time, Chu Yang actually turned the whole person into a kind of Being beyond, that being, is itself the negation of the whole world.Destruction to all!
Tzeentch's single-monster vehicle equipped with a Horror or a high-level fire demon began to launch a surprise attack on Chu Yang, which could easily penetrate all the enemies in front of him. In addition, Tzeentch's big demon and giant mage.

They can see what is happening at any given point in time, so they are almost invincible unless Tzeentch wants them to die, and they are the strongest public face mages under Tzeentch.The leader of the Lord of Change is Carlos Fateweaver, who is known as Tzeentch's right hand. One of its two heads looks to the future and the other looks back to the past.

The trap that was able to trap Chu Yang just now was designed by Carlos, but now the big demon who created fate panicked. The last time this happened was when he confronted the Primarch Robert Guilliman.

Chu Yang erupted with a powerful force, and he was like a sword god in an instant. When he made a move, the whole world trembled, and the surrounding situation changed. Under the attack of this powerful force, Tzeentch's big demon and The great daemons of Slaanesh Khorne were badly wounded.

But at this moment, a new subspace crack opened, and Chu Yang was sucked in without paying attention. Then the crack closed, and Chu Yang passed out.He didn't wake up until he didn't know how long it had passed.

He felt that the place where he was lying was very soft, and then he felt the touch of green grass on his arm. Obviously, he was on a piece of grass. He opened his eyes. Although the light was very dazzling, after opening his eyes, the outside world was incomparable. Warm, it's a park.

There are Japanese characters written on the park, obviously this is in Tokyo, there is a notice board hanging on the tree next to it, to the effect that it says to protect plants; there is a bench next to it, and there is a sculpture of Natsume Soseki on the other side, the air is full of The breath of idleness.

Chu Yang felt pain all over his body. Driving the Power Sword and Emperor Power Armor was a very tiring task.So now he doesn't have any strength at all, and looks much weaker than a seriously injured person.

He got up and saw that he didn't have any complete clothes on his body. At this moment, he looked no different from a beggar, the only difference was that his hair was a little cleaner, so it wasn't too dirty.

Chu Yang glanced around. He wasn't sure how he got here. He couldn't use the system for the time being because of the impact just now. At this moment, he saw someone coming, and it was two Tokyo Metropolitan Policemen. Police in the TV Hall.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary troubles, Chu Yang resolutely chose to leave here, because he came here through time travel, and there is no legal exit procedure, so here will only cause a lot of unnecessary troubles, and it is easy to get people into prison in.Worst of all, he didn't know if this was his world.

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