However, none of these people woke up.

"Get up!" Chu Yang kicked the head of the bed a few times, but none of those people opened their eyes.

Although the Buckner family zombies attacked fiercely outside, the people inside seemed to be dead.

Chu Yang was at a loss for a moment, but at that moment, members of the Buckner family rushed in.

He closed the door tightly, and at this moment, he saw Han Shiya who had woken up and just walked out of the door.

Han Shiya asked, "What happened?"

Chu Yang explained: "The Buckner family, they are here again."

Han Shiya was taken aback: "Here again?"

Chu Yang said: "Yes, and I can't wake them up."

Han Shiya said: "It may be the Maleficent Curse, it is an ancient spell with great power."

Chu Yang hurriedly asked: "So, how to break this sleeping curse?"

Han Shiya glanced around: "I have a solution, but it needs your cooperation."

Chu Yang nodded: "Just do it, leave this to me, and I will protect you."

Han Shiya smiled, and got some materials in the room.

Among these materials, there are wine, toilet paper, and flower branches for decoration.

Chu Yang watched her operate, and he shot immediately to clean up the monsters around him.

Soon, Han Shiya woke everyone up.

When the people in the room woke up, they were stunned when they saw the scene outside.

The tour guide said to the crowd: "Let's leave from the back of the hut, it's not safe here."

Chu Yang said: "We are in it, the meat in the can."

Han Shiya nodded: "Chu Yang is right, we can't sit here and wait for death."

After they left the house, they walked into the forest.

Along the way, the moon and stars were scarce, and no trace of any monsters was found. It seemed relatively safe.

At this moment, Chu Yang and the others suddenly saw a shiny object.

This thing is a monitor, and it is the most advanced model.

Chu Yang suddenly realized that someone had discovered him.

Soon, heavily armed personnel appeared, and they quickly controlled the crowd.

"Don't move!" The tour guide immediately put down the weapon on his body, "Please save us!"

"What is the purpose of you coming here?" A person suddenly asked.

"Tourist, we were driving on the road, and we were besieged by people. Those are monsters." The tour guide said.

"Okay, you come with us." One of the armed men put down the assault rifle in his hand and said.

Several people felt that things had turned for the better, so they followed them to an underground base.

"Are you the police?" the tour guide asked suddenly.

"No." Those people suddenly grabbed everyone, but Chu Yang raised his hand instantly and knocked out the person who was about to control him with a punch.

However, some people had already been arrested, and now Chu Yang had no choice but to go there because he was thinking about saving people.

So Chu Yang had no choice but to cooperate. The two of them stabbed him with an electric baton, and then put on handcuffs.

Chu Yang and the others had hoods on their heads, so they couldn't see half of the light, making them feel like prisoners.

They were quickly pushed into a room. They raised their heads and saw that it was a prison rather than a room.

This prison looks extremely modern, giving people a feeling that there is absolutely no escape. Even the door is recognized by the retina. Without the consent of the guards, it cannot be opened at all.

"What are you going to do to us?" Han Shiya asked, "You are not the police, who are you?"

The other party didn't speak, they locked the iron door, and then they didn't say a word.

Chu Yang said, "We must find a way to escape."

"Have you noticed? A girl is missing." Suddenly someone said.

"Missing? Could it be taken away by them?" Someone speculated.

"It's not clear, it seems to be a secret laboratory." The tour guide said, "I don't know what their purpose is."

Chu Yang said suddenly: "Look at their shoulder badges, these people seem to be from the special forces."

The equipment of the soldiers outside is completely different from that of the existing special forces in the world. They are more like a special force specially trained to perform professional tasks.

These black soldiers didn't have any communication, they could even be said to be very indifferent, and they didn't have any intersection with each other.

What surprised Chu Yang most was that a shield was fixed on their left hand. This kind of shield was very strange, its shape was similar to that of an arrow, and it was made of special metal.

From this point of view, they are more like a very special quick reaction force established for a certain mission, and their weapon is also the SG552 Swiss Sig Sauer assault rifle with a greatly changed shape.

Everyone began to wonder. They didn't understand what these terrifying soldiers were going to do to them. Just when they were suspicious, the door of the underground cell opened, and a man surrounded by soldiers came out.

Chu Yang and the others got up immediately. At this time, the soldiers around the man immediately protected him and surrounded him. These soldiers were holding unique angular FN2000 rifles, which seemed to be the man's exclusive guard.

The man was wearing a white coat with a sweater and a shirt inside. When he saw a few people, his eyes lit up, as if he wanted to eat up the group of people in front of him.He walked up to everyone and said in a strange tone:

"Man! What a great work! The primate of all things, the creation of heaven and earth, in the group of human beings, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Sakyamuni, Jesus, Roosevelt, Stalin, man, so great!"

That unkempt middle-aged man with very clean clothes, like a stage actor reciting a poem, eulogized human beings with an almost crazy way of reciting.

Han Shiya walked over, trying to keep herself calm and calm: "This teacher, what is your identity, and why did you arrest us tourists? What kind of organization are you?"

The man stretched out his finger and showed an awkward smile: "Ah, please allow me to apologize to you. I am a professor at Madewar Theological Seminary. My name is Lovecraft. I am currently working in the SGP containment organization."

Chu Yang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this person to be a seminary professor.To be honest, when he first came out, I thought he was some awesome character, but I didn't expect him to be a professor.

Han Shiya saw his identity, and argued hard: "A professor of a seminary, why does he have such power! And you dare to set up armed laboratories on the territory of China, you are very courageous!"

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